A recent attempt has
been made on my life. I am at present safe, in a new location, letting
things cool off as much as possible
the U.S. military preparing for nuclear war?
Over the last couple of months,
there have been numerous references to the military being told to move
inland to avoid coastal flooding. Everyone reporting on this is expecting
an earthquake, a crustal slip, or any number of other odd reasons for why the
military might want to avoid the coasts.
I can give you the real
reason, and this reason used to be in a fair number of the war books that were
once upon a time in our public libraries. But nowadays, this information is
hard to find anywhere, including on the web.Back in the 50's, America and Russia had many nuclear tests. Russia did a majority of theirs in the geographically protected Northern waters, and America did many out in the Pacific. The records of our testing were at one time easily accessible public knowledge. But starting in the late 90's and early 2,000's this information became very hard to get, and in fact, I have checked for it many times so I can reference link it, to no avail. Here is something that has been expunged from the pages of history, and I beg to ask WHY?
During America's testing in the area loosely surrounding the Bikini Atoll, it was discovered by accident that nuclear weapons generate enormous tsunamis. If memory serves, the one that proved it was only a 200 kiloton device, and when it was set off at depth, deep down in the ocean, it triggered a major tsunami that wiped out the neighboring islands and created a mystery tsunami in India and other coastal areas which claimed many lives and went completely unexplained - (The DOD kept it's mouth shut at the time but it did make it into the old books.) And the shocking aspect is that the bomb was not really all that big.
America did ONE such deep ocean test, and that was the end of it.
Russia on the other hand went hog wild with these tests. In the sheltered and enclosed areas of their northern oceans, they worked the nuclear tsunami down to a science. And they openly announced that the most efficient way to destroy with a nuclear weapon was to set it off in the ocean and let the tsunami do the job. Russia was not very quiet about this and as a result, decades ago it was feared that Russia would set off nukes in the Atlantic off the east coast and use tsunamis to destroy the coastal cities. And now we cut to the chase.
It is my belief that the only earthquakes "they" can predict are the ones they set off themselves. There is no great earthquake coming to the Pacific, no giant crustal slippage, no reason for a flooding or great wave. But the internet chatter about coastal flooding has my interest, because WHY would this be said, in conjunction with military movements?
The answer is a little bit obvious. Since Russia perfected this method of attack during their nuclear tests, and Israel has dabbled in this aggressively, and America has it's own little tidbit of experience with regard to this topic, I think that most likely, valuable military assets have been moved away from the coastlines because they are expecting something big, something nuclear. And because the ocean absorbs the blast and conceals the mushroom cloud, such tsunamis can be blamed on something natural. And my two guesses for WHY there might be a nuclear tsunami boil down to two possibilities - fallout from a war on Iran, or Israel's dirty little secret, Nuclear Blackmail.
It is well proven that the USGS is now just a lying scam outfit, with the initial readings from Japan saying it was a high 6 to low 7 event, and the initial readings out of Indonesia pegging it at a 6.3 only to have it magnified a thousand times to a 9 to justify the tsunami, the USGS has proven it cannot be trusted. So don't go thinking they are going to come to you with the truth, the USGS is now nothing but a propaganda megaphone. Expect to hear all about how the ocean attenuates earthquakes so you cant feel them on land (patent B.S.) but a great way to slough off the fact that a nuke produces a giant tsunami from a (relatively) small seismic signature.
If these military movements are in fact happening because they really do expect coastal flooding, consider the fact that the flooding might only be temporary, but it could be severe. The 400 foot wave would be made a reality by Tsar Bomba.
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