Monday, November 26, 2018

Assange in Virginia/Maryland, at Camp David Right Now

Shared by: roseramblesdotorg

Editor’s Note: Yippee! Truth wins and Julain Assange is about to provide that to the detriment of the Deep State. Glad you are back up, Starship! Please read, join me in celebrating, and…
Did you see my post at Starship Earth this morning about Julian Assange? Is that why we crashed?
Fortunately, I hadn’t yet learned this wonderful news. It sounds like it’s valid. Thanks to Daniel for sharing this, and thank you President Trump. May Julian get the care he so desperately needs and deserves.
You know what this means, don’t you? I got an instant manifestation of my wish when I published that post. Wow. Miracles happen every day. (Be careful what you wish for.) ~ CB
P.S. Is 2018 getting “glorious”, or what?

George Webb

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