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POOFness for NOV 23/24: *** Wonderful World***
Hi, Folks - Received via e-mail: ===== ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWO'OLE LYRICS "Wonderful World" Well I see trees of green And red roses too I watch them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world Well I see skies of blue And I see clouds of white And the brightness of day I like the dark And I think to myself What a wonderful world The colors of the rainbow So pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people passing by See friends shakin hands saying 'How do you do?' They're really sayin,'I, I love you." I hear babies cry And I watch them grow They'll know much more than we'll ever know And I think to myself What a wonderful world Oh, someday I'll wish upon a star Wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where trouble melts like lemon drops High above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me Oh, somewhere over the rainbow Way up high And the dreams that you dare to Why oh why can't I...I Ooooo,oooo,ooooo,ooooo,oooo,oooo...... Greeting and Salutations: POOF SAID: The airwaves are crowded with all sorts of speculation and disinfo. Everyone has an opinion and every one wants to know. Why? Why has it taken so long. We have answered that before and we don't need to review that but suffice to say that we do have promising news. The war is on. No, there won't be a WWIII -- you already know that-- but there is a war for your Allegiance and your Alliance. So keep the mind free of bubble gum and watch what you read. We believe that you have good reason to place hope in the whole thing coming together very soon; and if it doesn't this next week, -- for whatever reason they can come up with-- it won't until after January 1. That part we know you can count on. We are aware that many are losing faith but then that will be cleared up as soon as the first level hits. There are moves being made but the blackout is truly on...P... ZAP SAID: HI ALL TODAY, THIS IS THE 78 VERSION. NOT THAT IT’S FAST, BUT BECAUSE THIS IS ZAP NUMBER 78. BUT I WILL TRY TO MAKE IT QUICK. IN RESPONSE TO THE ONE PISSED OFF AMERICAN, AND THANKS FOR BEING SO BLUNT, A FEW COMMENTS: One Pissed Off American One Pissed off American … We THE People have something to say – it is time! Bullshit. What the hell is going on with this Global Reset, Global Currency Revaluation, Fines & Penalties, Farm Claims, JR Robinson, Herman and Herman, CMKX, Omega and all the other Prosperity Programs? ALL IS BEING EFFECTED. EACH ITEM YOU MENTION HAS ITS OWN SCHEDULE, ALTHOUGH A FEW ARE CONGRUENT AND ARE TO HAPPEN IN PARALLEL. The latest information is saying next year, mid Jan. What? You know mid Jan comes, its now mid-March and the cycle continues. We are getting played! You got to be kidding, right! This is a sick joke if your playing one. You jackass are not going to pull a Kuwait again. That is just wrong. You remember the statement made from the Whitehouse, not until I am out of office … 2016! Just great. IT HAS TAKEN MANY MANY YEARS (DECADES REALLY) TO GET TO THIS POINT IN TIME. IT IS REALLY NOT A 5 MINUTE JOB AND YOU DO KNOW THAT. HOWEVER, GETTING DELAYED MONTH AFTER MONTH AND YEAR AFTER YEAR IS A BIG PAIN, AND FRUSTRATING AS HELL. WISDOM (NEVER MIND PATIENCE) GOES OUT THE WINDOW IN FAVOR OF “STRING EM ALL UP”. I DON’T BLAME YOU. THE SENTIMENT IS RAMPANT OUT THERE. FORGET THE STATEMENT…WHAT WAS IT? O SAID IT OBVIOUSLY RIGHT? DO NOT REMEMBER. Why would the world, who has been ramping up for this monumental occasion (big words), working like rabbits being chased by wolverines, all a sudden put the brakes on, an stop in the middle of the train tracks with an engine baring down on them. Its just bad wrong! PROCESS TIMINGS ARE ONE THING, BUT DELIBERATE PLAYS TO DERAIL WHAT IS HAPPENING OR POSITIONING FOR ADVANTAGE HAVE BEEN THE NORM UNTIL NOW FROM WHAT I SEE. I REALLY THINK WE ARE PRETTY WELL ON TRACK NOW WITH THE RESET WELL UNDERWAY. Then we get this type of shit. I