Friday, September 4, 2015

Victims Of Vaccine Damage Speak Out

Victims Of Vaccine Damage Speak Out

Callers discuss personal stories regarding damage caused by vaccines

by | September 4, 2015 

Infowars Nightly News Director Rob Dew takes calls from everyday Americans who reveal their vaccine horror stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this! Now is the time for Vaccine Victims or Potential Victims to make noise and refuse this poison from these ignorant, insane or criminal ones who produce and push this filth. The Vaccine Pushers rhetoric has pushed into high gear; huge billboards in the cities are now going up telling ya "to get your flu shot!!" My favorite sign in the stores now is; "What vaccine to you need today"? Local pharmacies, grocery stories, even gas stations have their vaccine signage throughout their store isles and now added street curb signage pushing this poison. Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist can no longer play the "go along get along game" as they know this is a for profit scheme and must also speak up! Protect yourself, your children, your elders, your animals! Flat out reply "Hell No, None" when you are asked what vaccine do you "need" today!