We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,
your Government Officials to investigate on the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA, INC. Not having a Charter, and Judicial Watch should file a
THE UNITED STATES, INC. has been really Bankrupt since 1933 per the
Bank Conservation Act of 1933 and just built up a Debt, then every one
of them has Committed a Felony, and We The People do have a Right to get
them put in Prison and We get Paid back!
you believe this is ONLY 'Fiction' then You have committed Felonies to
support it this far, and You OWN Nothing as it was paid with nothing!
has been reported that your federal government has NOT paid their fees
to keep their Charter, and their Debt Limit has NOT risen for 175 days,
so they should be Officially Bankrupt and in Default!!!
Why are the Politicians Still Getting Paid when they are Bankrupt?
your City or County you should get at least 20 people to go in to Your
Officials and Demand an investigation on whether the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA, INC. has a corporate Charter, and they have NOT made a payment
for 6 months.
can do your own investigation with knowledgeable people to back you up,
but you really need to confront your own Government Officials,
primarily the Police Chief or Sheriff, and mandate they do it.
any of them refuse to investigate then you can have them Criminally
Charged for doing business with a corporation that is Bankrupt, and We
ALL Know the Cities and Counties Financially Support the Federal
Government, or Truly they Receive Federal Grants, which is a crime when
they are Bankrupt.
“We in the City Accept your Federal Grant from a Bankrupt Corporation!!!”
cannot go to Trial under Statutory Law to fight it as the Judge is on
the payroll of a Bankrupt Corporation, or they can Claim they only work
for the BAR Association that has NO Affiliation with the UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA, INC. as they serve the Queen, so they either confess to one
crime or they confess to another!!!
maybe you should have your Government Officials turn down the
investigation so you can confront a Judge to have them Dismiss the case
before you even step foot into their Courtroom, as then you can have
them Arrested as they Work for the Corporations one way or another, so
they would not be able to Dismiss it.
And there CANNOT be 3, 6, or 12 month delays on going to Court as they are Doing Business NOW with a Bankrupt Corporation!
the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is Bankrupt then why are You We The
People supporting to continue to finance Wars, for later those Military
Personnel will NOT get Paid?
What Bankruptcy?, video in here:
You can see more at: Nesaranews Constitution And Founding Documents
Here is what it says in The Declaration of Independence:
“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem
most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Yes, you should put them all in prison. Go ahead, we are behind you 100%.
One of these three United States is Bankrupt -- tell me, can you guess which one?
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