understand that those Red Dragon fellows thinks, we Westerns, are not spiritual enough to handle the money. Come again, you say what? I cannot manage money, make my pickup payments! Hey, buddy, come see me in the alley, I show you some spirit. Who the hell is the one who would pull this plug? Stupid! Here I CAN SPEAK WITH AUTHORITY. THE CHINESE ELDERS DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A FOOL. THEY ARE COUNTING ON YOUR COMMON SENSE TO HANDLE WHAT YOU GET. IF YOU WANT TO FRITTER AWAY THE WEALTH YOU RECEIVE, OK FINE, BUT THEY DO HOPE YOU WILL DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH IT AND GIVE A HELPING HAND. THE CABAL ON THE OTHER HAND, DOES NOT TRUST YOU WITH MORE THAN $20 AND GOD FORBID YOU GET A MILLION…DISASTER. What an arrogant statement by some Red Dragon spokesperson to say Westerns are not spiritual enough. U understands that I know more about the bible, lived real bible experiences, and even stopped a dam storms in its track. Can you say that Mr. Red Dragon spokesperson! This is a bunch of hog wash!! You know this country sends more spirit filled missionaries around the world than any other! RELIGION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUALITY. BUT THE INTENT OF GOOD HEARTED FOLK IS WHAT REALLY DOES THE JOB IN THE END. What bugs me even more is the good folks here in America have been screwed or duped by Politian’s for years and now we get our time to feed our families, friends, hell the crappy neighbor if need be. We get to have unalienable rights not those privileges that the US Corp folks claim. THAT’S THE THING…WE ALL HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS THAT CAN NOT BE SUBROGATED. ANYBODY STATING THE OPPOSITE IS NOT SOMEBODY I WOULD LISTEN TO. And you Royals think we are not spiritual! So why you Chinese Royals stop this from happening? You worried about some threat by the bad guys, hell, turn them over to us good old boys, we will take care of business. We’ll put those folks to work, we got lots of garage to clean up, they should do just fine pickup garage since they know all about feeding garage to us over the last couple hundred years. WE ROYALS DO THINK YOU ARE SPIRITUAL. AND UNINFORMED BECAUSE OF THE CONSTRAINTS PUT OUT BY THE CABAL, AND THE DUMBING DOWN TECHNIQUES THEY PERPETRATE ON ALL OF US. IF YOU HAD A BAD GUY BY THE HAIRS, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH HIM? PAINT A TARGET ON HIS BACK AND LET HIM GO? TEMPTING THOUGH. Hell, good hard work for them will help them understand what the hell we have been doing to support their life styles of unlimited medical, unlimited expenses, unlimited travel, unlimited lies, unlimited pay and that other shit. My smart body says indentured servants … yea, that be good, I want first pick on one of those shit head presidents to work with me. I help him understand, shit, I even will let him sleep out in one of the animal barns not under bridges or over passes or in cardboard boxes. ALL WEALTH STARTS IN THE GROUND. FOOD PROPAGATES ONE SIDE OF THE WEALTH, AND MINING THE OTHER. THEY HAVE TAKEN GREAT LATITUDE WITH EXPENSE ACCOUNTS, YES. SOME JUSTIFIED, AND MOST NOW. THERE IS REALLY NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Well, as I see it, this Pope Francis this shit is your problem too based on Secret Treaty of Verona in 1213, where you pope types vowed to stop all representative systems aka republics; the laws of today are based on Roman Law / Canon Law (you think me stupid, hell no), and these laws set how corporations work; you got to step in and fix this crap. (for you pope) The thought that comes to me, “What would Jesus do?” FRANCIS STATED THAT ANYBODY UNDER ROMAN LAW THAT DID BAD THINGS WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO SEEK SANCTUARY AT THE VATICAN. COOL. You ain’t no Jesus, so you aint able to figure this out. I knows. I have read the bible since I was knee high to my daddies knee. I have reads it years, I seen really bible experiences with my own eyes and even stopped those nasty storms in their tracks