Friday, September 4, 2015

Wonder Woman Banned from School Lunchbox …Seriously? But Kardashians and Miley OK!! Pic

Wonder Woman Banned from School Lunchbox …Seriously? But Kardashians and Miley OK!! Pic
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 4-Sep-2015 12:23:39

If I was her mother, I would have dressed up as Wonder Woman and went up to the school to have a talk. :-)
As a little girl, I had many positive role models. One of my biggest–who still influences me today–is “Wonder Woman”. Not only is she beautiful, she is strong, highly intelligent. She embodies strength without compromising her feminine side. She gave little girls born in the 70′s confidence and an “I can do anything” attitude. That confidence carried over into my adults years and has helped me conquer and succeed in every area of my life.
I don’t consider super heroes to be violent. They are the good guys fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way.” Apparently, one school doesn’t feel the same way. A girl was recently sent home from school for bringing a Wonder Woman lunchbox. They sent home a letter stating, “The dress code we have established requests that the children not bring violent images into the building in any fashion, including shoes and socks, backpacks and lunchboxes.”
The image on the side of the girls lunchbox was Wonder Woman holding her truth lasso (yeah, telling the truth is really violent!). I mean, when is this rhetoric and control from schools going to end? Would it be better if the girl had a picture of Kim Kardashian instead? Maybe Nicki Minaj in something bootie-licious? How about Miley Cyrus in her Hannah Montana persona? Dress like a slut, OK! Have intelligence, values and morals and aspire to be something great- to fight corruption, not OK! This is one of those times to challenge the school and stand up for what you think is right when something is so egregiously ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

School enrollment papers pretty much give the school carte blanche power of your youth when you just take the papers, fill them out, sign them and send them back.

If it requires a signature it's a contract.
People don't read the contracts that determine how their children will be treated during a school year, during school hours.

They can decide what the hair looks like, what clothes can be worn, what supplies are allowed, conversation style, what groups can be formed or meet there and if you really get into it, what medical care the youth is required to have if the nurse was given power to make the decision, and whether they can go on field trips even if it's a trip to a police station for some purported issue.

So tired of these things posted without giving full disclosure the role people play in the things that happen to them.

I am reminded that 'they' say 'we' agreed to it. And they can produce the wet ink signature contract of the school enrollment, and the fill these out within three days of the start of school papers they sent home.
Even teachers want contracts with the youths. They give their grade criteria and want parent and student signature.

Contracts, contracts, contracts.
Why is someone posting a 'failed to perform the obligation of the contract' as if someone violated someone else's right?

The one they told this to, was under contract.
They better perform or they are wasting their money if they plan to file a lawsuit.
In the paperwork from the school, the school would provide the court with the parent agreement.

Anonymous said...

And...on the other hand if they do not sign then the child does not go to school. Now if that was my child they would not go to a public or private school. I would home school them or gather other parents to pay a teacher to teach them. NO mandatory vaccinations and so on. However, most parents are either too lazy or apathetic to care what goes on in their child's school or simply are working hard to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. I know that there are a lot of upset teachers out there who might want to privately teach students because they have had it with the system too.