Sunday, March 4, 2018



Military tribunals are especially required to prosecute the Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps who are conducting a soft coup against the POTUS.  

But why?

Because those traitors practically own and operate the U.S. Criminal Justice System, that’s why!

The political reality throughout the USA is that the legal profession is overwhelmingly populated by card-carrying Democrats, liberal lawyers, progressive corporate attorneys, activist judges and left-wing DAs.
All those fancy law degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, etc. are conferred upon mostly left-leaning JDs.  They are a vastly self-serving lot who are staunch Democrats their entire life.  Many will never leave their major metro area even a single time…except to fly to another metropolitan airport (e.g. NYC to LAX).
Many of these self-proclaimed advocates get into the biz as a way of pushing their personal agendas, as they also promote an overarching and socially destructive liberal platform.  The notorious New York City attorneys and Philadelphia lawyers are, in actuality, the muscle employed by the NWO globalists and leaders of cultural marxism.

Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America

By relentlessly undermining the nation’s system of law, the legal class (and particularly the  political class) has reduced the Republic to a mere shadow of its former glory.  The ultra-liberal lawyers and their subversive associations have literally laid waste to civil society.  Their political power is now so entrenched, and the implementation of their agenda so advanced, that only radical surgery can remove such a cancer from the body politic. How Lawyers Wrecked America and Ruined the World  
The Courts
The U.S. Criminal Justice System is dominated by Democratic operatives at every level within most of the major urban jurisdictions.  These best and worst legal counselors among them know exactly how to manipulate the judicial machinery to advance the liberal agenda.  And they do so with a vengeance.
Ever since Trump has been POTUS, the nation has witnessed the many ways that the Courts have been used to shut down his various initiatives.  The Democrat-aligned attorneys routinely collude with the activist judiciary to terminate any presidential order or directive that can be overturned.
Because of this ever-worsening predicament, Trump has had his hands tied to a great degree. The resulting governmental paralysis has left the president with no choice but to apprehend the coup plotters who are guilty of outright sedition.  Most of these agents of Deep State are committing acts of treason simply because of their political ideology.  Other are coerced via bribery and blackmail by their Shadow Government masters (e.g. extortion via Pedogate crimes).

Military Tribunals 

In view of President Trump’s plight, he has no choice but to prosecute the perpetraitorsunder the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  Only in this way can the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces be assured that justice will be administered, free from judicial sabotage, legal legerdemain and political interference.

Once the UCMJ legal framework has been adopted, military tribunals can be established to prosecute the numerous traitors throughout Deep State.  That they all be apprehended expeditiously and simultaneously is critical to the success of this strategy.  The longer they are free to make mischief, the more dangerous it becomes for the POTUS, his political allies and the leaders of patriot movement.


In light of the critical stage of this ongoing coup d’état, it’s especially imperative that the insurrectionists be incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center—post haste!  In this way, they can be securely imprisoned at great distance from those who would aid their escape.  Most importantly, the insurgents can be efficiently moved through the military tribunal process so that justice can be served fairly and swiftly.
KEY POINT: The civilian criminal justice system would see these cases intentionally tied up in the courts for years on end.  In this manner, justice
would be continually deferred or subverted altogether through liberal legal gymnastics.
The response to an attempted overthrow of a sitting president falls squarely within the domain of the U.S. Armed Forces.  For this and other significant reasons, military tribunals must be constituted with all deliberate speed.  The more quickly the criminal prosecutions can be conducted, the sooner the prodigious body of hard evidence proving guilt of treason and sedition can be made available to the concerned public.
 Crimes must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law
The American people deserve nothing less than a complete airing of the many serious crimes which have been committed by countless political leaders and government officials. In point of fact, the ongoing crime spree carried out to advance the soft coup against the POTUS represents only a fraction of the transgressions by “Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps”.

The Rogue CIA, Deep State and Shadow Government: Who are they?

