Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Show of Support Request - REVISED DATES

Show of Support Request - REVISED DATES

Rodney Rouzan and Melvin Anthony Need Your Support

As you know from the calls, Rodney Rouzan and Melvin Anthony both have court this week.  They need you to come and support them.

Melvin's Court Information

Melvin Anthony is in the middle of a misdemeanor charge whereby he has never authorized the court to proceed. Over and over this kangaroo court is showing their felonious methods. Witness will be providing affidavits as to the felony violations of their oath of offices. Melvin has an active title 42 lawsuit and has gone through 4 judges. It is the most exciting court appearance that we have ever seen.

Location: Harbor Justice Court
Address: 4601 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, CA
Date: October 17 - Wednesday (REVISED)
Time: 9:00 am

Rodney's Court Information

Rodney Rouzan is in the middle of his Civil Service Appeal for his termination from LAXPD. Rodney was terminated from his position after asserting his rights secured by the constitution and for teaching fellow officers the importance of their oath of office. The first hearing went very good, the LAXPD Sergeant in charge admitted to perjury of his oath and one witness has been impeached. The LAXPD Chief of police is up next. Please come out and stand for justice. The next scheduled hearing will take place at the location listed below. It is open to the public:

Location: Los Angeles City Hall Room 1070
Address: 200 North Spring Street Los Angeles California
Date: October 16, 17 and 18th
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm


Anonymous said...

I would highly recommend that anybody who lives near these courts, to attend for two reasons.

1) Both of these people are well versed in the law and are fighting a corrupted system and having some success.

2) By having 'we the people' in the court rooms makes the court nervous because the people are watching.

I personally believe that it should become custom practice for to support others while in court. One of the biggest benefits is if something isn't right and the court reporter (or audio recording becomes blank), the observers can create affidavits that are a strong as any court reporter.

Anonymous said...

Okay People, awake and aware.
There are rules in the matrix.
Rule number 1. Contracts rule.
Maxim of Law. Consent makes the contract.
Rule number 2. Property rights trump thoughts and ideas of a right to trespass.

If I have a contract with an ice cream man to bring me a cone every Monday for 50 cents, no one has a right to interfere with the obligations of that contract and tell the ice cream man he can get more money for the cone if he delivered it somewhere else.

The thing Rodney can be perceived as doing, by his employer, is training the officers to do something other than what they were trained to do. This would interfere with their performance, which would interfere with the performance of the company that hired them.
The Constitution strictly states, "No law impairing the obligations of contracts shall be made." So in his 'corporate capacity', Rodney agreed by contract to not be able to do certain things, and that contract will supercede any law of right and wrong. Unless Rodney's contract states all rights reserved, AND he was not interfering with the rights of others to 'NOT KNOW' something, then he may not expect much else than the 'support' he gets from those attending. As far as the employer is concerned, the contracts in place are in jeopardy as long as Rodney is there telling people what they should have a right 'not' to do, when the contract compels performance of some kind.

People attending a court case cannot change the terms of the binding agreement by being there. They were not a party to the initial contract.

I don't know if this post is disinfo or distortion, but please. Freedom means you can do whatever you want with 'YOU', as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. Contracts have terms for performance, and if the company can show his actions interfered with his ability to perform the duties he was hired for, he will not get the job back.

That's more truth than displayed above.

Melvin....Melvin does not run the court. The judge will be the first to tell anyone the room belongs to him. Once Melvin steps into la la land, he is just there, a visitor or otherwise.
They have rules and procedures they MUST follow or they can end up being in deep doo doo.
So Melvin needs to go an shut up and let them do what they do. Now a time will come for Melvin to participate. Will he?

Melvin doesn't seem to know enough about the world he lives in and he probably doesn't own a legal dictionary and he's probably looking for a Savior to 'save him'.

Things that make you go, hmm.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous October 16, 2012 5:22 PM:
They only purpose of your post seems to be play arm chair quarterback. It doesn't add anything to the facts of what these two people are going through. I happen to personally know that these two people know a lot more about law then you seem to spew.

Is your goal to prevent other people from supporting these people? and why would you do that?

If you would like to learn a bit more about what happens when the people enforce their rights in court, I would suggest you take the time to see what happens.

Hint: These guys are winning because they are staying out of contracting with the courts.

Anonymous said...

In the contract that all the police officers swore to it states that they will uphold and defend the constitution. So each and every officer is in breach of that oath if they act under color of law.

Anonymous said...

What a retard... Spoken like a true dumba**... Wow... Humanity is doomed to idiots who think like you! This is the reason why we have fallen so far, and THEY have taken our rights from us!! Just fyi... Melvin and Rodney BOTH have won their cases... Hopefully you are not an Attorney, but then again, you probably are considering how ignorant your comments are.