Friday, September 25, 2015

The Pope is Betraying Christianity and selling out the principles of freedom

The Pope is Betraying Christianity

And selling out the principles of freedom  

Paul Joseph Watson
September 24, 2015

The pope is a political prostitute who is betraying Christianity and selling out the principles of freedom.

Watch the video above for the hardcore truth which many conservatives are afraid to say.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you Paul, you didn't miss a beat.
You hit the nail on the head on all points.
I'm so afraid we're doomed to the 'AGENDA'.

Not once did Francis mention anything of truth...
so I guess they're going to keep our birth certificates,
'cause we're still 'lost at sea', still slaves, and supposed
to believe the rest of the contrived fairy tales.

People, wake up; for them it is all about the money.

Has anyone done a deeper study of questioning the age
of the Egyptian pyramid, or believe it might have been
a secret 'factory' to produce MONOTOMIC GOLD ?

There seems to be something special in white powder 'gold',
called ORMUS, with healing properties and may be thought of as
the 'elixir' of life...?

If any of that is 'true', that would explain a lot of things...

In case the 'Masons' did some stonework inside the pyramid,
who copied who first if Gothic arches were used inside ??

Inquiring minds want to know ..

Anonymous said...

In Revelation, God describes the papal power as "the great whore" (Rev. 17:1, 19:2). No term could be more accurate or informative. I think He wants us to learn something about this power and how it functions, and take warning.

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, 'Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." -Revelation 18:4, 5