Saturday, November 24, 2018

Trump Authorizes ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis to Use Deadly Physical Force to Defend Border Agents, Troops

On Thursday, President Donald Trump informed the news media and American people that he has given Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis authorization to institute “the rules of engagement” for U.S. troops stationed at the U.S.-Mexican border will allow them to use physical force up to and including deadly force if necessary.
The announcement has caused outcry among the Democratic officeholders throughout the nation as well as the denizens of America’s news rooms.
“If they have to, they’re going to use lethal force,” Trump said of the National Guard troops and the U.S. Army soldiers deployed at the U.S.-Mexico border. President Trump continued, “I’ve given the OK, if they have to. I hope they don’t have to.”
“The news reports and other statements in the news media would have American civilians believe there was a policy of excessive force being implemented, but that’s just not so,” said former police training officer Manny Roccia.
“Being struck in the head or other area [of the body] by a rock thrown at about 50 or 60 miles per hour could seriously injure a cop or even kill him or her if it strikes a sensitive part of the head or body,” added Roccia, a Latino from the Bronx, N.Y.
“If the news media wishes to verify that I’d be more than happy to demonstrate by throwing rocks at them on camera,” he joked.
In addition, Defense Secretary Mattis has ordered the National Guard troops deployed to the southwest border to stay there for another year, the Pentagon confirmed Friday. It’s believed that by then the controversial border “Wall” will have been built or will be near completion.
Mattis ordered a 12-month extension of the President’s current deployment order, which which calls for up to 4,000 guardsmen to support the Homeland Security Department’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents until Sept. 30, 2019, the end of the current fiscal year....Continue article here

The fact that the FBI and Justice Department failed to arrest and indict Hillary Clinton says more about the corruption in the FBI and Justice Dept. than it does the Clintons and their business dealings with Russia and Iran

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And don't forget to mention the FBI and Justice Departments' failure to arrest Obama with his FORGED Hawaiian birth certificate, stolen social security number, two names, Communist father and grandparents and who knows what
else! What did we pay them for? It is mind boggling to say the least that Big O was in office 8 years with nary a word mentioned about his "eligibility".