Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good News from the White House Concerning Your Pensions and Benefits


Good News from the White House Concerning Your Pensions and Benefits

نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره
ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ر رفت
نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه. ررفت ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشمخيره ماسايه
ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان نور اگر رفت سايه پيدانيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيرهماپيدا
نيست نقش
If I hear anything else, I'll let you know.



Anonymous said...

Google Translation...

If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall.
We do not face the light if the light shade. In the
If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall and we do not face the light if the light shade. Rrft wall and eye shadow role again, we don not light the shadow of the wall of Pydanyst Chshmkhyrh Masayh
We do not face the light eye shadow wall and the wall of the eye shadow Pydanyst Khyrhmapyda
It is not the role of

Anonymous said...

the translation from google
but what it means is still a mystery lol

If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall.
We do not face the light if the light shade. In the
If you can not find the light went shadow eyes staring at the wall and we do not face the light if the light shade. Rrft wall and eye shadow role again, we don not light the shadow of the wall of Pydanyst Chshmkhyrh Masayh
We do not face the light eye shadow wall and the wall of the eye shadow Pydanyst Khyrhmapyda

Anonymous said...

Who will read the scripture above. Would translate into English before you post it.