Friday, June 14, 2013

Brasscheck TV: The great orange juice scam

Subject: Brasscheck TV: The great orange juice scam

"Fresh", "pure" orange juice.

It's a great, healthy way to start your
day, right?

Not necessarily.

Our friends at the Real Food Channel expose
one of the food industry's longest running scam.


- Brasscheck

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Anonymous said...

When I bought my Florida property, the seller (Sallie Mae)lawyer asked me if I intended to use my property to grow oranges, so if I were, I could have had tax deductions. I said no. I didn't want to grow oranges, at least commercially. Although I can see why there are so many commercial orange growers around me. They're in it for the tax deduction. Who pays for those tax deductions? Taxpayers. That's why orange growers can afford to stay in business. They get a tax advantage.

Anonymous said...

I can see them at harvest. The hispanic (mostly) workers. The trucks, like giant baskets on wheels. The hispanic music, coming from the fields. The ladders, that the pickers are leaning against the orange trees to pick the oranges, that they are throwing in a giant basket held up in the air by a hydraulic arm. The crop duster planes, coming in from a small airport down the road, to drop pesticides on my neighbor's orange grove. The mower, pulled behind a tractor, to cut down the grass between the trees.

Anonymous said...

I still don't know why my neighbor's bees aren't suffering from the dreaded colony collapse syndrome. I see a number of his bees at work in my garden every day. I guess the pesticides he uses don't contain the infamous nicotinoids.

Anonymous said...

How many people will hear about this, and yet go on drinking this sludge?

Why is it that the average individual has seemingly no ability to govern his behavior?

They are more than willing, it seems, to be manipulated by immoral companies?