because bible said we can. Thanks Jesus. So pope, you need to stop all this crap from US Corp, Crown, UN, and all the other corporations from stealing, killing, torturing, petrifying our children, slavery, financial ruin, and release these wealths into our hands since wesen will do more than any Politian would ever for our people, humanity. I gots Americans who are starving, needs medical, losing their homes and needs to fix this right here and right now. Oh, I would expect you take all those funds in your bank under the names of Politian’s, Government Officials and Pentagon types, and give that money back to the world? Ok, Vicar of Christ, do your job! INTERESTINGLY, HE IS DOING MUCH TO REVERSE THE DAMAGE. NOT BAD.. So why are those hairy legged skirt wearing sissy boys in that funny shape building not taking matters in their hands and get rid of those cabal type people anyways. At least we can be happy about something this Thanksgiving! No they are afraid to do their job. Sissy boys, sissy boys!! THAT’S UNFAIR. THEY ARE UNDER THE GUN NOW TO CLEAN UP THE MESS THAT WAS MADE. Hell, they can’t even stop those chemtrails, that shit is still falling on my head, land and animals. Why haven’t you guys told DOD to stop weather wars, stop Queen of Netherlands and other royals from funding … shit take their money and give it to the world for FEEDING people. Oh. No GMO shit. You get it! YES, ALL GOOD POINTS. QUEEN OF SWEDEN (OR NORWAY?) OUTLAWED CHEMTRAILS. THEY KNOW. And you readers understand, no public notification of why they aerial seed, cloud seed, chemtrail, etc.? What is in the release? When they will release? That this is trespassing on your unalienable rights! On your God given rights! Hell, even think it like an act of WAR against you and me. So, why aint the POPE; Pentagon Types; stop this shit … against God’s people? Hell is going to get full I see. EVERY TIME I SEE A CHEMTRAIL I GET TRULY PISSED. THIS IS A VIOLATION AGAINST MY PERSONA. THEY ARE ASSAULTING ME. THE LOCAL POLICE LOOK UP, STATE THAT THE CHEMTRAIL IS REALLY A CONTRAIL AND THAT’S THE END OF THAT COMPLAINT. Oh, hairy legs, another think, you supposedly support this Republic General Ham? You Supreme Court, oh the non-lawful-court since you’re a corporation, you supposedly swarmed Ham in as interim president. If you jerks did, then take control and get this done by removing the cabal types. GENERAL HAMM I HAVE HEARD MUCH OF, BUT NEVER REALLY MET THE MAN OR COMMUNICATED WITH HIM. SURE WOULD LIKE TO. What I laugh about all the time, when the contract is signed by good old Admiral, then the Republic will be funded and we can get rid of these shit heads. Here is the logic, get rid of the shit heads, then sign the contract, you still get the money. Wow! Since you’re not removing the shit heads, you Pentagon types have just declared your intent as mercenaries for hire to do any ones bidding. So you only defend yourself, no one else especially the Declaration of Independence of 1776. Hmmm. NOW THERE IS LOGIC. By the way Corporations, you ever figure that corporations are property of the Vatican since they use their law “Roman Law”, “Canon Law”. In a corporation, you got board of control, executive level, owners, investors, workers or slaves. So you readers figured where you line up with corporation yet, yep you’re not the executive level, you’re not the board of control and you’re not investors / owners, especially paying taxes. You won the prize “Slave”. So why do we need our federal government as Corporation when we are people. Aint that supposed to be a body politic representation of the true government which are the keys to the kingdom or better known as YOU and ME, We The People, who are living, breathing men and women that actually walk on the lands we call United States of America. Not an all caps entity or fictional entity called corporation. Go figure! Oh by the way, You Rothschild, crown, city of London, banking cartel, and your Pope Buddy, we the people own our own birth names, small or large caps. You cannot trademark