The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Vid: Galactic Federation of Light 9/22/12 'Announcing the Next U.S. President'
Posted By: Sacred_Scientist [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 23-Sep-2012 12:42:47
Date: Sunday, 23-Sep-2012 12:42:47
WELL, how about that Galactic whining ! Apparently, even 'Galactics' have traitors, how very HUMAN AND IMPERFECT OF YOU! You, by your admission, can't keep your own internal ducks in a row, and yet you 'know' how best to align ours?
All along I've suspected this 'Galactic' crap was pandering to our hopes, and you just confirmed it. WHERE'S THE "UNENDING LOVE?" I DON'T FEEL IT!
In reality, provably, these are just words on a screen, and the Cabal is easily capably of creating/posting this crap as anyone. Your mildly threatening tirade shows impatience, desperation, anger and that you are losing your 'Galactic' cool. How ADVANCED of you to 'reveal' the next president, a simple 50 - 50 guess. Us lowly humans have figured out, with our primitive instinct, that the non-citizen imposter is not gonna happen again. YOU DON'T ACT OR SOUND ANY MORE 'ADVANCED' THAN US, understandably because you don't exist. This is NSA-CIA-NRO-MI6-MI5-FBI, etc., meddling. Your desperation is tangible, using a 'love' platform to rant. Go back to Langley, Fort Meade and Bletchley Park, etc., and calm down, reconsider the folly of having exited your 'profile,' your 'Galactic' butt crack is now showing ! TYJM frj
Regime change is always a good thing.
The fact that they have made such a huge investment in communicating the lie is another telling sign.
A centralizing power will never come to control this planet.
Earth governs herself, just as I govern myself.
What the PTB fear most is autonomy.
Theirs is both threatened and compromised..
Self sovereignty is a nightmare for them as they lack soul development.
I don't care if they fear and wish to kill me.
Soul must be earned.
Soul can't be conquered or gotten on the cheap...
Deep down the PTB know this and it's killing them.
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