Saturday, November 1, 2014


Conservative Tribune 


October 28, 2014
Contact: National Citizenship & Immigration Services Council
WASHINGTON – Kenneth Palinkas, President of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council representing 12,000 United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) adjudicators and personnel, issued the following statement today concerning the President’s planned executive immigration orders that would result in the issuance of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents:
"United States Citizenship and Immigration Service’s loyal and dedicated adjudicators and personnel diligently man the front lines in the battle to protect Americans from terrorism and the abuse of our economic and political resources. As the individuals who screen the millions of applications for entry into the U.S., it is our job to ensure that terrorists, diseases, criminals, public charges, and other undesirable groups are kept out of the United States. Unfortunately, we have been blocked in our efforts to accomplish this mission and denied the professional resources, mission support, and authorities we urgently need by the very same government that employs our skill sets. Although we had thought that we had made some headway through newly negotiated policies such as the Quality Workplace Initiative, we find that our caseworkers still operate under a quota system that prioritizes speed over quality, and approvals over investigations. Numbers of mandated interviews that had at one time decreased to afford quality decisions are creeping back up in the government’s efforts to process "customers" without regard to national security. There are plans to waive interviews of applicants who seek adjustment of their status in the U.S. to ready our workforce for the coming onslaught of applications unforeseen in previous administrations.
We are still the world’s rubber-stamp for entry into the United States – regardless of the ramifications of the constant violations to the Immigration and Nationality Act. Whether it’s the failure to uphold the public charge laws, the abuse of our asylum procedures, the admission of Islamist radicals, or visas for health risks, the taxpayers are being fleeced and public safety is being endangered on a daily basis.
I write today to warn the general public that this situation is about to get exponentially worse – and more dangerous. America dodged a bullet when the Senate immigration package S. 744 was blocked by the House. That legislation would have been a financial and security catastrophe. But news reports have leaked information to the public of a USCIS management contract bid for a "surge" printing of 34 million green cards and employment authorization documents to be provided to foreign nationals, a bid that predicts the Administration’s promised executive amnesty. This massive unilateral amnesty is slated to be issued after the November 2014 elections. Efforts by members of the Senate to block this action were stopped in their tracks by 52 Senators who, on July 31st, defeated a legislative maneuver to prohibit the President’s actions.

That is why this statement is intended for the public: if you care about your immigration security and your neighborhood security, you must act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty. Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors. We who serve in our nation’s immigration agencies are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen. Express your concern to your Senators and Congressmen before it is too late." 


Anonymous said...

Good luck calling on General Ham. He seems to be deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other. Maybe somebody forgot to tell him he's the big bawana now. As for the good military, they too seem to be out to lunch. They still need to learn how to determine unlawful orders from lawful orders, consistent with the Constitution for the united States of America. Once they learn the difference of lawful from unlawful orders, then they will be able to determine if they want to be part of the good military or the bad military.

Anonymous said...

I would like to believe there is a good military ie:( the generals who saved Charlston harbour from the nazi paperclip cabals nukes) but it sure be nice to see and hear about good things happening like no more geoengineering). Are patience is developing a hard crusty layer with barbs.

Anonymous said...

ex marine KEN O'KEEFE is my hero! I would highly reccomend watching his video clips, tell it like it is!!! Finally, somebody who is telling the ilusive TRUTH!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU mr. O'KEFFE and keep you healthy and safe, to keep on spreading the TRUTH the world needs people like you especially now. America needs leaders with your same views, kick out the corruption. Aloha joey .