something you do not own. Those birth certificates, baptismal certificates, belong to the living breathing man or women, not you! You committed fraud to embezzle those certificates for your financial gain. Guess what, you lose! Pope Francis, another issue to address to the world, release claim, release back to the world and punish the Crown! Enough of this shit, I need money, I got family who needs help, I got retired military family that needs help. The weather wars are screwing up my farming with all the excise water and snow. They keep starving west coast with no water to destroy the food production since 80% of the food comes from southern west coast. HOW MUCH MONEY WOULD YOU NEED. WITH THE OFFICIAL PROJECT STARTS, WE WILL BE SETTING UP RELIEF PROGRAMS AS BEST WE CAN OVER THE NEXT WHILE UNTIL THE OTHER FUNDS START ROLLING IN. The stopping of the release of wealth to his people of the world is crazy, it seems that all the parties are playing into their hands of evil. So I got to ask the question, since when “O1”, “GRANDFATHER” ever listening to and comply with the evil one’s? These characters are nuts, crazy, focused on staying in power and destroying America in any means possible – industrially, financially, morally, ethically, spiritually, and any other “ly” you can think of. The whole world see’s this happening! … Why don’t you? … oh, the media is controlling the air waves … oh, yea. We got to have change now to rid us of the controllers, evil ones, etc. I want God’s blessing, for YOU, our land, our planet, our humanity, our overall health, etc. Jeremiah 29:11 from NIV bible, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Another meaning is shalom. This is time for We the People to win, to all my friends around the world, we stand in one voice, it is time to rid us of this evil on planet earth. Your people request freedom from evil! One Pissed Off America, signing off for now. Remember, You too believe the same way, just scared to say or do, so lets change this together! One Pissed Off American AGAIN, THE SENTIMENT IS BANG ON THE BUTTON AND IN HIS SHOES, I MIGHT HAVE WRITTEN THAT. BUT BECAUSE I KNOW SOME OTHER THINGS, I GET TO BE PATIENT (VERY HARD) AND WAIT FOR THE INEVITABLE CHANGE ANYWAYS. Dear Susan and Zap, Thank you for being forthright is saying how things are. I was hoping against hope that this would finallly be occurring. I hope for a miracle as well. altho I am profoundly saddened by the news at least I can stop anticipating. Susan and Zap, I am sorry for you as well. I know that you have been loyal and steadfast in getting these notes out and Zap in preparing for the projects. As much as I appreciate your notes, I am financially unable to contribute. This saddens me also, but I dont know what else to do. I do send my love and prayers and Reiki to you both. I know that you have said be patient, and I think I have been for 24 years. I'm sad because I so looked forward to assisting others with the pp funds and f and Ps that I was to receive. Altho I know that it will happen some day. I just send it all love and go about my business as best as I can under the circumstances.. That saddens me as well as I watch what has has happened to our great country and the people in it and what is happening in this world to the people and to our beloved earth. I keep thinking that things will get better when all of this shift happens--when ever that will be. Thank you for listening and for continuing to be supportive to us in keeping us informed. Much love and light and many blessings. MH DEAREST MH. IT WILL NOT BE LONG UNTIL WE GET WHAT WE NEED TO GIVE A HELPING HAND TO OUR NEIGHBOR/ OF THAT YOU CAN BE ASSURED. Dear Susan just found this late last night. Can you & or Zap tell me the truth that the Family has total control from the top on down of the total World Banking system. These articles say the BIS is still in control and if so, we will lose. God bless and Thank you for the Truth KEB Love and Respect YES THEY HAVE CONTROL. MANY MANY YEARS AGO THEY STARTED THESE INSTITUTIONS