Voting Under de Facto Government US Elections is Voting for the Dark Cabal

Dear Lightworkers & Light Warriors,
There has been much speculation that the current US government is secretly serving the cause of light and through one man, namely Barrak Obama....
This rash assumption is false and is disinformation created by CIA psyops to confuse and confound the people....especially those people within the New Age community, who are actively looking for solutions to the current problems of the world...and will include unusual ideas, not normally considered by the general populace...
If Obama is "re-elected" he will not be offering disclosure, nor abundance, nor any real change to the status quo...he cannot, even if he wanted to.....And he does not seek to change anything and would be a wasted vote. So I recommend that potential voters cease playing along with this comical game of smoke and mirrors and stay at home...
I've erroneously been accused of "supporting Romney" by exposing the truth anent Obama....However the fact is that voting in the November election does not serve the people at all and will simply maintain the already shredded credibility of the current system, which both candidates work to maintain...So neither candidate should be voted for...
So I must remind everyone that the forthcoming election in America is based on a de facto fraud, which resists true constitutional governance and instead serves unconstitutional power, backed by the de facto administration, which includes Obama and is supported by the dark cabal...which as I've explained, is Anglo-American and also global in scope...And thus it's Illuminoid family members (some are non-citizens of the USA,) secretly own the Federal Reserve bank, strictly defying America's sacred constitution...
Note that the only official GFL outlet is that of PAO...and no US politician has been endorsed, nor promoted, by any Sheldan Nidle update...Officially the GFL do not promote individual candidates in any outer earth election and would never name one politician, such as Obama, as a "lightworker," to be supported. It is hightly questionable when "channels" seek to garner your support for individual politicians, who work for the current system of dark rule, which is on the brink of dissolution...You will note that Nidle is not a channel, but an accurate conduit for messages and may relay data from the GFL and Ascended Masters with a high degree of accuracy...
So any of the so-called channels who name Obama as your "saviour," are deluding people...You will not find real GFL representatives doing it is a strict GFL rule that each human must transform from within and not rely on the current power matrix for guidance...
Governance should be based on PEOPLE POWER......Thus what is needed now is a return to a true constitutional system, which actively severs all links with a Federal Reserve bank and creates a constitutional Treasury Bank, owned by the people themselves and not exclusively by elite familes, such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs and Morgans...
So the system of N.E.S.A.R.A. is what will change all lives positively, as it opens the door to many other possibilities that are currently blocked, albeit for the much has been accomplished behind the scenes to destroy the dark rulership..
But please note that it is N.E.S.A.R.A. that offers the key to a golden age, not voting for an individual candidate who serves willingly within a system of duplicity...Use your individual powers to re-awaken yourselves and this truth will become more blatant, as only a systemic change could possibly alter all lives for the better...and that would be a better reflection of your inner growth...abundance, freedom and sovereignty...
I'll include this segment from webinar 29, for reference:
Selamat majon...! (Sirian for rejoice)
Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew, Eastern England Sector

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