remember to treat as rumor....until the events start to unroll....
Major Intel/Rumor Update - New Republic, Global Currency Reset, 'The Event' - January 23, 2016
This comprehensive intel/rumor report was provided by
Intel / Rumors
(use discretion regarding all below information)
All 210 sovereign nations of the free world has publicly and/or privately de-pegged from the USD/petrol dollar as a unit of economic measure. USD for a lack of a better phrase, has officially been "dismissed from all monetary relevance" as of 1/1/16.
All sovereign debts (including new/old petrol crude and brent oil sales) are now being settled via Chinese Yuan, Russian Rubbles or gold bullion. The USD/petrol dollar is no longer being accepted as the legal tender of
The spot price of gold is now set by the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), which has permanently replaced the London Gold Exchange (LGE) as the global metals pricing chief steward.
The United Nations has been reformed to be inclusive of all sovereign nations of the free world, and a new United Nations like entity will govern world affairs. Such an entity has already been created and will be announced shortly, headquartered in Beijing, China.
The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have been reformed to be inclusive of all sovereign nations of the free world. Both will ultimately be slowly phased out of existence.
BRICS has permanently assumed the diplomatic chief steward role away from North AtlanticTreaty Organization or NATO.
AIIB has permanently assumed the economic chief steward role away from WB/ADP.
PBOC has permanently assumed the money supply chief steward role away from IMF/BIS/FED/ECB/BOE/CB System.
The Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank owned by Eastern European families known as the "Dark Nobility") has been declared bankrupt by an International Court and shuttered.
New Republic of the United States Government has been seated and installed to run the affairs of US citizens, including all military affairs through the combined office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. New Republic Government interim President General Joseph Dunford will function in both roles until a successor can be chosen in the revamped November 2016 elections.
New Republic of the United States Treasury is at full operational status now, and functioning from a Reno, Nevada location inside a Native American Reservation.
A global debt jubilee (occurs every 50 years) has officially begun as it was agreed to decades prior by ancient Hun and European elders, sovereign ruling families and benevolent negotiators --- who have quietly overseen this entire transition process for humanity.
This peaceful transition of power was originally scheduled to occur September 11, 2001.
All personal and sovereign debts worldwide will be zeroed out & paid in full using seized financial assets of the former global monetary authority housed at the Vatican Bank (a.k.a. Dark Nobility black screen accounts).
All personal and sovereign debts worldwide will be zeroed out & paid in full using seized financial assets of the former global monetary authority housed at the Vatican Bank (a.k.a. Dark Nobility black screen accounts).
The Holy Roman See has completed the necessary legal relinquishment process, and have thus released control of humanity and the free world by their own choosing.
As part of this agreement, Pope Francis has also agreed to turn over all Vatican Bank assets back to humanity for said debt jubilee, currency revaluation as well as greater good humanitarian projects managed by the new AIIB Board of Governors.
Also, the infamous London Temple Crown group (domiciled in the City of London, controlled by the Roman Jesuit Order) no longer lays claim to legal authority over the world's judicial and attorney network, which includes all active bar associates (lawyers and judges) in the United States and Canada.
Pope Francis signed off on what is being called a binding "Galactic Agreement" this pastSunday inside the walls of the Vatican, witnessed by Christine Legarde and legal counsel of the IMF. news/2016/01/18/pope_francis_ meets_with_imfs_christine_ lagarde/1201917Pope Francis was is the first and last White / Black Pope (Head of the Jesuit Order) in papal history. This is highly unusual because the Jesuit Order swears by oath never to serve as Pope.Throughout history, both the White and Black Popes were secretly subjected to the absolute authority of a hidden 3rd Pope, a Grey Pope, who oversaw all papal and global matters for this "Dark Nobility" family.The Rothschild's are just one family participating in world affairs as members of this Dark Nobility.Pope Francis relinquished Rome's Ultimate Papal Authority over any and all claims to the entire world's assets, resources and population by his own free will. Pope Francis will also be announcing his abrupt retirement due to "health reasons." But in truth, it's part of the Roman Church's unconditional surrender.
the USA, which includes former US allies Saudi Arabia and all OPEC nations.
the USA, which includes former US allies Saudi Arabia and all OPEC nations.
Former USA, Inc President Barack Obama will soon be revealed as Rome/CIA operative, and publicly be made to relinquish Presidential status, and be amnestied to a foreign country -- Dubai it is rumored. Privately, Obamas resignation has already occurred and he's just awaiting a public dismissal announcement.Also the United States Congress, including all members of the Senate and House of Representatives, no longer hold legally authority to make any laws for the citizens of the New Republic of the United States. They too will all be dismissed or removed.
The same punishment holds true for all members of the Supreme Court, who secretively pledged allegiance to Rome before taking their oath to serve the laws and people of the United States.Washington, D.C. is also no longer a sovereign territory exclusively serving the interests of the Holy Roman Empire under the control of the American Jesuit Order.
Other sovereign diplomatic territories that have also been released of their international "safe haven" status such as Vatican City, City of Jerusalem & City of London. All Jesuit ordained operatives still in any of these "safe haven" territories are now being arrested, amnestied, exiled or exterminated depending on their individual agreements with the new global governance authority. This clean up includes diplomats, bankers, lawyers, politicians and judges involved in the secrete conspiracy against mankind (known collectively as the cabal).