WITH THE BELIEF THAT THEY WOULD STAND THE TEST OF TIME AND BE OF GREAT HELP TO OUR HUMANITY. UNFORTUNATELY, GREED REARED ITS HEAD AND HERE WE ARE. HOWEVER, THE INTENT IS TO FIX THESE INSTITUTIONS IN SOME CASE, AND IN OTHERS, REDO THEM OR DISSOLVE THEM. Just as I thought... pushed to a new year. You all are so full of BS I just can't take it any more. You lie, and lie and lie, and , oh yeah, beg and beg and beg. NO, NO NO. WE TELL TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH. AND WE BEG WE BEG WE BEG THAT VEGETABLES DO NOT OVERRUN OUR GARDEN. SAD TO SEE IT HAPPEN THOUGH. just stop and shut up. nothing you have said for 15 years has happened. you are a bunch of frauds. BULLSHIT. MANY MANY THINGS I HAVE SAID OVER THE LAST 15 YEARS HAVE COME TO PASS. OVER THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF THAT I HAVE BEEN A BIT DEEPER INVOLVED IN THIS DINAR AND BOND CIRCUS,, THE INTELLIGENCE AT TIMES IS VERY GOOD UNTIL SOME IDIOT DELAYS THE PROCESS AND WE GET TO SUFFER AGAIN. SO FRAUDS? NO. PISSED OF AMERICANS? YES. REALLY SAD? OH YES. I'll say it again - GO AWAY AND SHUT UP. Let us get back to reality. THEN TAKE OF THE 3D GLASSES AND THROW THAT PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER FAR AWAY FROM YOU. TAKE A VALIUM…TAKE TEN. STROKE A TOAD. PET A GATOR. DO ANYTHING THAT WILL GIVE YOU A SEMBLANCE OF REAL REALITY.. YOU ALL SUCK!! YES, AT MACH 6. ANY QUESTIONS. Hobie, You know that Zap and Landa and that he has the inside track from the Family side. All that TNT Tony/DC have are U.S. contracts which get filtered through cabal operatives. The last comment made about the RV not requiring the TRN is just not true. The Family is the one footing the bill for this transition and making the liquidity available for currency exchanges... but not in FRN's, as these will lose their value after the RV. They are trying to protect the people exchanging so that they have a useable currency. YES. THE FAMILY IS DOING ITS BEST TO PROTECT THE PROCESS, AND AVOID AS MUCH SHOCK AS POSSIBLE DURING THE CHANGE. Why do you listen to TNT etal and then post such stuff? All it does is add to the misinformation. I DO NOT LISTEN TO TNT. WHO ARE THEY? I HEARD OF SOMEBODY CALLED TNT. WHAT DOES IT STAND FOR? TRULY NUTTY TALES…IT CAN NOT BE ALFRED’S TRINITROTOLUENE. I agree that the delay in the implementation of the TRN at this stage is horrendous and indicates some serious issues behind the scenes. It is really bad for the reputation of everyone involved in getting this done. NAAAAH. JUST PROCESSING TIME AFTER THE DELAY. Perception is everything in terms of real world support of the good people doing this. It doesn't matter what the real reasons are, only the perception of those viewing this in terms of agreement and support. Just look at what this is doing. People are refusing to acknowledge the truth because that is not what they want to hear at this point. This is exactly what the enemy wants. Frankly, the TRN needs to be done no matter what, even if the Family has to own the rights to these funds and their application. TRN IS LIVE ON THE SCREENS…JUST NOT ANNOUNCED PUBLICLY YET. The U.S. hasn't had their own currency in decades. The TRN can not be turned over to the U.S. Corp, as they will defraud their application and usage. This is likely the reason for the delay. The Republic must come forward in order for the TRN's to be properly applied and administered. Frankly this is a real shit house the way this is being handled. They can't seem to get the horse before the cart on this one. Kind regards, G GOOD POINTS, MUCH FRUSTRATION, BUT GOOD POINTS. Dear Susan &Staff and the Zapster, I am one of those "old Timers who have been around for 20 some years and communicated many times with Mike and later Poof as we have moved thru the ups and downs along this journey anticipating the life changing process brought by the release of our "packages". Over the years there were times when delivery was expected within days ,not weeks or months etc. and we were advised to be on the ready. Many