Tuesday, November 20, 2018

OWON: Current State of Affairs

How about, to lead as One World of ALL Nations, we conceive a world fit for purpose with better planned use of Elders assets to help all? 

This we are discussing. It takes time, they need to trust who? But imagine if Trump would only unleash a Presidential Task Force to go after all sequestrated Deep State assets, a full forensic search and seize the lot? In a stroke we could rebuild America and unleash a vibrant new nation. Vast tens of Trillions have been taken and cross traded. Take it BACK! It’s YOUR Money! Repositioning the needed NEW Anglo American Alliance and why, as post the GCR (Global Currency Reset), one form of World Government is coming. But not NWO. 

We must change, as a Species and our Humanity. Too many are confusing World Government with NWO. Neither Russia nor China will ever accept the US Vatican NWO order. Rightly so! Nor will we go with NWO. Let us show you all a far better way Post GCR. We are doing it! Every effort is being made with the Elders to find an acceptable way to effect the release of their long held funds, as well as to bring significant AU holdings into the system with trading profits to help all. 

But learn to differentiate between a World Government inclusive with a consensus of all nations of mutual respect and cultures and a NWO. We will get one or the other eventually. It’s how we try to effect a system representing all which matters. Otherwise, not pursued to benefit all, you will get a Bankers NWO as is the pursuit of Bilderberg's. Troubling times. The Third option of all countries now just operating alone is bankrupt Cuckoo land. The EU was never planned correctly. It was just a Rothschild's Vatican / CIA / Jesuit Socialist Pit. It will fail alone. 

As will Hegemony and the Money Changers as parasites on humanity. In a world of 7.7 Billion people, pragmatic decisions will have to be made to unify safe economic harmony and balanced use of scarce resources. Not self servicing Washington's Hegemony with less that 5% of the Global population of the Cabal and Zionists presuming to dictate to Billions of others. Emerging nations won’t stand for it any more. Africa is ballooning towards its own population of c4 Billion with huge social pressures and desperation migration. As is the disintegration of the Muslim worlds with over 20% of new French births Muslim alone. 

France is in free fall. Europe is swamped with Afro Muslim illegals and it’s getting out of control. No one is focused on helping fix the source. Bombing Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria into oblivion displaces tens of millions. Madness! Heartless arrogance. We either share this world, or lose our share of resources and fail to think out a world worth living in for the coming generations. Saving even half our wasteful Military budgets would transform the world. Fight poverty and ignorance, not helpless humans. It’s time to rethink and conceive the world we want. That time is now. Because, united by hands across oceans, we can. Leave it to political forces and you are tools of a Superstate.
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