Sunday, November 25, 2018

Spy-Gate is Directed by the Crown’s Courtiers in the UK, Not by Russia

Spy-Gate is Directed by the Crown’s Courtiers in the UK, Not by Russia | AIM

The Queen’s “Golden Shares” in defense companies give her counselors significant control over war, intelligence, healthcare & propaganda, including their minions in the C.I.A., MI6 et al.

Christopher Steele evidently took orders from the Queen’s Privy Council brainwashing chief Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie—founder and chairman of Cambridge Analytica and parent SCL Group who told The Guardian (2005) their mission was psyop “mindbending for political purposes”
The Crown appears to both direct and shill for the Senior Executive Service (SES), Serco, Crown Agents, Rio Tinto, Urenco, Uranium One, Lockheed Martin, BAE, OPIC, USAID, USTDA, MCC, DoD, State Dept, Patent Office, Commerce Dept, HHS, DOE, DoE, NSA, C.I.A., FBI, DOJ, The City of London UK, Gates Foundation, GSC, Wall Street and Silicon Valley
Too incredible to be true? We thought so, too, but the facts say otherwise.
Meet the Queen’s Privy Council Warlord Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie...Continue article here

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