WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Second Debate: Obama Won – But Romney Didn’t Lose (UPDATED)
A brief update from a longtime D.C. political operative shows calm in the storm that is the final weeks of a presidential campaign – and regarding last night’s most recent debatebetween Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, the sentiment appears to be NO WORRIES.

(Image by Jon McNaughton)
Ok, I got no time to give right now but you made it more than clear you want to hear what I have to say on the debate. So here goes.
Obama won. Just deal with it and move on. I’d call it a toss up until the moderator stopped the governor’s momentum on Benghazi. You already did something on that yourself. That was about as blatant a moment of media bias smack in the middle of a debatethat I can recall. Then she has the nerve to go on her network right after the debate and say “oops, Romney was actually right”!!!!!
Whatever. That’s how it happened and there isn’t anything anyone can do to change that. I’ll put it to you this way. Obama won last night but Romney didn’t lose. That isn’t me trying to doctor up what happened. It’s fact. People saw what Crowley did. Her own network was uncomfortable with it. My guess is that for the first debate the word to the moderator was to help Obama. This time it was to save Obama. That’s what she did. We expected they would try and help. We were caught maybe just a bit off guard on how aggressive she was in being so open about saving him. The questions she chose. That group of so called “undecideds”???? Nope. It was about 80% pro-Obama all the way.
Again, I’ll say whatever. So what. Now I know you are angry at how it went down like that. How Benghazi got shoved into the background. Hell, did you see how Crowley totally buried any discussion of Fast and Furious? Can’t help but laugh at how obvious it all was.
But here is some very good news. At least regarding the spine of these Romney people. After the debate, there isn’t complaining. There isn’t finger pointing. There isn’t whining. They just pick up where they left off. Upward and onward. So we got shoved around a bit by a bullshitdebate scenario. Lots of people watching that debate could see how it was manipulated against the governor. Romney handled it about as well as he could. Might have missed a few opportunities here and there, but overall, he did just fine. And the campaign wasn’t rattled. Not one bit. That shows class. That shows strength. That shows a team really in its stride as we head to the finish line.
And as far as Benghazi. Obama had his little canned moment speech of outrage. But we got the tapes. We got the evidence. He gets a short term reprieve. We get the much more important longer term news cycle. The guy lied. He’ll be caught. There will be some of his base who won’t give a sh-t. But the rest? Those voters will care. Any undecideds left? We win them. All of them. As for “Obama’s base”? Sh-t. That base of his has been shrinking big time for months. Fire those people up all they want. Big f-cking deal. That’s only about 35% of the electorate. They can have them. This election cycle, there just isn’t enough of them to win this thing and the Obama team knows it. They are totally in the f-cking weeds right now.
The media is gonna try and spin the “comeback kid” scenario for Obama the next few . Fine. We don’t care. They were going to do that regardless what the actual outcome of this debatewas. Let them high five themselves all they want. By the weekend a different tune is coming. Of course, there are lots of whispers of plans to alter this outcome. Hit Romney up with a scandal, maybe Obama bombs the f-ck out of Libya just for sh-ts and giggles.
Anything is possible. But this Romney team is tough. I really like how they are running this campaign. That doesn’t mean anyone can afford to sit back and hope it happens. Everybody needs to keep the pressure on. That’s you. That’s everyone you know. Talk to people about what is really going on. Don’t let the media hijack this thing. They are trying. But if enough people stay connected and educated, the media don’t have a chance. I’m just starting to really appreciate the power of this new media thing you call it. Forget the Crowleys of the world. She is dinosaur just like me. We are all on the way out.
President Romney. Just keep saying it. Sounds good doesn’t it?
Sounds like the right thing at the right time.
This just came from Insider:
Have a heads up for you. This comes directly from the Old Man. Military intelligence may have tracked location of a guy called “Khattalah” who apparently organized the Benghazi attack. Check media reports for name. Obama to order drone strikes or possible all out bombing operation. Says it appears imminent. Obama will then make claim “perpetrators brought to justice” to squash Benghazi questions and play part of hero. “Bin Laden Version 2 “ If accurate, this scenario would fit with the earlier rescue operation scenario you had sent me earlier. That went to sh-t so now they are recalibrating the same general idea with an updated version of it.
Ulsterman is 1 of my favorites, but he is wrong on this. Sorry bath house barry oboZoload failed miserably. Romney won big time. Obama is a proven failure,and it is obvious that there were word tips given to show obozo had the questions before the debate. I am sick of these commies.
What is the criteria for winner or looser anyway? The only losers is this dog and pony show are the sheeple.
If anybody is "undecided" at this point they're brain dead to start with. And probably too stupid to vote in the first place. This was nothing but an Obama cheerleading show but it backfired big time.
It's funny to watch two pathological liars go at it. Both are new world order boys, the blace face of the NWO and Bush's boy Romney. Both that either of them care about is self enrichment and having a seat at the table of power and both will do anything to get there. The Constitution is for them just an annoying technicality.
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