Saturday, November 17, 2018

Qanon - SerialBrain2: Trump's Secret Message About 9/11 Cover-Up. Brilliant Justice Phase Next

Project Matrix Watchman


Trump told us where to find Q’s intel about the Caravan.

As I was debating on where and how to start this post, the Maestro tweeted this: tweet. This tweet is 31 second of pure beauty where Hussein is contradicting all the current talking points of the left regarding the way Trump is handling the caravan and immigration in general. One thing I like to do after reading the Maestro’s tweets, especially when they are this savage, is to laugh at the haters, the shills, the trolls and the mob responding to a devastating Stealth B2 heavy carpet bombing on their village with what they have left from their stone, egg and broken arrow supplies. Then, I go through the MAGA replies and man! Some of them are priceless. Look at these responses to the Maestro’s tweet:
This Trump tweet reveals the hypocrisy of the Left when it comes to immigration and shows they are not serious about solving its related issues. When Trump asks Chuck and Nancy to call him in this tweet, he knows they never will because, for them, immigration is a weapon to be used to gain political positions while deceptively playing with the public’s emotions. Why would they call him now when they refused his Jan 2018 offer to grant citizenship to 1.8 million dreamers in exchange of the border wall? vid1. Citizenship? Democrats do not want that for “their” immigrants. What they want is a portfolio of people in precarious status so they can control them and tell them how to vote. A border wall? Democrats do not want that either: the existing portfolio needs to be updated with new surviving, hungry and vulnerable arrivals. This is the pinnacle of human trafficking, folks: the merchandise is not sex but votes. Prostitution through IMmigration Politics…
One of the reasons why I like watching CNN is the same reason I liked watching snakes at the zoo when I was a kid: the cages they were put in gave me all I needed to coldly analyze them. Knowing CNN is Fake News from the get-go allows me to scrutinize their reporters’ every word to understand or detect their Hidden Masters’ moves and strategies. When Trump stated that Dems were behind the caravan, CNN invited Van Jones in a useless effort to debunk him (as shown later) but the interesting part was when Alisyn Camerota tried to raise real questions and share a theory. Let’s listen to her from 9:37 to until 11:50 New Day Oct 19...Continue article here

Trump and the 2018 midterms: the most impressive moves in modern politics.

Do you play chess?
Chess is about implementing a general strategy to neutralize the opponent’s king. As the game moves forward, this strategy is adjusted with sub-strategies triggered by the opponent’s responses.
Q2448 Moves & countermoves.
As you can see, this is not a monolithic process. The opponent is “alive” and generates responses that challenge the general strategy. Good chess players are able to forecast a wide range of possible countermoves and have already prepared their corresponding responses. Until checkmate…
This implies it is critical that the opponent does not know the general strategy. One way to conceal it is to draw his attention on sub strategies, shiny objects and sacrificed pieces so that he progressively “drowns” into the general strategy he did not see coming.
Q2453 While we cannot telegraph everything, for reasons all can understand, we do try in our own way to inform loyal Anons & Patriots...Continue article here    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Job poor Mexico to give million 'working' visas to invading SA peoples. Also Red Star vehicles seen in jungles. PLANNED lNVASlON: RED STAR TANKS IN MEXlCO ...