offered suggestions of how to secure our coming abundance and some of us have gained great knowledge and a wide understanding of the effect and opportunities offered as well as our responsibilities to be good stewards of this coming wealth. We are still here ,still waiting and still look forward to doing great things for our families and our passions. Our friend "Poof" became our weekly inspiration and after losing Mike, we were given information about many things that were involved in bringing such a large worldwide effort to reality and given behind the scene activity that was being undertaken by those on our behalf. Following his passing we were introduced to Zap to help Susan carry the messages and info forward. As such the information and focus seemed to change and discussions about "Projects" and "Global Transactions" entered the picture,yet those of us who have been here for years waiting ,listening and learning about "Our Program" have somehow been lost in the shuffle and the only information we are getting is about Projects and Global Transactions and Zap stated as much in his recent response saying "THE PROSPERITY PROGRAMS ARE NOT OUR THING, AND WE DO NOT PARTICIPATE THERE." He did throw a small morsel by stating that he thinks they will fall somewhere in the overall process and be paid out after the "Global Transactions" in January. Needless to say those of us who have been here participating in exchanges with Poof and in general paying attention ,have been told repeatedly that there is a plan in place and an order of how funding for all programs ,projects, Transactions and RV's will fall. None of that has been exacted ,yet it has always been tied together and it remains my understanding that it will happen in a systematically designed process. A TOTAL OF 67 PROSPERITY PROGRAMS WERE DONE. YES, THEY ARE NOT OUR CUP OF TEA, AND WE KNOW ABOUT 5-10 THAT HAVE MADE IT, BUT THE MONEY WAS CONFISCATED BY THE BAD GUYS. WHO KNOWS WHAT THE END RESULT WILL BE BUT REST ASSURED THAT THE CHINA FAMILY HAS ZEROED IN TO THESE ISSUES ALONG WITH ALL OTHERS. As the years have ticked off and our hair has turned colors, many of us have reached an age where participating in Projects are of no interest to us. All we want is to receive our "Blessings" and hopefully have a few years of good health to enjoy them before moving on to our next life. My request ,and I am sure shared by thousands who still read this weekly/bi-weekly info would be to see the info separated into three sections as follows. 1. Prosperity Programs 2. Projects 3 Global Transactions. This step would allow those old guys like me to extract the info we are interested in and then move on if desired w/o the confusion and questions about the relevance to Our Program. In closing ,I want to thank Susan especially for "staying the Course" and for Zap for the info he adds... Hopefully I have not bored you with this request which got a little long....much like the Zapster on occasion. Thanks, I WILL SEE WHAT OTHER STUFF I CAN GET BACK ON THE PROSPERITY PROGRAMS FOR YOU. Hi, bob - I understand. :) I think it's like this: The whole business (except for TLB's project, at least not directly) has been about dethroning the guys back of the Federal Reserve System and bringing the world we share back to the track it should have been on, all along. I expect we'll soon see new substance-based currencies in a new more transparent banking system, around the world; arrests of certain high-level people; and a return to Constitutionality in America, with similar changes in at least some countries around the world. Poof used to tell me that the Dragon, doing all the 'heavy lifting' on this, was taking great care to make sure everything was being done legally and lawfully, with all the i's dotted and all the t's crossed, specifically so that as things proceeded to unfold, no one would find any grounds upon which to challenge it, disrupt it, or deconstruct it. PRECISELY SO. