Friday, June 8, 2018

Insurance Against Stupid People?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, yes, I am being attacked.  I am being called everything but what I am.  I am being identified as one of the "Evil Catholics" and "Evil Papists" and even as ---God forbid --- one of the child molesting fiends from Hell that I simply lump together as "vermin".

Unfortunately, there is not now and never has been a cure for irresponsible, ignorant and just plain stupid people, and so far as I know, there is no insurance to be bought against their mistakes and gossip and misconceptions.  

In every single case, these people haven't bothered to read a single word I have written.  They are parroting whatever they've heard through the grapevine, regardless of where the grapevine leads or where it came from.  Here's a case in point: 

If these folks know as much about this "intel" as they "know" about me, I wouldn't waste the time to listen.

There are two major groups that hate my guts --- the British Tories who have gotten fat as slugs by secretively bleeding America dry and the misnamed Illuminati whose Empire is falling apart----they blame me.  I guess I am complimented.  There is also a Dirty Faction in the US Military that doesn't like me much.  The feeling is mutual. 

So far, nine would-be assassins have been turned to pillars of salt.  The long-term criminal activities and Breach of Trust inflicted on the Americans by the British and French Governments and the filth at the Vatican continues to be exposed. The actual Evil Empire continues to fall apart.  The Dirty Faction in the US Military has a lot more to worry about right now than an old lady in Alaska.  

I am content.  I'll own my enemies as well as my friends.

My friends can assist by countering their BS and complaining to YouTube and Facebook and wherever else you see this crappola, but there really isn't anything I can do about it except "consider the source"----or lack thereof.  

Anyone who believes "Agents Around the World" probably needs Remedial Brain Fart Lessons and a brand new Shinola Sensor anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love you and your sharp pen Anna! Life's too short to drink bad wine. Celebrate Truth and Justice.