Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Northern California: Consumers May Be Forced to Bail Out PG&E Utility If It Caused the Fire that Killed 71 People, with 1,000 Still Missing

G. Griffin Report

Evidence is gathering that PG&E utility power lines were the source of Camp fire in northern California that has left 71 people dead and more than 1,000 unaccounted, in addition to the destruction of more than 12,000 structures.  The California state utility regulator has indicated that PG&E will be able pass its losses onto its customers.  High rates could chase away business.  Critics oppose a bail out for PG&E, which has a tarnished safety record...Continue article here

Mexico: Women and Child Migrants Go Missing from Caravan, Witness Says They Have Been Sold!

Two trucks from the caravan disappeared in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. A witness who escaped told officials that about “65 children and seven women were sold” by the driver to a group of armed men. Yet the migrants keep coming despite the threats of violence and a high rate of sexual attacks. Honduras is the poorest country in Latin America, with the world’s second-highest homicide rate, trailing El Salvador.
Author and researcher Ann Coulter calls out leftists and the NGO Pueblos Sins Fronteras (Countries Without Borders) who organized the caravans of Hondurans to flood the US border just before the midterm election in order to show that the US that President Trump cannot stop the migrants. She says the caravan was planned as a stunt to impact American political opinion. As a side effect, women and children are being set up to be kidnapped, raped, and sold.  She says the leftists behind this stunt should be prosecuted for complicity in human smuggling. -GEG...Continue article here

Leftist California Congressman Eric Swalwell Tweeted that the Government Could Use Nuclear Weapons Against Citizens

US representative Eric Swalwell, a Democrat from California, suggested that the US government could use nuclear weapons on its own citizens if they fight back against firearm confiscation in a Twitter debate with right-wing internet personality Joe Biggs.
Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested on Friday that the U.S. government could use nuclear weapons on its own citizens if they fight back against firearm confiscation. (RELATED: Eric Swalwell Unloads Gun Platform Liberals Really Want)
Right-wing internet personality Joe Biggs tweeted at Swalwell in response to a May report that Swalwell wants to ban “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” and prosecute gun owners who did not turn in their newly-banned weapons...Continue article here

Cities and Residents Are Rejecting the Federal Government’s Roll Out of 5G

Citizen advocate, Gary Gileno, picked up our feature from last week about three cities in Marin County, California, that rejected the federal 5G roll out. He says that the cities passed ordinances, which carry the force of the law, instead of resolutions that are merely statements of opinion. Gileno stresses the point that city councils legally can reject edicts of the federal government.
It is true that cities can be sued by the federal government due to a 1996 law signed by Bill Clinton that says health concerns cannot be used to stop the installation of telecommunications equipment!  However, if the feds sue on that basis, it will not be popular among voters, and  probably will not be done except as a last resort. Gileno concludes that it is everyone’s personal responsibility to attend your local city council meetings and let your voice be heard on this issue. -GEG


Anonymous said...

Does that include HIS GUNS??!!!
If nobody else in this country can have firearms, NEITHER CAN HE!!!
HE gives up HIS firearms, or WE NUKE HIS FUCKING ASS!
Rules that apply to every other US citizens WILL APPLY TO HIM TOO!
Sick and tired of his bullshit!

random thoughts dude in a library said...

Makes sense, we need to nuke gun owners. What a great humanitarian, this will save so many lives,,,, He sounds like nancy pelousy. You don't need to wear the glasses anymore.