Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dark Secret in Romney's Missing Tax Files

Dark Secret in Romney's Missing Tax Files: "Amnesty" from Prison for Top-1% Tax Cheats?

24 September 2012
The US federal government let over 5,000 of the richest Americans off the hook when they were caught cheating on their taxes for $5.75 billion dollars. Was Mitt Romney invovled with this and is that why he's hiding his tax returns?

The question on minds of many hard-working American tax-payers is: "What dark secret is candidate Romney hiding in his (pre-2010) tax records that's worth all the bad press & suspicions caused by his secretiveness?"
GOP presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, has been exceedingly hostile towards requests for transparency about his past tax records, only releasing his tax records for 2010 & 2011 as of yesterday (9/21/12), which essentially confirmed what even casual observers know: he's filthy rich & like most of the top 1% has accountants, tax lawyers exploit a myriad of tax loopholes, off-shore tax havens, and financial shenanigans to minimize his taxable wealth/income.
Using only the power of scientific thinking, I proffer the following falsifiable prediction: 

Mitt Romney is hiding the fact that the he was one of the 5000 wealthy American tax-dodgers that Swiss bank UBS turned over to US authorities, as part of a USDOJ-brokered 2009 deal, which both fined UBS for hiding rich American's money in a massive tax-evasion scheme, and offered the 5000 rich Americans "amnesty" (from criminal prosecution, trials & prison time), if they paid back the tax revenues they stole from US Treasury during the previous years.


Dan said...

So for Romney and others that are part of the NWO can cheat the IRS with their billions, yet for Ray Reynolds who showed people how to set up a Corporation to reduce their taxes instead of nearly 40-50% in taxes as an individual, Ray Reynolds was sent to prison for lesser tax crimes!

Anonymous said...

Ray Reynolds did nothing but take from people and that is a true fact. He deserves whatever he gets.