The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
POS Bill Gates Funding Chemtrails Program - Global Warming is a LIE
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 19-May-2013 18:45:09
Date: Sunday, 19-May-2013 18:45:09
I am from the NW and we up here HATE this lying cheating murdering bastard. He has ruined more peoples lives than he has helped. I have several friend and acquaintances I know that work at Microbarf and they ALL hate the SOB. He reminds me of the nerd that got picked on in elementary school... then because of his daddy's money getting him everything he needed to screw Steve Jobs and BUY his way into the computer business. This reptilian puke needs to get locked up and then hung for all the people he is murdering.....what I do not understand is how is he getting away with this...
There is global warming. There is galactic warming. Most of the global warming is generated by the sun, not man-made. So, both global warming proponents and opponents are right and wrong.
a firing squad would be more adequate,cheaper and more effective.
Bill Gates, this self-appointed ruler of the earth and its inhabitants to be arrested and tried as soon as possible.
Gates and all like him are headed for the galactic central sun. There they will be uncreated and vaporized never to be seen or heard from again. Thank you for sharing, over and out.
How are these people allowed to spray these chemicals on us. Are there no checks and balances? I just don't understand it.
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