Sunday, October 21, 2012

Why Superpowers Have Died

Why Superpowers Have Died

·         Posted by Laurence Lynn Cleland on October 1, 2012 at 1:30am
·         View Blog
Throughout history the fall of many great superpowers was preceded by unsustainable fiscal conditions that included huge debt loads, an excessive printing of money, and out of control spending.
Does this sound familiar? Greece is not a superpower, but superpower Europe may be able to keep them afloat provided they institute strong spending constraints.  These constraints include big reductions in “entitlements,” limits on unions, and curtailing other “free” money the Greek government has doled out. Like the U.S., Europe is also printing money (quantitative easing) to help float Greece. The U.S. is racing “forward” over the same fiscal cliff.
Do you want the U.S. to be a dead superpower too? If so all entitlement checks will be greatly reduced, prices will go up, and jobs and standards of living will decline. We are not (yet) like Greece, but we do NOT have a bigger superpower like Europe to bail us out either. 
According to Obama's budget, the projected increase in the total U.S. debt over 11 years (2012-2022) is $11.189 Trillion [See page 245, Table S-15, last line] for a total of $25,936 Trillion! The democrats have not offered any other budgets to address our fiscal cliff problems. Instead they use the serious truthful ideas proposed by others as weapons to scare, seduce and manipulate uninformed voters.
Sadly, time is of the essence since the fiscal cliff is in sight! Can we save our injured and dying nation from greedy, power-hungry career politicians who’ve established “rules” allowing themselves to feast on offerings from the rich and powerful among us? 

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