It’s important to note that this same cabal of career criminal politicians and government officials has a multi-decade rap sheet that will truly shock the country.  It includes an endless list of state-sponsored terrorism using false flag attacks, first degree felonies (especially VIP assassinations and other premeditated murders), outright genocide, war crimes against several nations, grand theft on a massive scale, crimes against humanity, child exploitation crime syndicates, etc.
What follows is an example of just one of the Illuminati’s most horrific criminal enterprises, which was then used to justify an unrelenting series of war crimes and genocidal campaigns known as the utterly fake War on TerrorThe Neocon Zionists Must Be Arrested And Put On Trial For False Flag 9/11 Terrorism
Because the U.S. Criminal Justice System is incapable of rendering a just and fair outcome to these direly needed court proceedings, the POTUS has no choice but to assign this task to U.S. Military Courts.  The stark reality is that the aforementioned crime wave is so immense that the criminal courts would be overwhelmed, much more than they already are.  The ensuing tsunami of criminal cases and civil lawsuits would effectively incapacitate the entire justice system.
Furthermore, applications for reversal can be heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.  The Judge Advocate General’s Corps can be expanded accordingly to accommodate the expected appeals, as well as to handle the prosecutions and requests for defense.  JAG officers can also be assigned to those Deep State defendants who have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains.
In this fashion, the U.S. citizenry can be assured that many of the co-conspirators will be taken off the streets (e.g. K Street, Wall Street & Fleet Street), once and for all.  Furthermore, by serving out their life sentences at Gitmo, the most dangerous offenders will not be able exert their pernicious influences within the United States of America.  The most serious offenders, of course, will be subject to capital punishment as they should be.


A vast litany of crimes has been committed by Deep State against the American people spanning many decades.  Egregious crimes have also been perpetrated against foreign nations in the name of the American people and with our tax dollars.  Were all the heinous wrongdoings to be made public, the body politic would go into the state of collective and incapacitating shock.
The United States of American has been ruled by a criminal cabal of incorrigible and clinically insane psychopaths (read: “Psychopathocracy”) over the course of several administrations.[1]  The nation can no longer tolerate the profound damage and extensive destruction inflicted on every sphere of life.  Because the USA has hit the proverbial wall, radical measures are now required.

PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

Whereas the fabric of society has been irreparably torn, a new national tapestry can be woven after a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” is established.  This urgent process of reformation, however, begins with MILITARY TRIBUNALS And, they ought to begin their proceedings sooner than later … while the circumstances still exist to form them.


Action Plan

Everyone can participate in this civic initiative by circulating the following flier.  The  content of this highly authoritative document is such that it effectively functions as a citizen’s indictment.  When a critical mass of We the People are correctly informed about these weighty criminal matters, the wheels of justice will begin to turn.
Additionally, there is now a massive body of hard evidence available on the Internet that proves pervasive criminal conduct at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government. Likewise, the volume of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence in the public domain is so compelling that it demands an immediate response.

It’s high time to constitute the military tribunals.

State of the Nation
March 3, 2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018


 Do NOT watch movie 'GRAY STATE'!
Mind programming 

Right to travel affirmed by Dept of Justice

Click on image to make larger

Schumer & Pelosi’s SCAM Using Parkland Survivor

Schumer & Pelosi’s SCAM Using
Parkland 'Survivor', Sent Out Sick Email

This Is What They're Hiding

   This Is What They're Hiding
North Pole Is 43 Degrees 
Dr Wm Mount



[rod-class] Fri Night, 3/1/18 Rod was Interviewed on Angela Stark's Talkshoe Channel

Rod Class was interviewed by Angela Stark on Thurs night, March 1st !
Here's the Audio Link:

Angela's Talkshoe Channel is 3 9 9 0 4 ! 
>> Note: The Interview Was Also Broadcast on Rod's AIB Channel, but NOT Recorded ! 
Even though it looks like it was recorded - something happened and it wasn't !
Use Angela's Link above to listen to her recorded show ! 

Here's another great Overview and link concerning Rod's Case:  

There's also an >> official "Supreme Court Blog" where you can read about                                     Rod's case, his historic WIN and new postings concerning the decision !
Here's the Direct Link to Rod's Case page:
You might want to subscribe to the SCOTUS Blog updates.

