Tuesday, September 8, 2015

United States Government Debt to GDP Ratio is 312% and Climbing

(It has been since 1933 when THE UNITED STATES, INC. became bankrupt, and then 3 months later We The People became their Collateral as the CREDITORS! Yet they failed to tell the People, and now each and every Government Corporation Official pays us back or goes to jail!!!)

United States Government Debt to GDP Ratio is 312% and Climbing
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2015 05:00:55

by William Edstrom
The United States (US) government often cites $18 trillion as the amount of money that they owe, but their actual debts are higher. Much higher.
How big is USA's debt?
The government in the USA owes $13.2 trillion in US Treasury Bonds, $5 trillion in money borrowed by the US Federal government from Federal government trust funds like the Social Security trust fund, $0.7 trillion for state bonds issued by the 50 states, $3.7 trillion for the municipal bond market (US towns, cities and counties), $1.97 trillion still owing by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, mostly for bad mortgages in years gone by, $6.23 trillion owed by US government authorities other than Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, $1.04 trillion in loans taken out by the US Federal government (e.g. government credit card balances, short term loans) and $0.63 trillion in loans owed by government authorities (e.g. their government credit card balances, short term loans). As of April 1, 2015, according to the Federal Reserve Bank's Financial Accounts of the US report, the government in the USA has $32.5 trillion in debt excluding unfunded government pension debts and unfunded government healthcare cost.
Debt is money that has to be paid. The government in the USA also has to pay $6.62 trillion for unfunded pension liabilities, as of April 1, 2015. There are thousands of government pension plans in the USA (e.g. County, State, Teacher's, Police). The Federal Employees Pension Plan is now short $1.9 trillion according to the Fed's March 2015 statement plus $4.7 trillion in unfunded state and municipal pension liabilities according to State Budget Solutions which calculates on actual pension returns (approx. 2.5% per year from 2009 to 2014, instead of the fantasy 'assumption' of an 8% return used by the Fed to guesstimate pension fund money). The largest governmental pension fund in Puerto Rico ran out money (became insolvent) in 2012 and the government now has to pay $20.5 billion for that. Pension contributions into government pension plans have been less than what these pension plans pay out to retirees which is why the US government was short by $6.62 trillion for government pensions as of April 1, 2015.
The DJIA has fallen 12.5% since the Spring. $6.3 trillion in governmental pension plan money was invested in wall street as of April 1st. Additional government pension plan losses have been, so far this year, $0.79 trillion. As of August 29, 2015, the government in the US owes $7.41 trillion for pensions. Every additional 10% the DJIA drops (from it's Spring 2015 high), is another $0.63 trillion in unfunded pension costs that the US government has to pay.
The US Federal government owed $1.95 trillion in unfunded entitlements for the Federal Employees Pension Fund as of April 1, 2015. Unfunded entitlements are health care benefits for retirees above and beyond Medicare benefits. States, municipalities and governmental authorities owe an additional $4.2 trillion for retiree health benefits. Medicare and Medicaid costs, about $0.83 trillion in 2014, escalate 6% a year and Obamacare adds $0.18 trillion a year in governmental health costs, mostly for subsidies. Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare costs will escalate to $1.28 trillion in 2018.
Bottom line, as of September 3, 2015, the government in the USA owes $46.04 trillion (bonds, unfunded pension costs, unfunded healthcare costs, credit card balances and loans).
How does USA intend to pay government debt?



Anonymous said...

You got the title right; it is the UNITED STATES government's debt, NOT the debt of We The People. It is debt created by the corporation known as: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. We The People don't owe it; the corporation and it's member, officials, created it and they owe it.

Anonymous said...

"The debt crisis that the Government and individuals face is the most pressing issue of our time. We must begin to confront this challenge head-on and

not squander away the future financial health of this nation."
Source: http://www.usdebtclock.org/


Anonymous said...

