Sunday, November 25, 2018

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Scientists Announce ‘Ancient’ Discovery Hidden Beneath Antarctica

A team of German scientists has announced an unprecedented discovery that has been hiding beneath the ice of Antartica for millions of years.  
Researchers from Kiel University in Germany say they have discovered that Antartica holds the secrets of continents that preceded the creation of the ice-covered South Pole.

Lead scientist Jörg Ebbing, said that the vast continent contains the cores of other continents that existed before Antartica was formed.
“This observation leads back to the break-up of the supercontinent Gondwana and the link of Antarctica to the surrounding continents,” Ebbing said in a statement. reports: Scientists believe that at one time, all of the Southern Hemisphere’s continents were part of one vast super continent called Gondwana. Current theory suggests the continents split apart 180 million years ago.
Some of the evidence for that is found in an area known as the Mawson Craton, which has a matching piece of land that is geologically similar in southern Australia...Continue article here

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