The Decision was 6-3 in Rod's below...Jessica Amunson of
Jenner & Block, Washington, DC argued before the court 
in Rod's defense and was superb ! There's a link to the audio of the 
October 4, 2017 Oral Hearing below...

The Dropbox Link To The 2.21.18 Decision:                                        
The Link is in this Folder:
The Audio Link below gives you a chance to hear voice inflections 
of the participants in >> the Supreme Court Oral Arguments on Oct 4, 2017...
In the meantime... 
In case you missed the Live Rod Call on Oct 13 in which Rod discussed the
Oral Arguments in the Case in the US Supreme Court
on Oct 4, 2017 here is the link:
The Audio of the Friday Night Live Call Oct 13, direct link:  
1 hr 28 min 
When Rod talks about the "contract" he's referring to the "plea agreement" !
Here's a link to Rule 11 which was mentioned in the Oral Argument:

The Audio Link below gives you a chance to hear voice inflections of the participants in 
>> the Supreme Court Oral Arguments on Oct 4, 2017...

The Written Transcript Link is below:

The Folder below is the entire Rod Class Dropbox Site
With Hundreds of Documents and Court Filings:

The Rod / AIB Talkshoe # (724) 444 - 7444   Call ID: 48361For the Computer Listen Link 
And The Rod Class/AIB >> Past Call Archives << Go To: 

>>> You're reading the Rod Class / AIB Radio >> BIG LIST EMAIL << !                                            If you're NOT on the BIG LIST and Got This Email As A Forward - 
>> IN THE FUTURE << BY sending an email to:  
The Big List has OVER 2200+ People on it, and is an alert system
for Rod Class Live Calls, Private Calls, Court Appearances AND Documents.
The list is automated...AND is NOT a way to contact Rod or Carl !

BREAKING: Top Globalist Tyrant Just Found DE*D

"Descent Into Hell": China Warns Of Potential War With US Over Taiwan

Authored by James Holbrooks via,
It’s no secret that for Beijing, the most sensitive issue within Sino-American relations is that of Taiwan, the semi-autonomous island territory that China considers to be a breakaway province. Now, a political move made by the U.S. on Taiwan has Beijing warning of the possibility of military action.

Back in January, the House of Representatives unanimously passed the Taiwan Travel Act, a bill aiming to significantly strengthen ties between U.S. officials and their Taiwanese counterparts. The bill reached the Senate floor on Wednesday, where it also passed without opposition. Now, all that’s required for the legislation to become law is Donald Trump’s signature.

Taiwan welcomed the bill’s passage. Speaking to reporters in the capital of Taipei, Premier William Lai said the U.S. is a “solid ally” of Taiwan and that the two sides’ ties can now become even stronger.

Guess Who's About To Go Bankrupt Next In America

The man who predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie, and Freddie says the next big bankruptcy is going to catch everyone by surprise. Learn more here.
“We wholeheartedly anticipate that this law can in the future further raise the substantive relationship between Taiwan and the United States,” Lai said.
Unsurprisingly, China had an altogether different reaction — one that included a warning to its neighbor and a hint at military confrontation if things continue to progress in this manner.
“We are firmly against the act,” China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency quoted Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson An Fengshan as saying. “We sternly warn Taiwan not to rely on foreigners to build you up, or it will only draw fire against yourself.”
The U.S. cut formal ties to Taiwan when it recognized Beijing as the Chinese capital in 1979. This event marked official acceptance of the “one China” policy, which regards Taiwan as a Chinese territory.

But Beijing has grown increasingly concerned over what it views as Taipei’s push toward independence since the election of President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016. This push, if it continues, would lead to the inevitable consequence of triggering the Anti-Secession Law that allows Beijing to use force to prevent the island from seceding,” China’s state-run Global Times wrote Thursday.

Complicating the issue further is the fact that the United States, while not officially recognizing Taipei, is still legally bound to help the island if trouble kicks up. This, writes the similarly state-run China Daily, is precisely what Beijing is worried about:
“Since the U.S. is bound by domestic law to act on behalf of the island in that instance, it would only give substance to the observation that the descent into hell is easy.
There’s no confusing this message. Beijing is saying that a military dustup between Taiwan and mainland China has the potential, by law, of drawing in the United States. The aforementioned “descent into hell” is quite literally a reference to war.

