Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Healing Image: I ask for healing for my highest good through Golden One's picture

Entry Submitted by Golden One at 11:39 AM EST on November 26, 2018

Dear Sugarbear, 

Thank you for your post of love, I really enjoyed reading it! I am glad that you enjoy reading my posts also. I'm sure that KejRaj feels your love too! :)

Thank you Fireswan, sorry I saw your post late. Thanks for your kind words also! :)

As I have said on every post - "Watch the sky". Do not fear anything, there's nothing to fear, this goes to all. I was prompted to add that. Things will get a little bumpy now but all will be fine.

For healing and ascension upgrades. :) 

My picture has many higher energies coded into it, including angelic, you can meditate on it and ask God for healing or upgrades for your highest good through the picture. 

Say the prayer below to activate. It was last for 1-2 hours, be prepared for that. You can sit or lay down it if you wish. The energies will come through it when activated by the prayer. The upgrades will last for 2 weeks after also. Close your eye's and go into a deep meditation after saying the prayer, see what you get from it if you wish. No harm in trying. Ask God for protection first if you are sceptical. Universal Law can be used to negate negative energies when asked. There's nothing negative in it, but ask if it makes you feel better. 

As the energies rise, know that what people call "miracles" can and will happen more and more often now. I have seen and done things even in this lifetime that would shock most people and have done so to people that have witnessed them. Do not be surprised if you have an illness and it starts coming out of you when you use my picture with intent. It has happened before. But have no expectations of anything happening and that's when things can happen the most. This is a healing picture unlike any other. All can use this picture also, none are excluded. Love does not exclude people. 

Put the picture up in front of you and say the activation prayer below.

Only say it when you have 1-2 hours spare as sometimes the energies can hit hard.

Say the prayer and then close eye's, go into a deep meditative state for at least 40 mins if possible. 
Make sure the picture is up in front of you even if lying down or sitting in meditation throughout the healing/upgrades.

The energies kick in after around 15 minutes, they take time, the deeper and more relaxed that you become the easier it is to feel, sense or see the energies or experience if that is for your highest good. 
If you see anyone during using this, you are more than likely not dreaming. 

This works ONLY for your highest good through, have faith in God. Even if not religious like myself. God is love, God is real, as you are. 

Prayer for activation: "Dear Christ, dear Mother, dear Father God. I ask for healing for my highest good through Golden One's picture, I ask that the divine specialists in whatever field I need help me in my quest to heal and rise in love and light and give thanks and love for their help." Can say Amen, etc, at the end. However, you like to praise God use it if you wish. 

The healing picture can be used every 4 weeks only. It will not work if used often. It's set to activate again for a person if they haven't used it in weeks. 

If you are a healer, this is unlike Reiki but is at the same time. The energies within will be like having a full in-person Reiki session. It's a little hard to explain. Most of the people sent to me are blocked in some form and are Master Reiki Healers. It will help to unblock you. Use it also if you wish. 

Do not fear anything from using it. People have seen guides, they have met soulmates and many things through the connection with the picture. But that is only when you can go really deep in meditation usually. The better you are at meditation, the easier it will be for an experience to occur after using the prayer. 

Expectations block any experience from happening. So, expect nothing from it and you will gain if it's what you need at that time. 

I love you all, not one being is excluded. 

Be blessed always within love and light.

Golden One.

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