Sunday, September 6, 2015




I have been receiving posts from people who claim to have encounters with hybrids. These stories are more than alarming and makes me wonder if, as Dr. Jacob’s states in Watchers 7, there is an infiltration
program by one species over another. 

With that in mind please read this interview with Pastor Mike McClung, as he is more than a reliable witness and having spent quality time with him, I can trust the source.  

Read on and understand these are the Days of Noah.

L.A.: Describe the scene where you had your encounter. What time of day was it? Were you alone? What was the weather like?

M.Mc.: The encounter took place in a recreational park in Alcoa, TN. It was morning, around 8:15 AM. I was alone and the weather was fair and sunny.

L.A.: Why were you in this location to begin with?

M.Mc.: I was out for my usual morning prayer walk, getting exercise while interceding over several specific people and things happening in our area.

L.A.: What happened next? 

M.Mc.: I was about half-way through the 1.5 mile walking trail when I looked in the distance and saw a very tall, platinum blond woman jogging toward me. As soon as I saw her, I knew something was different and something was very wrong about her. I have always had a very high discernment level since I came to the Lord, and my discernment “meter” was going off the charts…

L.A.: Describe this individual.

M.Mc.: She was very tall, at least 6’3” or 6’4”. Her hair was almost white. I would describe it as “white-blond”. She was very athletic looking, much like an Olympic athlete – she was thin, but very well defined in muscularity. She was very much female as her chest was quite large. I noticed her eyes when she was about 15 yards from me. They were strikingly blue – almost a powder blue color. Her face was long, and her chin was pointed. Her eyes were set close together. I did not see her hands because she had them in a fist, like many runners do.

L.A.: What was she wearing? 

M.Mc.: She was wearing jogging shorts, a T-shirt looking tank top and jogging shoes. 

L.A.: What color and style was her hair? 

M.Mc.: Her hair, as previously stated, was white/platinum blond, and she had it tied up in a pony tail on top of her head.

L.A.: Did you notice her hands?

M.Mc.: Her hands were in a fist as she ran, but her hands and feet were large in keeping with the proportions of her height and build.

L.A.: What happened when you got close to her?

M.Mc.: When she was approximately 15 yards from me (I was walking east and she was jogging west – we were approaching one another from different directions), she looked up and noticed me. When she looked up at me I saw the intensity of the blueness of her eyes. The intensity of the hatred I felt coming from her grew as we got closer. As we passed one another, she didn’t take her eyes off of me. We were about 5 feet apart, her pupils completely dilated, completely blacking out the blue iris part of her eyes. Her eyes did not completely turn black, only her irises. This would have been physically impossible for a normal human as there was very bright sunshine out at that time. The hatred and evil that I felt coming from her was palpable.

L.A.: What did you think when you saw her eyes? Did you rebuke or were you to stunned to?

M.Mc.: When I saw her eyes, I immediately began praying against any occult activity or curses that may have been coming from her. The demonic power coming from her I had experienced and dealt with many times. As she came close and passed me, she opened her mouth and showed her teeth to me like an animal might do in a threatening manner to another animal or human. Out loud I said, “I rebuke you, and any curses or activity you would loose against me, my family or those I’m in covenant with, and I send them back sevenfold to you and all you are working with.”

L.A.: How did her eyes change? 

M.Mc.: Yes, her eyes changed as it seemed her pupils completely dilated to the point that the blue irises were completely engulfed in the blackness of her pupils. All I saw at this point was the white of her eyeballs and the black that used to be her pupils. 

L.A.: Did she say anything to you? Did she make any sound?

M.Mc.: She did not say anything, but when I spoke the rebuke out loud, as she passed me, I heard what sounded like a growl or yelp. 

L.A.: How did you part from each other. How did you leave the scene?

M.Mc.: She passed me and kept running. I kept walking in the opposite direction and finished my prayer walk, with my prayer stepped up quite a bit! I also sent a text to my wife, all the folks in our fellowship, and several friendS, including you, specifically for them to pray and cover themselves, their families and the members of our fellowship and those we’ve been co-laboring with here in our area.

L.A.: Did you have any feeling of time distortion?

M.Mc.: No.

L.A.: Did you feel dizzy or nauseous?

M.Mc.: No. Only emboldened to pray and rebuke this entity, and anger that they were openly showing themselves like this.

L.A.: Did you have any physical sensations in your body?

M.Mc.: Only the hair raising on my neck…a natural response to danger…

L.A.: What did you do after the encounter? Where did this woman go?

M.Mc.: Already told above. She kept running in the opposite direction. When I finished my walk, I got into my car to leave. As I drove out, I saw this same woman now running in the opposite direction, the direction I had been walking.

L.A.: Did it shake you up?

M.Mc.: No. I was excited and ready to do battle if need be.

L.A.: Have you ever seen this woman before or since?

M.Mc.: No to both questions....

L.A.: Your closing thoughts?

M.Mc.: We have long known that the greater Knoxville area has a lot of Nephilim activity. I have had several attacks and encounters before, but those were not public occurrences. This was the first public, broad daylight encounter that I’ve had here.

Pastor Mike McClung
pG. 22 September, 2015

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know Hitler was attempting to create a master race of blue-eyed blondes. There are underground labs all over such as at Dulce and Area 51 where they are doing all types of Genetic experiments on the children who are "missing". (Milk Carton Children) Phil Schnieder is the one who saw them many levels down in these underground facilities in cages, crying out for help. They are creating these "greys" aliens which are like empty vessels which disembodied evil spirits go into them and inhabit them. (more references to this found in Branton Books) These UNICEF commercials where they want "aliens" to go to school with your children and be accepted is nuts. With this CERN thing where they open up black holes in the space continuum for evil demons to come through into our space-time. IMO it appears that they are setting us up for an alien takeover. It's possible that all of these greys (empty containers) will be entered into by the demons that come through the black holes in space and this world will turn into hell. The elite have been brainchipped and are under the control of the aliens and the Draco Reptilians to push these evil agendas. They are already hive-minded and working with their evil little god satan. (This is why they want to get rid of all of the Christians) *a note to the Christians - gain strength in the Lord and the power of His might! You have more power than these satanists! They can't stand against the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man - and we need more of these! Also there are these kids called "black-eyed children" and they show up at people's doors feigning that they need to use your phone, bathroom, etc. They cannot do anything to you without your consent - but if you let them into your house, you have given your consent, and they will snatch your soul. These evil black-eyed children are sent out to steal people's souls. (reference John Kettler's blog)