Further, the Global Times writes that the passage of the Taiwan Travel Act is a direct reflection of the growing nationalist sentiment in the U.S. in the face of China’s rise.”

In other words, the United States is becoming more and more concerned over China’s global clout, and the legislation, now awaiting Trump’s signature, is a perfect example of this. As the Global Times asserts:
“Bellicosity has peaked in Congress and legislators approved the bill to vent their anxieties about China.”


A Modest Proposal Update for 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Approximately 12% of the population in this country came a long time ago from Africa. That means that Chuck Schumer's call out of President Trump for naming 86% of his nominees as white people and condemning him for supposedly not observing proportions of racial representation is mistaken at best. Trump is actually scrupulously within the percentage parameters, even assuming that such obligations are meaningful.

Some of the most prejudiced people I know are people of color; of course, they have been encouraged to see things through racially tinted glasses all their lives and to interpret all the slings and arrows in terms of race. They've been taught to see things this way by politicians keen on benefiting themselves from racially motivated voting blocks, instead of letting people unify along lines that matter to all of us: lower taxes, safer streets, better housing, more jobs, decent medical care and schools.

Just like I don't believe in money, I don't believe in race. We all bleed in one color: red. We all cry the same tears. That's good enough for me.

If we could all change places for a week, we would in short order discover that everyone suffers racial prejudice. Everyone suffers from name-calling. Everyone suffers from false assumptions. Nobody's own unique self is being totally respected. We are all suffering these tilts and jilts, whether it's me being called a "Nazi" or my friend being called a "Nigger" or my other friend called an "Injun" with a snarl. It's all the same thing when you get down to it, and it's all wrong and it all hurts, and it doesn't stop just because somebody makes a law against it or because a quota is fulfilled.

In fact, the existence of such quotas just underlines the prejudice and puts it in red letters: see everyone? We are prejudiced but we are trying not to be prejudiced! Oh, look at us, and applaud because we are trying.... I cringe every time I hear it. It's time to stop "trying" and just be.

As of April 4, 2018, it will be fifty years to the day since Martin Luther King, Jr. was gunned down. I remember that day. I remember the sense of confusion and blind loss, and a couple months later, when Robert F. Kennedy followed him to the grave, it was the same. Two men. One black, one white. Why? All they tried to do was protect people, and uplift people, and make a path forward toward a better future for all people. What was their crime? Why were they slain?

We all know the answer if we think about it. It's because there is an element in our society that hates itself, that hates all men regardless of their color, and which cannot bear the prospect of unity or peace or success. It's against these ideas that the bullets fly, and why is that? Because some men get very, very rich by promoting war and death and disease and prejudice. Because some politicians get a lot of votes by race-baiting. Because a lot of us are dumb enough to fall for all their crap.

So here's my modest proposal. Let's stop thinking in terms of race or sex or any other perceived difference. Instead of indulging in group-think because it is easy, cheap, and fast, let's take the plunge and bother ourselves to think in terms of who we are and who all the other people are, too, because in truth and in fact, we are each one of a kind.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Friday, March 2, 2018

Pentagon Report: US Empire Collapsing

Pentagon Report: US Empire Collapsing 
William Mount

Contradictions In Seth Rich Murder Continue To Challenge Hacking Narrative

Pence in Detroit: "Michigan is leading the American comeback"

Vice President Mike Pence told a Detroit audience Friday that the country is basking in the benefits of President Trump’s policy decisions, and that school safety is the administration’s new “top priority.”

Pence was in Detroit for an event sponsored by the group America First Policies touting Trump’s recent tax cuts. He was introduced by Michigan Attorney General and Republican candidate for governor Bill Schuette.

Vice President Mike Pence
After the recent string of school shootings, including Friday's double shooting at Central Michigan University, Pence promised the Trump administration “will not rest” until the problem is resolved.

“I promise you from my heart. This president, this administration, will not rest until we make our schools safe again,” Pence said.

