Sunday, September 6, 2015

Putting YOU Under OUR Control Right Under YOUR Nose

Putting YOU Under OUR Control Right Under YOUR Nose
Posted By: CrystalRiver [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2015 12:41:34

Dear RM Agents and Readers,
I often attempt to show a story or two regrading Morgellons and where I think it is going. What is the purpose. Is it just a slow kill? In part, but only part. It was Hank Albarelli that I spoke with and confirmed that his thought process,(like many of us who have Morgellons (MD)) is that the soft slow kill was but part of the program from our own military. The "K" Project is noted at this link and shows why the knockdown takes out more folks than the kill unless it is a mass kill from above perhaps like the mass kill of the antelopes in recent days:
Next Read this article which speaks of Operation Strange Man; are they recreating mankind? for what purpose?
Next move on to this article and notice how the federal gov and military have a handle on it, so to speak:
Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe (Part 1)
by Hank P. Albarelli Jr., Zoe Martell
Over the past ten years, more than 100 000 people in the United States and in Europe have complained about a strange and devastating skin disease known as Morgellons. The medical community is divided between those who dismiss it as a psychological disorder and those who regard Morgellons as an emerging disease deserving further study. This issue would normally be confined to scientific medical journals if the Pentagon and federal "law-enforcement" agencies were not so actively engaged in hiding it from the public. In the first part of his investigation, Hank Albarelli reports on a controversy which leads straight to new weapons experiments of the most secret order.
The rest at the link below:
Why is it that the U.S. state apparatus is standing in the way of any serious medical investigation into Mogellons disease? For the simple reason that it would inexorably lead to the covert biological war programmes of the 1950’s. Hank Albarelli lifts the veil on a period - which may not necessarily be over - when the military-industrial complex proclaimed to safeguard the "free world" while testing new experiments on the civilian population that it purported to protect; a period when members of the medical profession - including the CDC - developed diseases that they should have been preventing but which they used instead to contaminate the very people they were supposed to protect.
Rest of the article below:
Do take the time to read the declassified Mkultra documents at this link.
One of the many pages from the MKNAOMI and MKULTRA declassified documents. MKNAOMI was the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program lasting from the 1950s through the 1970s. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MKDELTA project and to have focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials.
Looks like the declassified documents are not at a link that has been cut. It was there and I read and copied them but this to was taken from me.
Some of the information has obviously been returned to classified unless Mr. Albarelli or Ms. Martell can produce this information or some other source that has it, I'll be happy to post regardless if it is reclassified because folks have a right to know why this has been done to them.
Video Wires in the Brain--we go in from the inside!
I've also heard and posted about a new military tech group that puts DARPA to shame, real or not I'm not sure:) That is for later.
Yet, with this information above they can create a walking talking army controlled by them. I'm sure they already have broke down scopaline:
Devils Breath which is a nightshade just like tobacco and others that cause arthritis.
Letting your mind do the job of scaring you to death is part of what they have been doing. Their intention is to control everyone just like in the dystopian shows that have been popular as of late. Wonder what would happen if they dropped scopolamine from the sky???? Hope I never know.
Transhuman, live forever, under something elses control:
Borg anyone?
Many Blessings,

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