Friday, November 23, 2018

Four congressional members of the enemy within identified

The New Realistic Observer 

Those who are able to see beyond the shadows 
and lies of their culture will never be understood, 
let alone believed, by the masses. --Plato

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Four congressional members of the enemy within identified

Blatant seditious conspiracy by four Democrat members of Congress 
who are demanding the FBI disobey President Trump 
by Thomas Madison
The material in the documents President Trump plans to declassify is obviously 
very damaging to certain Democrats and their swamp rat brethren inside the 
federal government. So damaging, in fact, that four Democrat members of 
Congress have openly committed seditious conspiracy to prevent the documents,
 or parts thereof (redaction), from becoming public.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Mark Warner have sent a letter 
to the FBI demanding that they not release any of the documents President Trump 
has ordered released without first bringing the docs to them, ostensibly for their 
approval or disapproval.

These four swamp rats are openly committing seditious conspiracy by usurping 
the legitimate authority of the President of the United States.

The material in the documents President Trump plans to declassify is obviously 
very damaging to certain Democrats and their swamp rat brethren inside the 
federal government. So damaging, in fact, that four Democrat members of 
Congress have openly committed seditious conspiracy to prevent the documents, 
or parts thereof (redaction), from becoming public.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and Mark Warner have sent a letter 
to the FBI demanding that they not release any of the documents President 
Trump has ordered released without first bringing the docs to them, ostensibly 
for their approval or disapproval.

These four swamp rats are openly committing seditious conspiracy by 
usurping the legitimate authority of the President of the United States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get the gallows ready, get plenty of high quality rope. They deserve nothing but the best. Good luck to you 4 seditious conspirators. Americans have had enough of you.