Friday, November 23, 2018

It's Time! Do It Q!

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Do you think he is speaking about what we hope he is? Fusca is the guy many say is JFK Jr, co-conspirator with DJT to restore the rule of law and the Republic. A member of Q Anon. And this seems to be Q pointing to Q+, which signifies DJT. So, is he talking about the RV/GCR? It seems very likely.
Let me share what I just wrote to a friend in Eastern Europe;
I will share a secret theory with you. Do you know of our beloved president John Kennedy? He was murdered by the wicked Cabal in Texas 50 years ago yesterday. (By the way, my own father died 49 years ago, yesterday.) Well, JFK (that is what we call him) his son later became a senator, and he was revealing many secrets, and made many enemies. In fact, JFK Junior was killed, and Hillary Clinton, the Queen of the Cabal, then took his place as senator, using that to step up to Secretary of State and then she expected to win the election for president 2 years ago. But Trump, who was an outsider to the whole political game, stepped in and displaced her. And he has been displacing many politicians since then.
Well, the story is that before he died, JFK Jr and Donald Trump, both rich men in the area around New York, got together and discussed how they could bring down the Cabal controllers of our government, and restore our constitutional republic. Some stories say that they met with British Princess Diana, as well. JFK Jr decided that, before he was assassinated like his father was, he would fake his death, and when the time was right, he would support Trump in Trump's efforts to take down the Cabal. So, when the time came, JFK Jr, who was a novice pilot who usually flew at night from Washington to his home in Massachusetts only with an instructor pilot, decided to fly at night, without the instructor, and to take his wife instead, but not his dog (the dog usually flew with him). And there was a storm in the area.
Witnesses say that there was an explosion in the plane, and it went down in the ocean near Boston. Officially, there was no explosion, but he got dizzy flying at night, and crashed. But others point out that there was a yacht underneath, right at the point where the occupants would have landed if they had parachuted out. and this yacht disappeared after the crash. videos of the recovery of their bodies from the plane look like they are handling manikins.
A year ago, a man named Vincent Fusca, who was active in the Trump election process suddenly appeared. he was posting on social media, and he was seen behind Trump in political rallies. He is also seen to look very much like JFK Jr would look, 30 years later. and he is seated in the audience with a woman who looks just like JFK Jr's wife!
if this man turns out to be really JFK Jr, he is the one person who might unify our country. JFK was a Democratic Party member, and the Democrats are the ones most controlled by the Cabal, today. the ones most fighting Trump. JFK Jr was also a democrat, when he was a senator. IF Donald Trump (an independent, who ran with the Republican Party) were to NOT run for president next election, but JFK Jr were to run instead, he would probably be able to unify both parties, and unify the USA.
So, what do you think of my wild story? I do not know if these things are true, but it is looking more and more like this Fusca guy may really be the real JFK Jr.

 Jordan SatherJordan Sather
RIP JFK You gave your life trying to expose the corrupt banking cartel and intelligence agencies. We won’t let your death be in vain. #WWG1WGA

Please notice; standing in front of TRUMP plane.
True appearance hidded my ; Fedora, beard, black rimmed glasses.
What is the connecton between Q Anon and JFK?
Twitter Handle: The Real RaNon.
RaNon? = R Anon. Next to Q Anon?
i just noticed that this is labeled "Vincent Fusca 2024". so, perhaps his intention is actually to run in 2024.

I just happened to run across this recording by a 101 year old Confederate army veteran. History buffs will enjoy his clear recounting of certain parts of his service as a 15 year old cavalryman. But the significant part of the recording for us today is in the last few minutes, when he tells us what he and his neighbors fought for. He says that he it never occurred to him that the war was about slavery. His father was a slave owner, and his childhood friends were slave children. He was not, as an adult, in favor of slavery. But the war itself, he believes, was about states’ rights.
Confederate "General" Julius Howell Recalls the 1860s

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JFK jr was never a Senator. Rumors were that he was considering a run for the upcoming vacancy for Senate from NY, but he never announced or made his intentions known. This was the seat that HRC eventually won.