Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bill Gates Funding Chemtrails Program - Global Warming is a LIE

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

POS Bill Gates Funding Chemtrails Program - Global Warming is a LIE
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-May-2013 18:45:09
POS Bill Gates Funding Chemtrails Program - Global Warming is a LIE
(NaturalNews) The latest scam to enter the debate about so-called "global warming" involves spending billions of dollars to spray the atmosphere with tiny particulate matter for the alleged purpose of reflecting sunlight back into space, and thus cooling the planet. But research into this controversial practice of "chemtrailing," which has actually already been going on for quite some time now, is largely funded directly by Mr. Vaccine himself, the infamous Bill Gates.
The U.K.'s Guardian paper reports that Gates, who is a huge advocate of global intervention programs that forcibly affect large people groups whether they like it or not, has been spending untold millions of dollars from his own personal fortune to fund research into geo-engineering programs. These funds are being used to study things like how much it will cost every year to blast the skies with tiny particles of sulfur dioxide, a toxic industrial byproduct linked to serious respiratory illnesses like asthma (
Gates and his small cadre of allies, which include co-founder of Skype Niklas Zennstrom and owner of the Virgin Group Sir Richard Branson, reportedly spend exorbitant amounts of cash every year trying to push geo-engineering initiative across the globe. They claim that if nations like the U.S. will not cut greenhouse gas emissions by tremendous amounts, the spraying of toxic poisons into the atmosphere will be necessary to thwart impending disaster.
The entire concept of geo-engineering to save the planet is utter hogwash, of course. This is true not only because "global warming" itself has proven to be a man-made scam, but also because literally blocking sunlight for the stated purpose of reflecting the warmth of its rays back into space makes no logical or scientific sense.
Learn more:
Another report found here:
Bill Gates admits to chemtrails | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World
This is the man who last year told us we need to be at zero CO2 levels. He must think we are stupid as nothing would grow in a zero CO2 environment.
This is also the same man who created a "back door" for Windows Operating Systems for your computer so Big Brother can snoop on you without your permission or knowing.
Not to mention he wants you and your children to take deadly vaccine shots.
Why do you think he was allowed to become so wealthy and successful? He is one of them...that's why.
He has to go.
3 strikes and your out Bill.
He belong in jail where he can do no more harm to us and our planet.
Pay attention to his friends because birds of a feather flock together. Mr.Ed


Anonymous said...

I am from the NW and we up here HATE this lying cheating murdering bastard. He has ruined more peoples lives than he has helped. I have several friend and acquaintances I know that work at Microbarf and they ALL hate the SOB. He reminds me of the nerd that got picked on in elementary school... then because of his daddy's money getting him everything he needed to screw Steve Jobs and BUY his way into the computer business. This reptilian puke needs to get locked up and then hung for all the people he is murdering.....what I do not understand is how is he getting away with this...

Anonymous said...

There is global warming. There is galactic warming. Most of the global warming is generated by the sun, not man-made. So, both global warming proponents and opponents are right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

a firing squad would be more adequate,cheaper and more effective.

Anonymous said...

Bill Gates, this self-appointed ruler of the earth and its inhabitants to be arrested and tried as soon as possible.

archangel said...

Gates and all like him are headed for the galactic central sun. There they will be uncreated and vaporized never to be seen or heard from again. Thank you for sharing, over and out.

Anonymous said...

How are these people allowed to spray these chemicals on us. Are there no checks and balances? I just don't understand it.