Message from Montague Keen - November 23, 2014
Earth's energy has intensified. It is affecting many of you. Your bodies are being realigned. It is now necessary to move out of 3D thinking and living. Those who tried to take over your planet do their utmost to hold you in 3D. You were given a clear picture of how this control operates, this week, by Bradley Love: "THE KEY TO OUR ENSLAVEMENT IS SEXUAL ENERGY" [You will find this on the What's the 'real' truth? web site.] I urge you to carefully read and re-read the information contained in it. You will see that it agrees with what I have been trying to convey to you. It is time to face the TRUTH; you have been the victims of the GREATEST CON IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. CLOSING YOUR EYES TO IT WILL NOT MAKE IT GO AWAY. This is something that everyone has to deal with. It affects every man, woman, and child, on Planet Earth.
Those who made a false entry to Planet Earth, 2000 years ago, who set about taking over the planet, have sent a call out to prepare to leave in the same way, should it become too dangerous for them to remain on Earth. They have packed all the gold and jewels, etc, that they have plundered while on Earth. They know that they cannot remain on Earth, for the light energy is too much for them now. They cannot hold their form. Life gets more difficult for them every day as more of you embrace light and truth. We have been working on their methods of control, so they are losing ground rapidly. Their trolls become more obvious, with nothing constructive to say; even they will see the light, eventually. Everything is changing rapidly, much too fast for the Cabal to cope with. Those who speak the truth are being attacked mercilessly. Please send them love. It is not easy to step above the parapet and speak out to help your fellow man to survive in love and light. The Cabal in the UK and the US has plans to create false flag events to try to scare you into submission. They will pretend you have been attacked by aliens!
The Twin Towers false flag convinced the world that the US was under attack. It took time for people to realize the truth. We in Spirit are watching what they are doing carefully. We will warn you in time. Come together as one, and combine your energies to combat the Dark Ones. You want to live in peace: now is your opportunity to create harmony and remove all the corruption forever. Never again will Planet Earth fall into the wrong hands. We are putting things in place to ensure this.
You have the opportunity to come together. Discover how you would like life on Planet Earth to become. Free energy, nourishing food, clean water, and peace everywhere, can become your reality. Every country has its experts, and when they share their knowledge, the sky is the limit.
We in Spirit see clearly how it will work. We will guide you every step of the way, for this is a combined effort. Soon, you will open up to the fact that you are not, nor were you ever, helpless survivors. You will become the beings of light that you are; capable of so much more than you can now imagine. When all the dark indoctrination stops, it will take a little time to adjust, and then life will become like a huge adventure as you explore the light. You will never look back at the dark old days again. We are putting so much in place for you, preparing for the New Era of Light to commence. How quickly this happens is entirely in your hands. All you need to do is to wake up and see the truth. See everything as it is, and not as you were told it is.
The ley line work must continue. Its importance will become obvious even to the doubters. Every moment you take to work on the ley lines, both old and new, benefits your world in ways you cannot now imagine. Even from the comfort of your armchair, you can visualize the ley lines and consciously release the divine energy of your planet.
Do not accept anything as truth until you research it. Satisfy yourself that it is, indeed, the truth. Propaganda is planned, and then fed to the public on every TV station and newspaper in the world. You should be able to recognize the lies by now and refuse to accept them. You are no longer the sheep of the past. You cannot be fooled so easily now. You are making history.
Send love to all who help you progress to the light. Revealing the dark control is a huge responsibility, so it needs your support. They work in many parts of the world with one aim in mind - to rescue humanity and Planet Earth.
Yes, the Cabal is fighting for its existence. So it attacks everything in sight which exposes it. But it will soon be over, and all the attacks will cease. People will come together without fear, and trust will return.
Note from Veronica
Khartika Gunawan contacted me about her new book. It sounds good to me. "THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL TRAVELER, FINDING TOGETHERNESS" We are soon to become multi-dimensional travelers, so finding togetherness is an absolute must. Our future is in our hands. Let's prepare for it, and welcome it with open arms.
My love, we are preparing the way forward. You will know when the moment has arrived.
Always, your adoring , Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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