Pence did not give many details about how to accomplish that. But he says the White House favors stronger background checks on gun buyers, and will work to help the families of those “struggling with dangerous mental illness.”

Beyond that, Pence says that Trump’s short tenure in the White House has put the country in a stronger position, both at home and abroad. “We’re only one year into this administration and already the results are, frankly, nothing short of remarkable,” he said.

Pence then added, to considerable applause: “Michigan is leading the American comeback.”

 Damn right Michigan is leading the American comeback! But few will know what that statement is really referring to. ~Freewill

"Avoiding The Mistakes Of Our Parents" - Only A Third Of Millennials Have A Credit Card

Nearly a decade has passed since Lehman Brothers collapsed, ushering in the most acute phase of the financial crisis - yet, despite all the time that has passed many millennials remain deeply distrustful of banks and borrowed money, according to a study published by Bankrate.

The study found that, while a majority of older Americans own credit cards, only 33% of adults between the ages of 18 and 29 say they have one. That is, even as the economy and job prospects have improved, millions of Americans continue to shun credit - something that is probably related to the massive pile of student loan debt, the bulk of it borne by millennials, who are defaulting in ever-greater numbers. 

While that figure might seem surprisingly large, it's actually down from two years ago, when Bankrate discovered that two-thirds of young adults said they had no "major" credit cards, defined as cards issued by either American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover.
In interviews with several "real-life" millennials, Bankrate said they hadn't even considered getting a credit card. Others said they shunned credit cards because of previous financial problems.
"I’ve never owned nor have ever wanted to own a credit card,” says Kristian Rivera, 25, a digital marketing specialist in New York City.
“It wasn’t really a decision that I made, but growing up I was warned of the risks of having a credit card and advised to put off getting one as long as possible.”
"We don’t want to make the same mistakes our parents made in the past," Rivera says. "We want to do things smarter and safer."

Exposed: Biggest Scam Against The American People

The man who predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie, and Freddie says the next big bankruptcy is going to catch everyone by surprise. Learn more here.
For millions of Americans, the agglomeration of debt that most people have accumulated by early adulthood is forcing them to put off marrying or starting a family. And roughly one-third of adult millennials are still living in their parents' basements.
Darnell Billups, 29, a U.S. Marine Corps captain stationed in Twentynine Palms, California, says when he and his wife, Natasha, married in 2011, they had a combined $40,000 in debt, including credit cards and student loans. They paid off their debts in 2013, just 2 weeks before Billups was deployed to Afghanistan for the second time.
"Our thing is, we will never have a credit card ever again," Billups says.
More than just credit cards, the couple wants to steer clear of all debt. They recently opened a photography business, Emmanuel Photography & Designs, without taking on any debt, and they plan to eventually buy a house using only cash.
"It’s been just wonderful because we don’t have to pay anyone back," he says.
To be sure, young adults aren’t the only demographic group shying away from credit card use...

...While it doesn't perfectly align, credit card use is most common among groups that are also more likely to own stocks. According to one study, one in three millennials say they would rather own bitcoin than stocks (though, to be fair, that's probably due to bitcoin's torrid rally late last year.
Here's a breakdown provided by BankRate:
  • Have an annual income of less than $30,000.
  • Haven’t attended college.
  • Are black or Hispanic.
Credit card ownership is most prevalent among:
  • Baby boomers.
  • College graduates.
  • Adults with an annual income of more than $75,000.
  • Those who identify themselves as Republicans.
Unsurprisingly, people with higher incomes are more likely to own credit cards:
By avoiding credit cards, millions of millennials will find it difficult to obtain other types of credit - like mortgages or car loans - when they need it.
Marc Aschoff learned this lesson when he and a group of friends tried to buy a rental property shortly after college. But since Aschoff had never had a credit card, he hadn’t developed a solid credit history and none of the mortgage brokers he spoke with would qualify him for a mortgage.
"Needless to say, this isn’t something I considered," says Aschoff, 25, of Hoboken, New Jersey.
Aschoff and one of his business partners, Chris Sorrentino, also 25, say they now own credit cards only to help with their credit scores. And building up their credit helped them qualify for a mortgage.
The survey was conducted May 19-22, 2016, by Princeton Survey Research Associates International and included responses from 1,002 adults living in the continental United States. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.7 percentage points.
They now own 3 rental properties near Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. In January, Aschoff, Sorrentino and 2 other partners in their real estate firm — Acrez LLC — purchased a house in Springfield, New Jersey, with cash. They are now renovating and hope to resell.
"The only debt we really take on is mortgage debt," Aschoff says. “Other than that, debt is not our friend."
Given the fact that millions of millennials can't even be bothered to get even a low-limit card, it probably won't come as a surprise that millennials also don't care about so-called "status" cards like the American Express Black Card. 