The New Republic of the United States is now running all domestic and international affairs for United States citizenry.The New Republic also has a new digital currency called the Treasury Reserve Note (TRN), as well as a new local or domestic currency called United States Notes (USN). The TRN/USN combo replaces of old Federal Reserve Bank notes at a 1:1 ratio. This truth became legal and official via international court rulings back in 2014, and implemented on government back screens in April 2015.Both new and old US currencies will be allowed to be used for a pre-agreed period of time as not to create confusion in everyday commerce.US citizens will not notice the currency value transition in country as much as they will out of country, where a currency revaluation will be severe in some countries.The new USN rainbow currency is already printed and is scheduled to be released into the public money supply at the same time as the global RV release.
All past physically paper currencies of the world will methodically be taken out of circulation and burned, replaced with sovereign digital currencies, both international and domestic, and monitored perpetually via satellites, supercomputers and highly advanced algorithms overseen from an undisclosed mainland China location.All large global hedge funds, pension and retirement funds, investment funds and major corporate holdings have already been converted to the above mentioned gold backed/TRN/USN accounting system.All US banks, T1 thru T5, either have already or will soon be installing new CIPS terminals, software and international transaction codes that run on the new technology/system. Rates for revaluation of all countries confirmed signed, sealed, delivered, and loaded at banks.Banks have sent out their memos to their Wealth Managers. They are prepared for the exchanges...all major banks in agreement.
Obama not in Davos, but Iraqi president Abadi is.In the meantime, both CIPS and SWIFT systems will operate concurrently for a pre-negotiated period of time, with the CIPS system ultimately replacing the SWIFT system.Also, long suppressed energy, transportation, medical and life extension technologies will now be released for public research, development and usage... as well as for commercial sale. The global sovereign fiat currencies, known as the "RV", will be revalued using a gold benchmark spot price already pre-set at the SGE.
The RV is but one aspect of this larger global reset or transition, all be in an important part of the comprehensive global reset process.The RV has intentionally been held back to accomplish other important aspects of the larger global economic and diplomatic reset plan, as well as keep the peaceful transition of global military authority a private matter.As soon as regular people start becoming millionaire and billionaires from the RV, it will most certainly send out a public signal that the global reset has indeed begun. And once that cat is out of the bag, there's no going back.Look for an official global reset announcement to encompass all of these massive global transitions soon.

Posted by enerchi at 1/23/2016 03:46:00 AM
It has all been kicked into motion, yes.
But so has the ultimate bank of amazement......The One Cashless Bank whom I guarantee will be loved the world over by the greedy!!
I read this 'Intel/Rumors' a couple of hours ago
It is definitely good news, however I'm not
sure about Obama being 'amnestied' to his
place in Dubai.
I'll have to ponder that one for a L O N G time.
In my heart I feel that something is wrong
with that picture.
Let's hope that more reassurances come with
the public face announcements.
Unless and until something materializes,
those that need our help desperately
cannot receive any.
Justice and assistance are
immediate requirements of many, now.
A closing thought in the new movie
'The Big Short', intimated that
derelict 'banksters' responsible
for 'cbo's', would consider a repeat
performance, and call them
'Bespoke Tranche Opportunities'...
They dare not entertain any delusional
thoughts along those lines, unless
they want to get lynched.
The world has had enough of their antics.
It is time to turn over a new page.
Treat as a rumor, huh? Wait for events to unroll before acting? And here I was going to trade all my worthless dollars for gold/silver.
If true, this solves the Trump fraud against the people.
Regarding O getting off easy...This is to give him a little dignity for what ever that means and help him get moving........ perhaps froggie the frog man will visit him and take him for a long long swim with the fishes....
2errors - forth line: The USD/petrol dollar is no longer being accepted as the legal tender of the USA, which includes former US allies Saudi Arabia and all OPEC nations. Also link is - -
Once again, wild predictions. No revisions, mass arrests or whatever did happen, or ever will happen.
sono tutte fantasie quelle scritte qui sopra, non succederà nulla !! tutto proseguirà come sempre,siate sereni.Frank
December 28 2015
"I have heard you say over and over how light filled Obama is .....I just don't understand how you can claim he is the light." Margaret.
Ashtar: The violent and greedy actions you have mentioned - and which we do not give energy to, by repeating them here - are indeed most difficult to comprehend, unless you understand that they are being perpetrated by a large number of Dark hats, not by President Obama himself.
This is all according to their programs and plans to completely take over the World, and these third dimensional situations are coming to an end!
Obama's role is to put the Light upon them, so that Humanity can understand the Truth of what has been going on in the World. He has prepared diligently for this, and remains true to his Mission, despite daily attempts to assassinate him and his family.
He is the ninth member of the Syrian Council of 9, and is mentored by Lord Morya.
One thing more about the U.S. Presidency - there are many levels above this office which were created by the dark hats many years ago, and the President is very often not even told what is happening. An example of this is the Secret Space Program, although Obama does know about it - he was taken to Mars when he was 18, but he left, once he saw what it was about."
Am very much informed why President Barack Obama was chosen in 2005 to 2010 to lead the American people until possibly 2017.
He was sent to lead our world coming from an advanced Sirius Star System That is why I voted for Barack Obama twice.Now President General Joseph Dunford of the Joint Chief of Staff is the new Interim President of our new American Republic.
Please watch and listen. There is much to come !!!
check out the link below:
or the above link.
Thank you Karl H. Goesele
a partial commentary- Republic about to be Restored??? 8 min.
Anna's cover letter already herein to Pope Francis IN RE: Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien World Bank... [ABA]... undeclared foreign agents... operating private bill collection agencies disguised as public courts... #154: /generaldunfordnotice.pdf
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