Friday, January 1, 2016

ISIS is “preparing the largest religious cleansing in history"

Image result for isis group picWow: There’s Only ONE Country ISIS Admits To Being Scared Of  & It                                       Will Stun You

Journalist claims ISIS is “preparing the largest religious cleansing in history.”
ISIS militants admitted to being truly scared of only one country. And it is not the United States, Russia, Great Britain or France: it is Israel.

German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who spent 10 days with the organization in Syria in 2014, recounted to Jewish News“They told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them.”

Todenhofer, a former member of the German Parliament, wrote a book about his experience called My 10 Days in the Islamic State.

The 75-year-old “was the first Western journalist allowed extensive access to ISIS territory – and to return safely from the trip,” Haaretz reported. 

“They think they can defeat US and UK ground troops, who they say they have no experience in city guerrilla or terrorist strategies,” he told Jewish News. “But they know the Israelis are very tough as far as fighting against guerrillas and terrorists.”

Todenhofer related that ISIS is “preparing the largest religious cleansing in history,” and that the Paris attacks are just the first of “a storm” that is coming to Western cities. 

In an audio recording reportedly made by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader directly threatened the nation of Israel, as well. 

“We are getting closer to you day by day,” said the message, the Jerusalem Post reported. “Do not think that we have forgotten about you.”
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“God caused the Jews of the world to gather in Israel, and the war against them has become easy. It is the obligation of every Muslim to carry out Jihad.

“Jews, you will not enjoy in Palestine. God has gathered you in Palestine so that the Mujahadeen can reach you soon and you will hide by the rock and the tree. Palestine will be your graveyard,” he said.

As reported by Western Journalism, ISIS has suffered a series of setbacks recently, including the loss of Ramadi (capital of Al Anbar Province) this week to U.S./British-supported Iraqi forces. Operations are now underway to retake Mosul and Fallujah.

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond stated on Tuesday, “These barbaric terrorists have lost 30% of the territory they once held in Iraq.”


TennesseeVolunteer said...

How vconvenient, ISIS is scared of Israel. Why does Israel treat wounded ISIS fighters then?

Anonymous said...

Not buying this. Some israeli sponsored propaganda proabaly. ISIS is funded and trained by Israel and Bush faction of CIA. Militants are trained in Jordan. See Veterans Today for info. Your tax dollars again being wasted ... Congress just gave Israel $50 Billion, on top of their usual free Foreign Aid of $18.5 million per DAY, and the $3 Billion to Israeli military. And for this USA got Mossad, Silverstein, and Bush WH bombing WTC on 9/11 ( See CIA Asset Susan Lindauer 911 Truth on Youtube, and again VT.)

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:01 PM Here's the answer to your question. Have you ever been to Israel? Do you have associations within Israel? Have you ever walked the hospital corridors, spoken with the patients and staff there? Have you spoken with the "Palestinians" residing within Israel who love Israel, want to remain there, and who join the IDF forces to DEFEND ISRAEL? Both Israelis and P's are some of the most loving, caring, grateful and giving people I have ever met in worldwide travels. Israel provides medical to ALL. - including YOU if you ever visit Israel and need help. By the way, Netanyahu is NOT a Kharzarian 'jew' (there's that dirty 'jew' word, right?) He and his family love the Lord God. He conducts Bible/Torah study on a regular basis. Too many ill informed people putting out lies just like White, Sharpton, Jackson, Farakhan, and many others to include the 'white' offenders. No wonder there is so much strife between races and nations. And yes, ISIS IS scared of Israel. Israel does NOT put up with their crimes against humanity - same as Putin has expressed. No bigger than New Jersey, there is no room for such demonic activities. The Israelis are willing to risk their lives in the defense of their families and friends, their nation and their military sons and daughters. The 'palestinians' who are constantly featured for being deprived, etc. - it's all a LIE. Advise you lean about that, too. Just as ISIS, there is a very small group of demonic idiots referred to as the 'palestinians' (a small segment within the population of 'Ps') within Israel who, just like ISIS, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and all the rest will stop at nothing to cause unrest, turmoil and war including putting their wives, children and those captured in front of them to be hit by Israelis when these demons set off their rockets and bombs against the Israelis. Most times Israelis will not fight back because they do not want to hurt or kill the innocent. STOP believing the LIES and LEARN THE TRUTH and TELL IT TO THE OTHERS who have been lied to.

Anonymous said...

Provide proof of the Israelis sponsoring propaganda and training ISIS, etc. Again, simple uninformed misinformed assumptions. Just because the US may at times (not frequently any more) provide financial aid to Israel does not mean that Israel has anything to do with ISIS or any other terrorist organization except to defend the nation against them. All these statements should be proven to be true. And VT is NOT a reliable resource for proof or anything else. You would be very wise to do your research homework about Gordon Duff and the others. It's time to put a stop to all the propaganda and lies - even by those within this nation. Nuff is nuff. Surely there are some Americans who are smarter and wiser than this.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! You quote Veterans Today as your "reliable" source??? You mean the same outfit that had (until it was publically disclosed) nothing but Muslims on their "board"? The same outfit that recently visited Syria? And the Mossad was behind the WTC being bombed? why did Muslims cheer? And why did they bomb it years before that along with Lockerbie, the Olympics in Munich, the marine barracks, Leon Klinghoffer, San Bernardino, the army base and on and on with their nasty little Islamic escapades? Maybe when they start blowing up our shopping centers on a regular basis it might get our attention.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @3:03pm- you are spot on. I feel for the people.Their gov is as corrupt as the corporation is here. Three quarters of the land Israel sits on belongs to-wait for it---Roth child's-Bank-wait for it---rothchilds- rothchilds need relocated to another planet- along with bush,Clinton,nazi queen and co- it's coming. When the Muslim Isis paychecks from the us are cut off- they are done

Anonymous said...

to hahahahah 6:41 PM Who are you addressing? Hopefully not I 6:29 PM because if so you misread the statements. In no way do I support VT and that was very plain. You missed the points entirely. Try reading again. The statements made are adequately explanatory. Only those who can't 'see' would misread and make such a response. Amazing. Not going to get in to this any more with you.Live on in ignorance.