Jim Stone, 10/5/12
PermalinkBy now most of us have heard about that Iranian cameraman who defected while Ahmadenijad was in New York. Now, there are obvious fallacies with regard to this even happening at all, which indicate that even the root story is a fabrication. The most obvious fallacy is that anyone would need to arrive with a political body to defect from Iran.
Defections of the type described only happen in countries that deny people passports and the right to leave. But since Iran does not do that, the entire basis for the story is a steaming pile of B.S., that cameraman could have flown to the states any time he wanted. Iran does not restrict people from flying out the way America does, or the way Russia once restricted its people from leaving. And if America said no to his visa, he could have just defected to somewhere else via Iranian Airlines if he really HAD TO get out. That alone flushes the camera man story down even an economy toilet.
So let's cut to the chase and look at this Debka file report.
In this report, it specifically states this cameraman brought out two suitcases full of FILM. It does not say tapes, hard drives, or SD cards, it says FILM, all of it shot by this cameraman who is age 41. So this cameraman got out of college at age 24. He would not have been accepted to high level security positions right out of college, he would have first had to have had career progress to prove himself good enough to run around with the President. That puts him at around age 30. That sets his beginning career date with the president and all things relevant to the Debkafile report at around the year 2001.
Now, obviously Debka file is going off of stereotypes here because after all in 2001 it takes an Arab to run around with a pre VHS video camera that would have used film. For portable video cameras, film totally died somewhere around 1982. Unfortunately for Debka file, Persians are not Arabs so blurry Al Ciada video is not the norm with them.
In even the picture provided by Debka, the cameraman is holding a professional DV camera. Since professional DV only began going straight to flash memory as a norm three years ago, it is fairly safe to assume that camera has a DV tape. DV tapes are very small, but that's something I am going to skip over here. The point is that this cameraman was not shooting film, he was shooting digital video. And in 2001 even I had a DV camcorder, which loaded all the video directly into a PC. Since DV cannot be edited without a PC and it's impossible to output a finished product without a computer, the tapes would have been HISTORY. They would have been uploaded to a PC and that would have been the end of them.
Debka file can't back out of this, because they specifically said that he had TWO SUITCASES PACKED WITH FILM WHEN DV HAS BEEN THE STANDARD NOW FOR 20 YEARS, ALL THE WHILE THEY SHOW HIM HOLDING A DV CAMERA. The story would have been a LOT more believable if Debka had at least said the cameraman left Iran with three terabytes of video on hard drives, or some other thing like he handed the CIA his laptop. Iran is an advanced country, very similar to Spain or Norway, THAT LEVEL, and an awful lot of people know it.
What is even worse is that this camera man was free to come here at ANY TIME. Why attach the story to a political visit? Well, because there are plenty of idiots out there who will get spit balls on their TV screens while viewing it before flicking over to Dancing with the Stars. This story really is a soggy turd, the least bit of logic makes it fade away like desert fog.
What would be the purpose of a report like this when Debka is a known intelligence front? The answer is obvious - to test the waters of idiocy in a safe location to see if people will be stupid enough to take a drink and then jump on the nuclear Iran bandwagon. No word of this on CNN or anywhere else yet, I let this sit for 12 hours or so to see where it went and so far nada, perhaps the MSM has decided they have already lost enough credibility to cause them to avoid a Debka spew.
I was WRONG!!!
because I was wrong, I find the nationwide fuel shortages to be a very
disturbing occurrence because that fuel went SOMEWHERE, possibly into the war
machine . . . . . . .
The Iranian people stood up against
zionist tyranny longer than any other group. Now it looks like they might
receive their final test. May God maintain the peace; though I fear that may
only be a hope.
OUT of the paper markets
If you have invested in silver
certificates and are not holding onto real metal, GET OUT OF THOSE MARKETS
IMMEDIATELY. The scam is about to collapse.
I don't know if it is
this year, or next year, but it is not far off. I have seen a disturbing trend
in the way silver is getting priced. You can see it clearly on the Kitco web
site. Silver is being artifically held below $35 an ounce. The only way to do
this is to print phony paper, which represents silver that does not exist, and
then dump the paper on the market. How over leveraged is silver now?A few days ago the elite dropped enough paper on the market in one minute to represent two years worth of the total silver mined and produced by the United States, and it only dropped the price of silver by FIFTY CENTS an ounce. They keep doing it, they are dumping paper after endless paper silver into the market in almost that same amount daily, and there is almost NO real silver to back it up. I have remained silent on this issue but I have paid attention, and I estimate that the paper market, which is supposed to have real silver to back it up, is in fact leveraged at least 50:1 against real silver. What does this mean?
Well, it means that if you own a pound of paper silver, and that paper market finally gets called on the carpet, the REAL silver that you paid FULL PRICE FOR that the paper claims to represent would weigh about a quarter of an ounce. Enough for MAYBE a big mac meal. Your pound of paper silver, rather than being worth a big screen, is worth a big mac. And if you are in the paper market, you are an absolute fool. I hope you enjoy your Big Mac. And with the way this system is set up, the elite will take whatever silver was in the system and you will eat nothing at all, not even as much as a grain of rice.
