Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”

Thirty Magistrates in North Carolina Are Now All Refusing To Conduct Homosexual “Marriages”

September 8, 2015 in News by RBN

Freedom Outpost | Theodore Shoebat

Thirty North Carolina magistrates are refusing to conduct homosexual “marriages.” According to the report:
More than 30 magistrates in North Carolina have refused to perform weddings. But thanks to a new state law, they were able to do so legally.

Right after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in June, the state passed a law allowing officials to opt out of performing all marriages.

The law exempts court officials with a “sincerely held religious objection” and is designed for those opposing gay marriage.

The law’s original sponsor, Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, said it’s probably preventing situations like the one in Kentucky.

“It’s keeping folks from having to choose between their job and their religious beliefs. I think that’s important,” he said.

Berger said so far the law hasn’t caused any problems.

“I think the law is working very well,” he said.

Only Utah has a similar law.
Kim Davis has been jailed by the American government for refusing to submit to the homosexual agenda. This only shows that the time is now coming when Christians are going to have to fight. The time is now coming when God is using persecution to sift out the saints from the hirelings. Carly Fiorina, the “conservative” whom so many are praising, has proven herself to be a Jezebel, slamming Kim Davis for her righteous decision, saying:
Given the role that she’s playing, given the fact that the government is paying her salary, I think that is not appropriate. Now that’s my personal opinion
I did a very distinct video, explaining the nature of what is happening, what will happen in America, and why this is happening in America: 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good on them.