Thursday, September 10, 2015

Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution......

Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution......

September 7, 2015

Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.
The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP.
To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.
The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.
Here you can read the rest of the story. I am about to stutter . . .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone in the article made a comment and said,

He keeps talking about Pentagon as some kind of "good guys" and keeps claiming they are doing all these "good" things on behalf of mankind. But what is the Pentagon in its very essence? What is their "job" and were they trained to do but to mass murder, destroy, devastate the infrastructure of the "enemy" and things of that nature?

These people were not educated to solve any kind of problems beyond purely military means. They are trained to KILL and destroy and that is their mentality. Even to imagine that Pentagon is playing the role of some "good guy" is quite a stretch of imagination.

My Comment:

I can tell from statements above that this person did not serve in the Military or would not have made those statements.

I would venture to say that the education level of this person could not hold a candle to that of our top level Officers whether in the Pentagon or the field. You can rest assured their education is second to none.

Yes there are some that are good and some that are bad but many more are good than bad.

The cream rises to the top and once in a while some scum. They are all going to be sorted out.

Also there are other way to accomplish the task of arrest than he has come up with. It's obvious there is a lot he/she doesn't know about how things can work.

I believe the person that made those statements knows not what they are talking about and needs to do more research. Ken T.