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The Official Biography of Leo Emil Wanta
America’s Most Successful Intelligence
Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall
© Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall
January 2012
Whenever I talk
or write about Ambassador Lee/Leo Emil Wanta, I know people will scoff. I
know they will shake their heads in disbelief. “Good heavens,” the say in
disbelief, “no one man has ever created a $27.5 trillion fortune!”
And when I talk about Leo Wanta, I know I’m placing myself in
danger. The people who stole Lee Wanta’s money have held the highest offices
in the land… in the political and intelligence worlds and in our system of
justice in our courts… and in our Congress and our military. They don’t
like having this story told.
This is the life story of a real man… a story that challenges anything Ian
Fleming ever wrote about a man called “James Bond.” Well, let me expand on that
thought. There will be no “Pussy Galore” characters or scenes where Wanta skis
down a hill on one ski (just a winter’s foggy breath ahead of expert archers shooting
at his shadowy figure which gleams against the white snow on a moonlit night).
Though Pussy or the snow scene exemplify wonderful Hollywood fiction, in this
case truth is far more interesting. And yet, it’s a story based on lies… the
lies of government versus the integrity and honesty of one man who loves his
country. The lies involve what happened to Manuel Noriega in Panama, (NORIEGA 1988 ARTICLES AP) the Iran-Contra
scandal, Osama bin Laden and stinger missiles, (STINGER
a Vice President who, according to America’s top spy, Leo Emil Wanta, became
President and brought with him into office an organized criminal cabal that
resulted in the theft of trillions of dollars belonging to the American people.
These lies (and there are many, only three are mentioned here) have been
verified by international journalists who are currency experts.
If you are alive, you need to understand what happened to
Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta. His life has had a major impact on yours, even
if you’ve never heard his name. It will continue to impact the lives of
your children and grandchildren. Why? He’s the guy who brought down
the economy of the Soviet Union and, while doing it, lawfully purchased 2,000
metric tones of gold from the Soviet Union’s Central Bank. He’s been
called the $27.5 Trillion Man and it’s an apt title. He got that name
through savvy investing that resulted in the fall of the Iron Curtain and by
putting together money from over 200 banks around the world to pay off the debt
that is currently driving the United States into unnecessary bankruptcy.
Unnecessary? Yes… if that portion of the American government that has
gone rogue hadn’t stolen the funds President Ronald Reagan had the foresight to
have Leo Emil Wanta put aside for the American people, there would be no debt
for you, your children, your grandchildren – and their children for generations
to come – to pay. His life has, indeed, impacted yours though you may never
hear the name Leo Wanta spoken.
Our economy would be humming. Everyone who wanted a job would have
one. Foreclosures – 46 percent of which are fraudulent, according to the
experts – wouldn’t openly practice fraud that kicks so many Americans out of
their homes. The entire world wouldn’t be heading into slavery via the
“New World Order.” You remember the “New World Order” comments first
voiced by George Herbert Walker Bush, don’t you? Many Americans have
figured out that the New World Order of which George H.W. Bush spoke is a
two-class system… an oligarchy destined to end in socialism (which is always
destined to end in communism): An elitist class and a labor class.
It’s not an easy task to write about a covert intelligence operative. The
entire purpose of such a person’s life is secrecy. Finding facts that
support the story can be difficult. I know because I’ve spent years
digging them up, researching them, and either abandoning them or trying to
figure out just where in the story they belong. Here are some things to
keep in mind as you read this book.
This is the man who, by bringing down the Soviet Union Ruble (SUR), caused the
Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall to come tumbling down. This is the man
who generated the largest fortune ever amassed by one person with the intent of
giving almost all of it to his country… to America. Leo Wanta created a
$27.5 trillion fortune and wants to give $23 trillion of it to you… to pay off
the irresponsible debt of the Federal Reserve and numerous corrupt politicians,
debt that was created as a means to tearing down our Republic.
You may hear references to the “Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.” Those
funds represent money Wanta has personally agreed to pay from his own funds –
the $4.5 trillion he earned in commissions for risking his life day-after-day
for so many years in service to his government. He wasn’t paid a
salary. He worked on commission and the $4.5 trillion represents
commissions due him for 30 years of very dangerous work. From that sum,
Wanta has agreed to pay billions of dollars to several European nations… most
notably, $30 billion goes to the Russian Federation. Other nations
involved in the Protocols include $5 billion each to the Governments of Canada,
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico and Spain.
The Protocols
will settle the rocky financial markets so close to failure in Europe and that,
in turn, will go a long ways toward settling the markets of the United States.
The point is, when he served as President Ronald Reagan’s personal intelligence
coordinator, he promised Reagan he would bring down the Soviet Union Ruble –
which he did – and he would save the profits from that endeavor to pay America
out of debt when the overspending crooks in government put the nation into
bankruptcy – that would be now. He is one of the nicest people you will
ever meet… truly a gentleman.
Lee Wanta’s story involves well-known people like Hillary Clinton, Vince
Foster, George Herbert Walker and George W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton,
Barrack Obama, Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, George Soros, Vladimir Putin,
and many other recognizable names. The story is filled with intrigue that
involves the Soviet Union, stinger missiles, Osama Bin Laden – or, Tim Osman as
he was known when he was a CIA agent.
