Monday, November 26, 2018

Policy Advisors from Yale and Harvard Propose Spending $2.25 Billion Per Year on Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails)

Need To Know

Two Ivy League financial experts say that a program for global stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), also known as chemtrails, could be implemented by spending $2.5 billion for airline-size tankers that would emit sulfate particles into the sky, making 4,000 flights per year. -GEG...Continue article here

UN Compact for Migrants Will Deliver Death Blow to Western Countries

The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration will force Western countries to open their borders and surrender their sovereignty. It will destroy property rights by giving the world access to the taxes of the more prosperous nations. It will destroy free speech and give unelected bureaucrats control over the policies and ethnic composition of Western countries. -GEG...Continue article here

Humorous Video Shows the Unintended Consequences of Relying on 5G Technology that Is Unnecessary and Harmful

The roll out of 5G technology includes placing transmitters on millions of telephone poles across the country to create a wireless internet on steroids.  The goal is to connect every single appliance to the internet in order to monitor, listen and watch people at all times.  Humorous commercial shows why 5G is unnecessary.  Over-technology is bad and harmful to human health.  If people refuse to buy products that they don’t need, 5G will fail...Continue article and video here

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