Photo by JD Lamb
Friday, September 18, 2015
The Texas Nationalist Movement wants the state of Texas to secede from the United States. They have started a petition to get a referendum for secession on the Texas Republican primary ballot on March 1.
The Nederland-based Texas independence group is circulating a petition aimed at getting a non-binding vote onto the GOP primary ballot over whether "the state of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."
Their goal? 75,000 signatures from registered voters by Dec. 1 — more than the 66,894 the Texas Secretary of State's office says the group needs to get the language on the ballot.
Even if the Texas Nationalist Movement gets enough signatures, such a vote would be little more than symbolic.
Academics agree that Texas cannot secede from the United States, and point to a post-Civil War Supreme Court ruling, Texas v. White, as evidence. (BS - Texas was forcefully annexed with state 'corporation' status (have Masonic Sam Houston to thank for selling out the sovereign nation of The Republic of Texas) like several other states, and is tied to a 'treaty' with Washington, DC that has to be continually renewed and can be nullified at any time - this 'treaty' has to be signed by the governor as with the other states. The 'supreme court' is a maritime law court (law of the SEA) and has no legal status or authority on land in North America. These 'courts' have no legal authority and should be abolished. Who - with lawful authority for the Republic - allowed the Queen's English law of the seas 'courts' with their magistrates (NOT judges) to 'come ashore' and act with unlawful authority - of which they have NONE?)
But that hasn't stopped the Republican Party of Texas from rolling its eyes at the secessionists. Texas GOP communications director Aaron Whitehead said the Republican party certainly doesn't welcome outside groups trying to doctor the party ballot. (Most Texans are being led around by their noses - totally ignorant of the situation of Texas, and that Texas does NOT NEED the treasonous 'federal government' - but Wash DC DOES need Texas - which it steals from, manipulates and controls for THEIR benefit at the expense of the good people of Texas. Most Republicans and Democrats are useless ignorant idiots. ALL they care about is their own personal status and wealth.)
“Historically the executive committee of the Republican Party has chosen what goes on this,” Whitehead said, “and it’s party preference that it stays that way.”
The Texas Nationalist Movement, which hasn't yet verified how many signatures it has, doesn't buy the argument that the state can't secede. Daniel Miller, the group's president, points to the state Constitution and, in particular, the provision that gives Texans the right to "alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.” (The corporation state was formed by FRAUD - it can and should be abolished and returned to its sovereign Republic status.)
Miller said the group is going around the state party because past interactions with the GOP weren't fruitful. "We have had our hand slapped," Miller said. "We have been rebuffed and not just us as an organization, but essentially anyone in any position inside the party that has advocated for this position has been rebuffed."
Whitehead said there is zero relationship between the GOP and the secessionists, and added that his response to such a ballot proposal would be the same if it were “a resolution giving everybody a unicorn or a resolution for secession.” (Whitehead continues to show his total ignorance.)
If the Texas Nationalist Movement does get the signatures it needs, the Secretary of State's office says it will be the first time a referendum from a citizen group is put on the Republicans’ statewide primary ballot.
Miller acknowledges a majority vote for the referendum wouldn't be binding, but hopes it would be enough evidence of support to get state leaders to take the issue seriously long-term.
“The end game for us is to have a binding referendum on Texas independence, much like the people of Scotland had in November of last year,” Miller said. The 2014 vote over Scottish independence from the United Kingdom failed.
Volunteers from the Texas Nationalist Movement are at work across the state, scurrying to get signatures. Miller is optimistic; he says the organization itself has over 200,000 members.
“Texas and Washington, D.C. are on very different paths, and the people of Texas obviously recognize that,” he said."
"The Texas Nationalist Movement message has been one not of reaction to grievance but one of a future we can build as an independent nation.”
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