Sunday, September 13, 2015

Home Foreclosures Are Approved Of By Your Sheriff?

Home Foreclosures Are Approved Of By Your Sheriff?

When you go into your Sheriff's Office to ask for an investigation on the 16th Amendment Ratification you can ask them why they approve of the Home Foreclosures if the Bankruptcy of THE UNITED STATES, INC. in 1933 approved of ALL debts to be Paid for by the Federal Government as with the House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE 5, 1933 made the People the Creditors of the Corporation.

According to the Bankers' Regulations all they need is the Loan Applicant's Signature for them to Make Money Out Of Thin Air for themslelves, which really there is NO Loan yet the payment is Paid in Full at that moment.

Thus when it is assumed for the customer to get a loan and then start making payments then the banks commit Felonies, and secondary Felonies if they take charge to get a Home Foreclosure and Seize the Property.

You can also hand the UCC LIEN to the Sheriff that has been put forward that people are starting to use and this is for;
On July 15, 2011, a UCC LIEN was filed on THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM for $14,300,000,000,000,000.00 (Quadrillion) to be paid for the 'Description of real estate:' of '[-As all real -men with hands and legs, and all real -land in the United States of America 14,000,000,000,000,000.- WITH TRUST IN GOD, this real-estate is with the - PUBLIC -]' so that means We The People are the collateral for which it is presumed that in 1933 the People became the credit for THE UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy.
This is with the Secured Party's Name of; THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789.

So now you can get the Sheriff on the spot to get all their investigative work done as the way it should be according to the Acts and Resolutions of Congress since 1871 or you can have them arrested for Refusing to comply with any of the laws!

What Bankruptcy?, video in here:
USA Inc. has Lost its Charter & Martial Law is happening to Bring Forth the New Republic

Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”


Anonymous said...

And what individual signed off for that sheriff to do this thing?
Individual accountability.
Why now?
Because people realized we are the ones we are waiting on and we stopped complaining on corporations and started complaining on the people that work there, that's why?
If you see change? It's because We, the people, have used what is given to us, what has always been available to us and we use it in ways we were not taught.

We see these agencies will work for us if our complaints are against things that 'don't exist' and our complaints are frivolous where we name fictitious entities and claim it did something it cannot do because it is not alive and cannot do any act without a real live people behind it doing it and using the letterhead of the fictitious entity to claim the letter came from the fictitious entity.

Some of us are awake and the government offices 'hear us and see us', and some of us are asleep are are part of the problem or work for the other side, and complain and want us to sit back and do nothing and complain with them.

We've always had the power.
Dorothy, click your heels three times and say.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.

Unknown said...

Perhaps we the people need to retain all our rights and issue Cease and Desist Orders to officials as our employees, as we enlighten them to who they really work FOR??

Are we not the Priority Creditors and beneficiaries of the original Constitution & protected by same & Bill of Rights (Prohibitions to "govmnt")??

Have U seen the dramatic big screen movie trailer yet?

Heard the "banker testimony" ?