Given millennials well-documented preference for experiences - like travel - over material possessions, their unwillingness to apply for credit cards might seem foolish.
After all, they're missing out on all those free miles...


He has no idea what’s going on and Justin forgot his lines. Donald Trump will have a field day with the juvenile Canadian PM.

Gun Control 101

By Anna Von Reitz

Gun control, like bladder control, is a personal matter. 

All those who feel that they can't control themselves should by all means take measures to donate their guns to competent authorities before any accidents occur. 

All those who (generally speaking) want to impose their will on other people, have feelings of anxiety, and who can't control the impulse to trespass upon others are invited ---indeed, encouraged--- to turn in their guns and other weapons at the nearest police station.  

We can arrange to have Social Psychologists assigned to each one of you as Caseworkers and make sure that your homes are sanitized of all possible dangerous tools, objects, and substances.  Of course, you will have to retrain yourselves to eat everything with your fingers, and won't be allowed to use soap. Also, you won't be allowed to cook or eat cooked food, but that is the price we pay for safety.  

Since virtually all perpetrators of these mass shootings have been progressives it only makes sense that all progressives and members of the ACLU and Democrats (generally speaking) be disarmed as quickly as possible, unless of course, they sign and record a public oath with a video-taped Pinky Promise Ceremony promising everyone that they won't go nuts in the foreseeable future.  

Disarm yourselves immediately, with our blessings; but, expect to pay a large "Security Tax" next year as part of the overall gun control effort.   

After all, if we have to control your guns for you and use guns in your defense against predators and crazy people and pay (admittedly useless) police forces to stand around while you are being shot at, it is only reasonable that you pay a substantial additional tax for being unable or unwilling to shoulder your share of the burden of public safety.  

How does an additional $5,000 per year in taxes sound?  And two weeks a year of community service on assignment with the state militia?  That sounds fair. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Dear Mr. Trump -- March 2, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Please do not allow yourself to be bullied into making any unjust decisions that may affect Americans who are non-citizen nationals owed all guarantees and protections including the right of free speech and to keep and bear arms.  

The present attacks against both the First and Second Amendments are not to be allowed or promoted by any agency of the federal government, and in fact, inappropriate acts of censorship by Google, which is in receipt of the benefit of our public infrastructure, should be countered immediately. 

If they want to use our infrastructure, they need to respect our rights and prerogatives, and so do all members of law enforcement and agency personnel.

You can tell your own employees to stand on their heads and do table dances if you please.  Anyone who wants to disarm themselves should be encouraged to do so, and charged a "Security Tax" for their failure, unwillingness, or disability to help enforce the Public Peace owed to this country.  

Any infringement or trespass will be cause for international outcry and commercial prosecution by the Foreign Sovereigns being mis-addressed as U.S. Citizens. This country functions under American Common Law and any legal liabilities created will be charged against those trespassing on our jurisdiction. 

Any such infringement or trespass would also be further evidence (if more were needed) of Breach of Trust, Bad Faith, and violation of commercial contracts owed by the British Territorial United States.  

Anna Maria

Google Infringing Free Speech--- Again?

By Anna Von Reitz

This week several information websites/channels have been shut down with censorship being provided (allegedly) by Southern Poverty Law Center and the (formerly and still at heart Jewish) Anti-Defamation League. 

I haven't seen the proof of who the censors are, so reserve judgment on that part of it, though it does make sense that Google would rely on organized volunteers instead of spending its own money to do its own censorship.  

