author: V,K. Durham, CEO and Multiple Authors
It challenges the mind as to why those at the top have never been brought to justice who illegally issued two 120 Billion Dollar Prime Bank Collateral instruments which cleared the Federal Reserve and U.S. Dept of the Treasury during the 1991 Bank Frauds/Brady Bonds fiasco?! SEE INSURANCE BENEFITS FRAUDS; Central Bank of the Philippines and CODE OF SILENCE |
WHY ARE THE PROPERTY AND MONEYS STOLEN BY THESE FRAUDS NEVER RETURNED TO THE VICTIMS? TIME TO ASK THE FIVE "W'S" As each and every single individual of the billions of American, European, Asian, African etc Victims of this so called "Act of Terrorism" by an alleged multi billionaire 'boogie man' suffering from terminal prostrate and kidney cancer which John and Jane Doe Public were led to believe was off somewhere hiding in caves..., and while Depleted Uranium from the old Desert Storm was allowed by alleged responsible leaders to be used and showered upon an unsuspecting Public at Large globally as it was allowed to be used in the gasoline and by products used in our autos etc to permeate our very existence, contaminating the very air we breathe. If you have not figured it out by now...you never will. It's all about "Money"...money for big governments "big oil" operation to build star wars systems, guidance systems, space exploration, laser capability, new weapons of war etc., etc., etc., as infra-structures and needs of John and Jane Doe Public go unattended and in serious need of repair. Last evening as the nation sat glued to TV watching the 9/11 events... I sat there wondering just when the TRUTH would be allowed to come out and be exposed as to why all of these lives were sacrificed on 9/11 when it would have been for the Public Good has the Financial Frauds of September 1991 been exposed and the public told the truth. September 11 Commission Report Revised December 2008 - Scribd Revised December 2008 Final Report of the Investigation Into: the Murders of Nicholas Berg, Eugene ... Central Asian Oil: Motive for 9/11? 4.2 Azerbaijan; 4.3 Richard Secord ... August 2011. A group of people associated with Financial West Group, Thousand Oaks California, Aspen Manor Wellsburg, W.Va., representing Lyndon La Rouche, set up an appointment with me (V.K. Durham, CEO Durham (Intl. Ltd;) Holding Trust, Tias 12087 including Officers and Trustees for underwriting of Lyndon La Rouche's alleged "water project". The project sounded good until it was discovered the magnitude of money expended by these individuals to "overthrow" the President of the United States. Ultimately, myself and officers and trustees became "soft target hostages" of this group. As for myself, I was lured under false pretenses to Wellsburg, W.Va., on Jan. 1, 2012... ultimately attempts to force me to eat rotten, out of date foods as these psychopaths and sodomites maneuvered interstate...working with Iowa Attorneys promising 'money' to the children of the Secretary of Durham Trust and Corporation...taking a conservatorship/guardianship on said Secretary with full powers to sign documents formerly signable by said Secretary. Recently, September 5, 2012, notice of my death appeared on Rumor Mill News. The owner of Rumor Mill News currently enjoys association with A group of people associated with Financial West Group, Thousand Oaks California, Aspen Manor Wellsburg, W.Va. representing Lyndon La Rouche. Watch Rayelan's "Puppies at Play" at her new associate's Aspen Manor... If the Department of Justice and FBI do not get off their lazy duffs...soon there will be more fraudulent COUNTERFEIT DEBT INSTRUMENTS...issued on Durham Trust Collateral without Authorization. The old "Operation Mockingbird" will continue...until Civilized Societies are enslaved for lack of TRUTH. How many were involved? In New Mexico named Dee Ferdinand. She says that her father, a guy named Albert Carone, was a high-level agency operative. He was also NYPD. She says that he was also in the Mafia. He's been dead since '90 and every record about him has apparently been sanitized. The family's been denied benefits and had bank accounts stolen even though the daughter has records. She says her father knew Ollie North and George Bush personally. I think it's something you might want to look into." read more at source: READ AND LISTEN TO THE FOLLOWING as this identical operation of Gunther Russbacher begins again as GENE C. VALENTINE'S FINANCIAL WEST GROUP, CAL., and ASPEN MANOR PREPARE AND "DUMMY" THEIR OWN "FINANCIAL SPREAD SHEETS"...USE THSE SPREAD SHEETS TO DEFRAUD THE PEOPLE, THE COURTS AND OUR U.S. Sovereign states BANKING SYSTEMs. Rayelan writes: To really understand where my ex-husband is coming from, when he told me about Faction Two, you need to know a little about him, who he was, where he came from and what he knew. You might also want to see what he looks like. This is part of the only video interview that is in the public domain. The producers of ABC and Geraldo Rivera's canceled TV program, 'Now It Can Be Told' also have taped interviews of Gunther, but they have never released them. Admiral Gunther K. Russbacher was a 30 plus year veteran of the CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence. He was also the co-founder of the print edition of Rumor Mill News. This short video ONLY gives a sneak peek at what the CIA was doing during the S&L scandal. Gunther does NOT differentiate CIA-Faction 1 from CIA-Faction 2. Faction 2 was right in the thick of it...helping Faction 1 loot the S&Ls. The only difference was where the looted money went. Faction 2 stashed it in European Trusts and used it for the next part of their looting plan...the plan to loot the Federal Reserve Banking System...thereby bankrupting it and its owners in the City of London. This was part of their hundred year plan to take down the Illuminati. Below the video... (in a post below) is a long article about the Savings and Loan Scandal. Gunther Russbacher was the source for the information. Video: Gunther Russbacher, CIA. ONI Discusses the S&L Crisis - Our Current Banking Crisis is a Replay of the S&L Scandal but on STEROIDS! and...we will keep on keepin' on being hostages of Big Banking Corporations as they pull off more 9/11's. AS MORE PEOPLE ARE MURDERED, JUST AS MY HUSBAND WAS MURDERED...TO PULL OFF THIS FINANCIAL TERRORISM such as 9/11, see: P U B L I C N O T I C E (Caution Some image links contained in this page lead to images that are of a very graphic nature, and may also contain rear body nudity Yesterday, September 10, 2012 I received the following: My bill defeats your bill. No wonder your agents were pestering me to help them redeem this Gold Note! Page 1. Page 2. Look closely VK! Thirty-day judgment cured on 9/11/01. This individual clearly states: Look closely VK! Thirty-day judgment cured on 9/11. That set of documents were immediately hand delivered to the FBI Office in Wheeling, W.Va. referring to previous article Sunday September 9, 2012 THE CREDITOR; ANOTHER EXPERT ON WHY CANTOR FITZGERALD WAS HIT ON 9/11 author: TOM FLOCCO and V.K. Durham (Widow Herman) As more and more experts challenge the story's being told in regards to 9/11 producing yet more questions as in regards to the five W's posed by every responsible investigative journalist since journalism began, being Who, What, When, Where and Why. BRASSCHECK WRITES: We produced this video back in 2006. It was made from live footage taken the morning of 9/11. What you'll see is that the cover stories ("Osama did it" "Fire melted structural steel") were methodically disseminated by dubious experts and eye witnesses immediately after the attack while everyone else was in shock. Video: - Brasscheck Yet another video raises more serious questions as experts challenge Fed. Govt. and "Mockingbird" media explanation of 9/11 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out will air again Friday, Sept. 14 at 10 pm and again at 11:30 pm at www.cpt12.org/ |
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