Tuesday, October 23, 2012

U.S. Taxpayers Paying to Burn Churches and Build Mosques

The Old Testament compares US to a prostitute paying her lover instead of the lover paying her...

U.S. Taxpayers Paying to Burn Churches and Build Mosques

The United States government continues to funnel billions of dollars into Muslim countries like Egypt. Egypt and other so-called friendly Islamic nations are more than happy to receive our money while at the same time hating our guts and laughing at President Obama’s foolish gestures of peace.

These so-called friendly Islamic nations seem to be collectively on a mission to drive out every Christian in their lands. Nearly every day another Christian church burns to the ground. Pastors are tortured, beaten, imprisoned or killed. Others Christians suffer the same fate except few of them are being imprisoned; rather they are just being beaten, tortured, raped and killed.

Egypt’s President Morsi has already announced that everyone in his country will have to convert to Islam, pay an exorbitant tax or leave the country if they are not Muslim. With police and government forces participating in the persecution of Christians in Egypt, it seems highly unlikely that any will be allowed to survive to pay the tax.

Consequently, the billions of dollars the U.S. keeps throwing at Egypt and other Muslim countries are partially going to the people responsible for the all of the Christian persecution.

But wait, there’s more. Besides helping to pay them to burn down churches and murder Christians, we are still in the business of rebuilding their mosques and minarets. The U.S. Agency for International Development, operating under the U.S. State Department, is spending millions of taxpayer dollars for the Mosque Restoration Program. The program is busy rebuilding and restoring mosques and minarets in 27 different Islamic countries.

Even though all of us are funding the mosque restoration, the State Department is not telling us how much the entire program is costing. One project, the restoration of a 1,300 year old mosque is part of a $770 million program that also includes rebuilding Cairo’s sewer system.

That’s right, we are also paying to repair Cairo’s sewer system when there are many communities here in the U.S. that need their own sewer systems repaired and can’t afford it. There are also many churches in the United States that are in need of repair and restoration, especially those that have been the targets of arsonists and vandalism, but we can’t afford to help them because we’re spending all our money rebuilding 1,300 year old mosques for people that hate us and want to destroy us.
If these aren’t the acts of a Muslim White House and Muslim driven State Department, I don’t know what is. A president who allows these things to happen cannot be a Christian as he claims. If so, I would place him in the same category as Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus in the garden, only I believe that Obama is receiving far more than 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and say it, because everyone who reads this is thinking the same thing....only I'll say it in a prayer. In the Mighty Name of Jesus!, I command and decree that he receive the same reward as Judas Iscariot, and speedily!, cause his bowels to rupture and burst forth and cause him to be an example for all eyes to witness,for the Betrayel of God, Jesus Christ, and all the Christian people and Holy and Annointed people of this nation and the whole world! Let every Man of God in Jesus Christ's Holy Name Agree with this prayer and cause it to happen in the twinkling of an eye, and cause the tables to be turned on satan and all of his evil minions! Let the people of God get off the fence, do their first works over, re-dedicate their lives to Jesus, and let us pray and join together daily to see the fruition of the return of God and Jesus Christ to all of our daily lives, and let us retain dominion and authority over all of the creatures on this earth, and YES let us go forth Healing The Sick,Cleansing the Lepers, Raising The Dead AND Casting Out Devils, in Jesus' Holy and Mighty Name!!
(By the way, watch this video, and you will see that He, JESUS, IS REAL!!!)