This should, no matter who is responsible, spark a huge debate about censorship and First Amendment rights and the limits of "federal" trespass on our property assets--- because make no mistake, rights are property assets.  


Those who elect to function in the capacity of federal citizens have an obnoxious habit of thoughtlessly trespassing on the rights of others.  They don't even stop to think that if they trespass upon others and censor others, that they are ultimately also trespassing against their own estate and curtailing their own freedom.  

We see this with their gun control spiel and we see it with these attacks against news and media outlets that don't actually do anything immoral or illegal, but which these people simply find offensive for whatever reasons.  

I find the overall hypocrisy of the Southern Poverty Law Center offensive, but I don't try to censor them, even when they are ignorant and when they tell outright lies. I just figure everyone has a right to be a horse's rump. 

Ditto the (J)ADL --- defaming anyone is a bad thing, even if it is Alex Jones. 

As for Google, what possible excuse does it have as a private business making use of public airwaves and public infrastructure for infringing upon the First Amendment Rights of Americans?  None that I can see. 

It's likely to turn into a full scale you-know-what match, complete with treble damages.  

Nobody has to like the SPLC just like nobody has to like Alex Jones, but when we actively set out to quash their free speech, that's a different thing.  That's an infringement on the basic principles of this country, which allows such disparate opinions in the first place, and which we all depend upon whether we come at it from the standpoint of freedom or the standpoint of liberty. 

My advice to Google?  Review the content and if they aren't advocating overthrow of the government or showing lewd pictures, turn those censored sites back on.  

My advice to SPLC and (J)ADL --- stop being schmucks and stomping on other people's rights in the name of defending your own.  Your opinions and likes and dislikes don't rule the world.  Other people have the right to hold their own opinions and beliefs, too.  

And any infringement of anyone's viewpoint is an infringement on everyone else's viewpoint.  Remember Patrick Henry --- I paraphrase --- 'I may not agree with what you say, Sir, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it."

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:

Where Did Trillions of Dollars From The Pentagon Go?

Old video has recently surfaced from one of David Hogg's classmates

WOW: An old video has recently surfaced from one of David Hogg's classmates saying David "shouldn't even be in our school, he's 25 from California" with the annotation "My debate partner is a crisis actor"

Free Alternatives to youtube:


Interview w/ ex-CIA Robert David Steele: Q, NSA, Zionism, #GoogleGestapo...

Donald Trump is missing the biggest problem

In regards to arresting and/or deporting illegals I think Donald Trump made a mistake. The MS-13 gang is not the worst of the illegals that need to go! It is the B.A.R. card holding lawyers and attorneys that do the most damage to America and not one of them has a green card! I would rather see MS-13 gangs dealt with after the B.A.R. card holders are removed first!


Commercial Notice of Interest:

Please post:
To all who read these presents, Greetings
First I hold no loyalty nor oath to any "RELIGION ENTITY/=POLITICAL ENTITY"=same; I am not a US GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE.
Lodged: Commercial Notice of Interest:
This link is about those imprisoned that are tribal members of the  Tsilhqot'in Nation
This is an international incident involving diplomat Michael Wayne Parsons and his wife Patricia.

Mike Parsons
Mike Parsons #30237047
Saline County Jail in Nebraska
911 South Main St.

Wilber, NE 68465
Pat Parsons
Patricia Parsons #30385-076
FCI Aliceville
PO Box 4000
Aliceville, AL. 35442
Arrest Date: February 20, 2018
Release Date: February 20, 2023 (approx)
Please listen to attached audio's of Sue Holland and Michael Parsons
recorded today. To everyone,  can we get some help to Michel, Patricia Parsons and Sue Holland?
Thank you,
 Sue Holland:
Mike Parsons from Tennessee # 1  His documents are uploaded 
Lonestar 1776 on youtube
Thank you,
The Great TurtleIsland

Genius Insight App can analyze your voice to find out what is wrong with you!   Algae Kelp Seaweed
760 991-0516
"Walk tall as the trees, live strong as the mountain, be gentle as the spring wind, keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart and the Great Spirit will always be with you."