Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving: Paradise California, Happy to be alive!

Pamela Mosley: Well happy thanksgiving to everyone! I’m thankful to be alive, the fact I saved my daughter and our dogs but lost our Paradise home Organic farm and entire town!
Dam basterds! When does it end? If you look up the high speed rail plans it goes thru Paradise and Malibu. Feinstein’s husband has the contract to build it! These people are pure evil!

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I am truly happy you are all alive too. May the rest of your lives and all our lives be blessed, eternally unbroken!

Thursday, November 22, 2018
Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 22, 2018
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - November 22, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The Alliance's White Hat faction in the U.S. has the government on lock down behind the scenes.

A demand has been given to the Deep State (U.S. side of the Cabal) to surrender all assets and relinquish control or face total elimination before a specific deadline.

The Cabal retaliated by causing the California fire disaster by assets previously undetected.

The assets utilized by the Cabal to cause the fires were destroyed.


Anonymous said...

If this high speed rail system is underground they will be moving military weapons such as tanks and caches of weapons underground undetected by us for a takeover of America. No foreigners should even be allowed to purchase American property. In the report by David Wilcock titled "Financial Tyranny" he said that Obama gave America's dinar to the Chinese, which was taken by George W. Bush to pay for the Iraq war and pay off America's debts. Right now the Chinese think they own us here in America. Someone needs to change all that.

Anonymous said...

Incredible video of helicopter starting fire in CA. 
Helicopters Dropping Fire From Above In California?!? WTF??!? SHARE THIS!!!
I doubt "assets... were destroyed" !!