I don’t think I’ve ever talked or written about Lee/Leo Wanta without being
asked if he is for real. So let’s talk some Wanta World history.
The things Leo Wanta has done fall into the realm of the unreal… but he did
them. As his official biographer, I have verified the things you will
read on the following pages to the degree it’s possible to verify things about
a super secret intelligence operative. When I talk about court cases, I
have every court transcript involving every court action involving Leo
Wanta. I know with certainty when I speak of the court cases that the
information is absolutely accurate because my source is court transcripts.
When I write about the secret intelligence operations Leo Wanta was involved
in, I have documents that support what I’m saying. Do I have all of the
documents? No. The things Leo Wanta was involved in were highly
secret operations, but I do have copies of Wanta’s field reports, his letters
to Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney and to Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton,
George W. Bush, and Barrack Obama. I have documents from the Ronald
Reagan Library. I have copies of the answers Leo gave under penalty of
perjury to those questioning him (from various intelligence agencies) while he
sat on the floor of his prison cells, handwriting responses. Lee has a
very distinctive script and I don’t believe anyone could copy it to write the
hundreds of pages involved. And, generally speaking, when I received
those documents he verified on the telephone that he was the one who sent them.
The most logical question any reader might ask me is: How do you know
that the person you talk with on the telephone and those handwritten records
belong to the real Leo Wanta? I have copies of the mortgage papers Leo
Wanta signed when he and his wife purchased their home in Appleton, Wisconsin
in 1977… before he became President Reagan’s personal intelligence coordinator,
before he got involved in Reagan’s Presidential Task Force to take down the
Soviet Union Ruble. I have copies of other documents he signed long
before his status as a secret agent involved the Office of the President of the
United States which placed him at the top of the list maintained by people who
want to destroy our Republic. I have copies of his handwriting from legal
documents signed by Leo Emil Wanta when he was a partner at Aneko Credit Point
Limited in Singapore, as Chief Executive Officer of New Republic in Austria, as
Chief Executive Officer of AmeriTrust in Virginia. I had his handwriting
analyzed by two experts trained by the FBI.
I have pictures of him. How do I know they’re him? Last year, I
sent him a baseball cap with the words “Wanta University” embroidered on
it. He had a picture taken of himself wearing the cap in front of the
Federal Reserve Building. I sent a copy to the woman who was his case
manager when he was in prison in Oklahoma and she verified that it is Lee/Leo
Wanta. How do I know she is who she says she is? I made two trips
to Oklahoma to meet and spend days talking with her. I met her friends
and family. She is who she says she is. I met a second case manager
while in Oklahoma who also made verifications.
My background is that of banking. I was a commercial banker with Denver’s
largest bank, United (now Wells Fargo). I believe only someone schooled
in banking (I hold a graduate degree in that subject from the University of
Colorado School of Business) would be capable of understanding the significance
of what Leo Wanta accomplished and be able to write about it.
Prior to beginning my career as a banker, I was a journalist and while a banker
I wrote numerous articles for national bank publications. After becoming
disabled in 1993 and leaving my banking career behind, I once again began
writing. You can find my editorials at World Net Daily, News With Views,
Canada Free Press, and others online. I also write for print publications
you won’t find online.
I have hesitated to write this book because the material contained in it is so
difficult to believe. As I begin, I’m 75 years old. I have spent a
lifetime working to make sure my reputation was built on truth. I spent
20 years as a banker and another 20 years as a journalist and I do not, at this
late stage, want to write anything that would damage my reputation for truth
and honesty. Seniors will understand what I’m saying… there’s no more
time available to go out and right a mistake you might make. Thus, I have
hesitated to write this book. But it is an important book and the story
of Lee/Leo Emil Wanta needs to be told. Americans need to know that our
nation still breeds patriots worthy of being called hero but who remain in the
hidden shadows of the unrecognizable.
Lee/Leo Emil Wanta is one such hero.
It has taken almost four years of daily conversations with Lee Wanta and
thousands of pages of documents, most from him but thousands I received from
outside sources like courts and lawyers, Wanta’s friends, investigative
reporters and currency experts… and the Reagan Library. It has required
reading some of the most obscene court documents from the State of Wisconsin I
have ever read – and I hope to never see the likes of again.
Lee Wanta and I have never met and probably never will – it wouldn’t be safe
for me and he refuses to endanger me – but I know him.
As I take the first step of writing this very important story, I pray the Lord
will enable me to hold the interest of readers and keep my feet on the path of
truth and facts. Though I have written non-fiction books about banks and
banking (some of which were published by the American Bankers Association and
at least two of which are archived at Oxford and Cambridge University
Libraries), I hope my writing skills are up to the subject matter. You,
the reader, will hand down the verdict on that subject.
This is one of the most important stories ever told and I hope to tell it
well. The life of Leo Emil Wanta is complex and filled with
details. I have made every effort as an author to include only the
details and the complexities required to tell the story thoroughly.
If I put all of the material available in this manuscript, it would take you
four years to digest it – just as it has taken me.
I wish you a pleasant journey into the life and times of Leo Emil Wanta… though
think it doubtful you will find many of the details surrounding his life and
the treatment of this American hero by the government he served anything but
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