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY WE ARE GOING TO HAVE LASTING CHANGE. Sounds like, from what the dinarians are saying today, that the public RV of Iraq's (and some others') currencies does not require the introduction of the TRNs Zap mentioned - and so, they're expecting the RV to take place sometime this weekend. That would be fine, and right in line with what Poof used to tell me: "When you _see_ the RV, it will mean the process of Pros. Program deliveries is commencing." If PP payments are to be in the new currency, these pieces do seem to begin to fall into place - RV this weekend, perhaps, followed by new currency in January and then PP deliveries, and other events as well. Regarding TLB's project, it was being said that it would resolve a few weeks after the PP's resolve. As far as I know, that's still how it is expected to go. I think Tommy continued to have faith in his own program's eventual success, but took his own life because he could see the writing on the wall and was in no physical condition to withstand the rigors of life behind bars. He did leave the program in the hands of folks he referred to as "The Fab Five". I have no idea who those ones are, but I expect we'll hear from them whenever it's safe for them to pop their heads up. :) Blessings. H PRETTY WELL ON THE MARK BROTHER. THE WHOLE SEQUENCE IS ABOUT TO FINISH AND BEGIN THE PAYOUTS. I just came across your latest message of 11/21.After reading it,it came as a great relief until I reread it and gathered that Zap's happiness was due to his project programs.That is good news but after hanging on week after week for 18 years,I wondered if your new news will promptly get the Prosperity Programs back on track.We are dying for "relief" and resent those who would deny us what we paid for way back before 2000.Please give me a quick reply as to how things look.Thanks for all you do. AN I SYMPATHIZE GREATLY, AND I DO KNOW THAT THE PROGRAMS WILL BE PAYING OUT, AND I WILL MAKE A SPECIAL EFFORTS AS TO THE STATUS OF THESE ITEMS. Hi, some wery disappointing news lately, unless I am reading it wrong. So is the Dianr RV tied to the TRN or will the RV happen now regardless of the TRN being delayed? Thanks YES THE DINAR RV IS TIED TO THE TRN. NOTHING MUCH ELSE TO SAY. RV IS PART AND PARCEL OF THE TRN. Hey Zap, I just wanted to throw this in.. from one of your latest update you shared that you where a bit disappointed that the new TRN's should be announced in January and not on this side of the New Year. Yes, you've been given out information 77 plus times.. which is almost 1,5 years and you seem to have a lot's of humor and a cool view on lot's of things. For me these January news did not come as a surprise since this has been the screen play for some time! I've followed this alleged GCR/PP etc and what not for years. Everything is going to be announced before X-mas and then the next cue is before Easter. This has been going on for years ZAP with the same screen play.. NOW I might be totally of the charts and the first one to admit if I'm "wrong" but don't be surprised if this continues until Easter and X-mas next year.. ... and yes we'll see.. keep up the good work. CO THERE WAS A LOT OF INFORMATION TO GIVE OUT OVER TIME, BUT THE PREVALENT ORDER OF THE DAY (IF YOU WILL) WAS TO KEEP EVERYTHING UNDER WRAPS. WE CAME CLOSE SEVERAL TIMES, BUT NOT THE TIME, SO MUCH DISAPPOINTMENT. THIS WILL BE OVER SOON SORRY THAT THERE IS NOT MUCH TO SAY THIS WEEK. EXT WEEK WHEN THE RESULTS START COMING IN, WE WILL SEE THE BEGINNING OF THE RUDIMENTARY BEGINNINGS OF THE RESET AND THE RV. SNUFFLES THE PISSED OFF AMERICAN PIG HAS SPOKEN. GOOD NIGHT AND GOD BLESS. ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” November 23, 2014 Copyright ZAP 2014 Thanks for any help your able to give as we continue to give all we can to keep you up to date...please go to via friends and family. If there is a problem please contact us at ...consultations are on going. Love and Kisses, "THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS" Susan and Staff ===== --hobie |
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