Tuesday, September 8, 2015





“Prayer Request from Dan and Marilyn Wilson.............

Missionaries who are in the areas that are being attacked by ISIS are asking to be showered in prayer. ISIS has taken over the town they are in today. He said ISIS is systematically going house to house to all the Christians and asking them to denounce Jesus.  
He said so far not one child has and, so far, all have consequently been killed, but not the parents

The UN has withdrawn and the missionaries are on their own.  They are determined to stick it out for the sake of the families, even if it means their own deaths.       
They are very afraid, have no idea how to even begin ministering to these families who have witnessed their children martyred, yet he says he knows God has called them for some reason to be His voice and hands at this place at this time.  Even so, they are begging for prayers for courage to live out their vocation in such dire circumstances and, like the children, accept martyrdom if they are called to do so.  
These brave parents instilled such a fervent faith in their children that they chose martyrdom.  Please surround them in their loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance.
One missionary was able to talk to her brother briefly by phone.  She didn't say it, but I believe she believes it will be their last conversation.  Pray for her, too.  She said he just kept asking her to help him know what to do and do it.  She told him to tell the families we ARE praying for them and they are not alone or forgotten -- no matter what. 

Please keep them all in your prayers.

This came this morning.  Just a few minutes ago I received the following text message on my phone from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief International (CRI).  We then spoke briefly on the phone and I assured him that we would share this urgent prayer need with all of our contacts..................

"We lost the city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh). It fell to ISIS and they are beheading children systematically.  
This is the city we have been smuggling food to.  ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10 minutes of where our CRI team is working.  Thousands more fled into the city of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated its staff in Erbil.  Our team is unmoved and will stay.  Prayer cover needed!" 

Please pray sincerely for the  
deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for mass conversion or death for Christians across this region. 
May I plead with you not to ignore this email.  Do not forward it before you have prayed through it.  Then send it to as many people as possible.  Send it to friends and Christians you may know.  Send it to your prayer group.  Send it to your pastor and phone him to pray on Sunday or Wednesday during the service - making a special time of prayer for this.   
We need to stand in the gap for our fellow Christians.  Please remember to continue to intercede for these people.

Please continue to keep all our brothers and sisters and their children in all your prayers !!!!  

It may soon be our time in America to be seeking prayer coverage, as the muslims and ISIS movements are gaining in numbers and strength in our own nation. How can we ask for prayer coverage for ourselves if we are not willing to provide it for our dear suffering brothers and sisters in other nations?

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

How do we know this isn't another ' staged ' event, just like the other false flags ? Us regular people have no real way to confirm this is happening for real. If this is real, a lot of goddamn good " prayers " did for these people. ISIS is the Cabal, financed by the US, Israel, UK, etc. These pics look just like the other staged bullshit beheadings. I call faked, for now. Praying has never been proven to be effective in the last 2000 years, what evidence do we have that it will be now ? LJ

Anonymous said...

Exactly,agree with above post.they need another full blown war.they are Isis.

Anonymous said...

When the time comes here in America - and IT IS COMING - that you are facing ISIS et al and hearing their threats to cut off your head if you don't bow down to them and to satan - are you going to wonder if anyone is praying for you? Or if anyone gives a da*n about you? Or if anyone would take time to think about your maybe being in this situatioin and standing by you in thought and prayer - and perhaps with action to stop these demons? Who - or what - will you cry out to for help at that time? The beheadings ARE happening worldwide, especially in the Middle East at this time and many reports with pics to support this. There have been plenty of reports of beheadings going on at the border of Mexico and the southern States - all sorts of photos taken and reported of heads found by border patrol, ranchers, etc. How did you miss that? Google the pics. What will it take to convince you - for yours to come off? And yes - ISIS IS the cabal - headquartered right here in the states and run by McCain and others and funded by black ops money - and the likes of Soros, et al. Imagine that. Have you missed the "order out of chaos" declarations numerous times quoted by the fraudulent 'government' agents on TV? Americans sit back and question this and that but don't know a thing about their 'government' except for the lies and propaganda on TV and spewing from the filthy lying mouths of the pretend 'government' workers - why? BECAUSE IT IS NOT YOUR GOVERNMENT - IT IS THE CABAL. So, America is allowing - even supporting - these atrocious things to occur because Americans have not stood up and said 'Enough' and put a stop to this - arresting the criminals posing as our government and hanging them for their crimes and for treason. There are way more of us than them - what the heck is stopping Americans from doing the right thing and putting an end to these animals? Iceland did it with pitchforks - Americans continue to go to McDonalds and consume GMOs and 'think' about it. You're questioning - that's good - but do the research and you will get your answers. You are expressing your anger - that's good - but do it respectfully or comments will not be posted on this blog. Consider this a warning. Take your anger and frustrations out on a racquet ball court or tennis court or just beat your head against the wall. Better yet, educate yourself and join others who want to make 'CHANGE" - remember that misleading word 'CHANGE" from bozo? America DOES need to make 'CHANGE' - back to what this nation was founded upon and was intended to represent. One of those was LIFE - the right to life and to live. The founding principle of this nation was to stand up against our enemy within and without. So why are Americans sitting back, watching and condemning others and not uniting to do something to make the changes - like returning our TRUE government back to America? That would be a great project for you to work on. Consider it. Put the anger and frustration to work in a GOOD way that will benefit ALL of America - and the world for that matter - because these scumbags running the nation are NOT loyal to you or me - they are NOT our government - and their only concern is to accomplish their evil agenda and put MORE of YOUR and MY money in to their pocketbooks. As for "Praying has never been proven to be effective in the last 2000 years" - this comment proves you are NOT walking in and among praying people. I personally have experienced answers to life saving prayers - and have witnessed many miracles. Only a fool mocks what he doesn't know or hasn't experienced. Prayer even works for "Us regular people" - I AM one - whatever that is supposed to be my friend. Be encouraged. You can correct your situation but you have to do it. No one else can live your life for you. Looks like some serious contemplation on a NEW direction for you may be in order. Go for it. Much success!

Anonymous said...

What good are the U.N. they are cowards. K en T.