"( Richard Russell, one of the world’s most knowledgeable and respected financial advisors recently stated that fiat money is “the greatest fraud ever

perpetuated on the American public.” Fiat money is paper currency, backed by nothing of intrinsic value – currency that derives its value solely by the

faith placed in it by the people and nations who hold it. Every fiat currency in the history of the world has been devalued by government to the point

that it has eventually been rendered worthless. Russell, in a recent article entitled “Fiat Money is Headed to the Graveyard, And The Gold Boom Hasn’t

Even Begun” writes, “In the big picture, I believe we’re going to put fiat currency to the test. Fiat money allowed the U.S. to experience boom. Fiat

money produced the tech bust, the equities bust and the housing bust. Fiat money is the vehicle that is created and sponsored by the world’s central

banks. Fiat money will prove to be a fraud. Out of the graveyard of fiat money will emerge real intrinsic money – gold.” )"
Source: http://www.monexfraud.com/the-fiat-currency-fraud.php

Anonymous said...

America's Money Machine: The Story of the Federal Reserve by Elgin Groseclose
"He shows that at no time in its history has the Fed actually achieved what it promised: low inflation, economic stability, stable growth, reliable

regulation of the banking system. Groseclose goes further to show that the Fed has generated unrelenting cycles and inflation and been the major fuel

for the growth of government -- politicizing the whole of American economic life."

Source: https://mises.org/library/americas-money-machine-story-federal-reserve
More: https://mises.org/profile/elgin-groseclose

Anonymous said...

“Fabulous” Fabrice Tourre: the Accused in Goldman’s Fraud Case
"The sub-prime mortgage debacle that has left thousands of people in the United States homeless has been bad enough. Now the American people have to

listen to SEC fraud allegations about how a white-shoe investment banker by the name of Fabrice Tourre, then working at Goldman Sachs in New York,

apparently defrauded the bank’s clients.

According to the SEC, it seems that Tourre participated in packaging and shorting the sub-prime Residential Mortgage Backed Securities or RMBSs that

comprised an ill-fated Collateralized Debt Obligation that the bank then touted as excellent investments to its unwary clients. "
Source: http://www.forexfraud.com/forex-articles/fabulous-fabrice-tourre.html

Anonymous said...

Fiat Currency: The Biggest Forex Fraud Ever?
"... the reality is that for some time now, the paper currency used in society has only been backed by nothing more than the “full faith and credit” of

the issuer. In the end of the article you will find links to other big and entertaining stories of forex frauds."
Source: http://www.forexfraud.com/forex-articles/fiat-currency-fraud.html

Anonymous said...

"Planned Chaos" - Why Fiat Money Is "A Large-Scale Fraud System"
"What are the reasons for economic booms and busts and which reforms are necessary to create an economically viable monetary order? On 2 April, Thorsten

Polleit addressed these questions in his lecture “Boom & Bust, or: Planned Chaos” referring to the Austrian school of economics. Polleit is Chief

Economist of Degussa Goldhandel, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland and Honorary Professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance &


Polleit identified the state-controlled fiat money system as a main cause of the international financial and economic crisis. This system, he said, is

based on the ability of banks to create money literally out of nothing. It is, in principle, a “large-scale fraud system” because today’s money is

“intrinsically worthless and not redeemable”. This has damaging consequences for the overall economic development."
Source: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-11/planned-chaos-why-fiat-money-large-scale-fraud-system

Anonymous said...

Chinese Revenge on the West for the Opium Wars – A Brutal Currency War Against the Dollar

"With the beginning of the equity market crash, first in China and then in all western countries, the two other bubbles have also burst. China depreciated the Yuan and thus declared a war on the dollar last week. Why? Because China is not only the chief sponsor of the gargantuan US debt through buying huge amounts of US treasuries that have no value, but also the cheap ex-territorial factory of the USA and EU. And here comes the greatest fraud of all times."

Source: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2015/08/chinese-revenge-on-the-west-for-the-opium-wars-a-brutal-currency-war-against-the-dollar/
More: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/category/economic-collapse/