Monday, January 4, 2016

Defend the First Amendment - its your RIGHT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My ancestors had no way of knowing they were
jumping out of the frying pan into the fire...

They unwittingly fled tyranny and war in their native lands,
for the same yet more sinister and veiled conditions here.
They contributed, and I plan to benefit on their behalf.

The understanding of 'their' need to silence truth
is palpable, but will not prevail.

Their schemes are ages old,
and I will not back down.

There is nothing new under the sun,
pity for them.
They are more than exposed in the light.

This time the wildfire cannot be escaped.

I have yet to verify and substantiate Obama's
alleged using and 'dressing' Russian and Chinese
troops in US Army uniforms...

God help him if it's true, for that will supply me
with endless opportunities to direct my satirical
'first amendment' right, straight to his inbox
and my entire sphere of influence.

The 'pen and the tongue' are mightier than the sword.