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Message from Montague Keen -
October 6, 2013
![]() ![]() Message from Montague Keen - October 6, 2013 Some of you are awake and can see that the Cabal is struggling. Although those within it continue to pretend that they are all powerful, it is obvious that the majority of people see through their lies and threats. Like the proverbial school bully, eventually they have to grow up and face the fact that they are outnumbered. The truth will set you free. You were told this many times but now you are seeing proof of it. The truth is now available to everyone, making it easier to accept that you were deliberately lied to. Those in control (and it will not be for much longer) will be exposed, and will have to cease their exploitation of humanity. As the dawn of the new age approaches, I ask all of you to give some serious consideration to how you intend to reverse all the damage that has been done, both to humanity and to the planet itself. Connection will be reestablished with the universe when the energy of the Earth is released and connects again with the universe. You know and understand why the natural energy lines were shut down. Only the Cabal benefited from this shut-down. It served to keep mankind under control, subdued, and ready to serve the whims of the Cabal. When man is fully awake to the fact that he is all powerful, and learns to believe in himself and his ability to take back this power, then everything on Earth will change for the better. Observe the political games being played out. Each leader is pretending that he is making decisions; when in fact, they are mere puppets, playing a role in the destruction of humanity. They have no power at all. See the FEAR in their eyes when they fail miserably to force mankind to believe them. They know that they can be discarded without a trace when they are no longer able to convince the people to believe their lies. The power has slipped from their hands and their lies are no longer accepted. People see the illusion that, until now, they were blinded to. For 2000 years you have been kept in the dark. You waited, as everything had to be in place before enlightenment and the awakening could happen. This plan has been introduced gradually, so as to build your confidence both in yourselves and in our plan for the continuation of the human race on Planet Earth. You have taken the first steps and they are the most important ones. Mankind will become connected once more with his own innate spirituality, thus removing the need for all those man-made religions. Everything will be reconnected with All That Is, and the powerful beings of light. There will be no need for the middle-man as you will become at one with the God of Love and Light. It will be good when all those control structures, that have distorted and destroyed the lives of so many innocent people, are removed forever from the face of the Earth. You never needed them to connect you to the God of Love. Your own connection was always there, but you had handed over responsibility to others, who abused it. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life on Earth. When you return to spirit, it would be good to know that you have done your best, that you never harmed anyone, and that you lived an honest and honorable life. Do not buy into the fear that the Cabal intends to create through the banks, and through wars, etc. It is done in an attempt to take your minds off the awakening of mankind. You know that they do not have your best interests in mind, irrespective of what they say. They are (and always have been) ARCH MANIPULATORS. Keep this in mind and refuse to play their games. Without your cooperation they are powerless. My dear wife is having difficulty trying to concentrate today. She has a lot on her mind. ____________________________ On Thursday afternoon, moments before I returned to my car after shopping, a double decker bus crashed into it, causing a lot of damage. The car is twelve years old. If it is written off (due to excessive damage), I will be in real trouble, since, because of my heart condition, I need the car. Please pray that it can be repaired. It is a Toyota Yaris, the best car I have ever had. It has never, ever, let me down. It has been like a dear friend, always there for me. I was, and I still am, very distressed about this. I thank God that I was not in it when the crash happened. This is but one of the many things I am having to cope with. Please remember me in your prayers. Thank you all, Veronica. ____________________________ So many obstacles are being put in her path, and in the paths of those who seek the truth and reconciliation necessary for mankind to release the shackles of the Cabal and move forward in peace and love. But it is happening, and you see the evidence of this, all around you. So go forward with confidence. My dear, try not to worry. Your friend has lessons to learn, and paths to go down, in order to prepare him for his work on Earth. When fully awakened, he will embrace his mission. He will give it 1000% commitment, as only he can. Nothing can stop this, and in your heart, you already know this. May I ask all of you to remember this soul in your prayers, as he struggles with the Cabal's efforts to confuse and destroy him. He has had a difficult path to cope with, but it is nothing that he cannot come through, with a little help from others. Life can be such a challenge at times. But by working together, humanity will remove all that has been inflicted on it by the Cabal. Then, and only then, will freedom and peace be restored. My dear, you are not alone. If you could see the support you have, on both sides of life, you would be amazed and delighted ! My love is with you always. Your adoring, Monty. Website: The Montague Keen Foundation |
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