Civil War Alert!!!!
We are about to have a civil war again in the U.S..
Both times because the Federal Government doesn't want to follow the law and has their own agenda.
We are hearing from Whistle Blowers that the 3 letter agencies have been ordered to stand down in the Hammond Farm situation.
BLM are sending Snipers to take out patriots that so far have not broken any laws but are standing in the way if implementing the Agenda 21 U.N. Treaty.
Obama wants the BLM to start Civil War in America so he can declare Marshall Law. Looks like that will be tomorrow the 7th.
Their are 15 million Patriots ready to go to take down all illegal governments in the U.S.. Within 2-3 weeks they will have another 35 million Men and Women ready to take down all parts of our illegal governments.
I've heard the many people would like to skin Obama alive for what he Is doing to this country.
These people in Or. are exercising civil disobedience and that is their right under the Constitution and is not a crime.
The building they are using does not belong to the US government as is not allowed by the Constitution. It belongs to the people of the USA.
Anyone in the news or on TV that says the government needs to go out and kill all of these Patriots are really stupid or part of the paid Cabal and will say anything to promote the cause of taking over this country and then the world.
It will put all of those that is not one of them into slavery with 90% being executed by cutting off your head as Obama is a Muslim. He already has 30,000 Guillotines at the FEMA Camps and Military bases.
I believe that if BLM Operatives are left to kill the Patriots tonight we will be on Marshall Law tomorrow and will be in a civil war. This is what Obama wants.
He knows many world leaders want him arrested for all the crimes against Humanity he has committed throughout the World and is not reported in the Paper or TV news media. This could stop his arrest but I can tell you he can not hide and can't be protected from the masses because of the sheer number of people that are tired of his unlawfulness against the American people. His treasonous ways will soon come to an end.
One country had filed charges for 720 international crimes against Obama about 2 years ago and he is still walking around. If he was white he would have been gone along time ago. Just the facts Mam just the facts. More than 30 other countries have filed charges against him at the World Court as well.
The BLM is using Mercenaries in Or. as they did at the Bundy Ranch last fall as legitimate government agencies would not go along with the BLM lawlessness.
The BLM are also putting up and funding BLM people to run for Sheriff in counties where they want to seize land and the new Sheriffs just go along with the BLM as the Sheriff in Or. is doing now and not protecting his counties' Ranchers. That is Treason my friends.
The Sheriff in Or. was a BLM agent at the Bundy Ranch last fall. How about that.
Glen S.
I'm hearing the same thing from my people. Ken T.
the bubble is about to burst,montel williams comment really shows he is a sellout to the corporate lies. Were waiting to here the good news about the current rogue kazarian rothschild/rockefeller mafia u.s.govt. arrested and confined. BLM get ready to be dismanteled!
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