Take posession of your physical silver and gold IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL SOON LEAVE YOU IN RUIN. We were able to destroy Libya when Libya decided to introduce a gold backed currency that could have trashed the paper silver and gold markets. Now, China is doing the same. Do you think America will have as much luck with smashing China the way it did Libya, when China has ICBM's and plenty of nukes? Folks, it does not matter if China has a crappy ground army when they can just nuke us. The only answer is to ditch the paper markets before it is too late. And when you do, DO NOT put it in a bank deposit box, because a year ago the banks got the right to just raid the boxes. Sure, they have not done it yet, but during the crunch? Hmmmm. It's all too fishy for me.
series of articles outlining my experience with the Jewish community
I was originally holding
off to write a book about this, but things are simply too hectic for such a
time consuming task, and hopefully, with a new subject covered on a regular
basis I will eventually get to all topics I would put in a book.
Jews have set a goal of destroying the value of every printed library in
Western Civilization
If you ever visited libraries in the
past, back in the 80's, you would know that at even a modest public library you
could find every book you needed to understand all aspects of the sciences.
You would have been able to find accurate history, All the information gained
from the nuclear tests, the truth about EMP's and nuclear tsunamis, all the
great works of all the great writers, all the musical compositions and scores
for all of the great musicians, detailed maps of every square inch of the
earth, all of the local laws and codes, all of the electronic theory, all of
the formulas for organic chemistry, all of the engineering information for the
different types of steel, all the Chiltons manuals for automotive repair, every
last topic about astronomy and astrophysics, folks, it does not take a lot of
books to cover all those topics and far more, I can't think of them all,
everything even a modest public library which, for example, a small city of
10,000 people would have had even 20 years ago. Or should I say 30? because
starting in the mid 80's our libraries went under attack, to annihilate their
value as a reference base for Western Civilization. Their destruction was
I am an inquisitive type
who would actually USE the libraries in the past. And it was never any problem
to get detailed information, I can't even begin to tell you what types of
things I would look for, for example, when developing a new type of bug killer
lamp (it worked great) I was able to find the exact light spectrums of the
various mercury vapor lamps. I could set out to find a fact, and everything I
ever set out to look for would ALWAYS be at ANY library. I know I am unique in
the type of things I would look for and therefore can serve as the library canary,
giving the signal of DOOM. I knew the libraries were turning to garbage, but
could not figure out why. That is, until my experience with the Jewish
community. And now, even in cities with populations of a million plus, I can't
find jack. I can't get a single question answered. Only the most basics of
basic are there, the libraries have been stripped of real value and replaced
with fluff.Fluff like 94,000 feminist books, books about gaydom, alternative religion, new age B.S, 93 trillion ridiculous "self help" books, aisle after aisle of fiction and fantasy and virtually NOTHING of value with regard to what was once the fabric of Western Civilization. Any book with any science at all has the science buried under volumes of convoluted text, obviously intended to confuse. What once could be found within a few minutes now takes hours or days, if it can be found at all, or at least before frustration drives me out the door. Now, information which was once free to the public has been quarantined, for access only to the discrete few willing to pay thousands for that information via college text books, and I have seen enough of those to know that even THEY are now intentionally convoluted and watered down.
was intentional
The Jews made it a huge point - the
value of having your own HARD PRINTED LIBRARY. And even poor Jews have enormous
hard bound libraries in their homes. Jews will spend enormous piles of money on
hard printed works, because they know that hard print cannot be changed via an
online "update" and the only solid record of fact is a printed book.
And while building their own private libraries, they set out to destroy the
public libraries accessible to any non Jews. They got into all the library
staffs, and made the decisions of which books got thrown, and which books got
kept. If you go to any public library, you will discover that somewhere in each
library there will be a Jew making the decisions of what will be in that
library. Go to the dumpster out back, I have done this as part of my investigations
of the Jews following leaving them, and even in little old bakersfield, I
witnessed an enormous number of great books going out through the dumpster,
with absolutely nothing of value replacing them inside the library. When I was
in Vancouver, after leaving the Jewish community, I visited the library there
and found a lot of the old good books still in place, only to discover that key
pages were consistently ripped out of many of the best ones. And it was not
vandals or geeks, because vandals don't care about technical writings and geeks
know what a copier is, and also have a lot of respect for written works. I of
course had the advantage of knowing Jews were doing this to our libraries, and
checked the dumpsters and pulled key works to see what new atrocity had been
committed on a fairly regular basis.
internet has changed
Once upon a time you could go to
Alta Vista, type in any scientific fact you wanted to know, and BOOM, it would
be on your screen. It was like a library on steroids. But after Google that
changed. Google buries all truthfully technical information behind a pay wall,
and even Alta Vista now does as well. So unless you plan to spend hundreds or
thousands buying technical writings in the hopes that one nugget will be there
(chances are it will not) the internet has now been rendered totally useless as
a scientific reference tool. So they FIRST destroyed the libraries, and then
destroyed the web, and if you think Wikipedia is great you have a lot of
learning to do.
the destruction of our information base, the Jews have made an enormous step
towards gaining our rightful future
It's no secret our schools have been
destroyed. It's no secret that our kids are now graduating with honors, while
not being able to think or even knowing the basics. We are about to be made
irrelevant as a civilization. There is still a key pool of 50 plus year old
engineers who got real educations, who are designing CPU's and whatever else
was at the pinnacle of our society. As far as technical advancement, there are
enough of these people from America's great past still in the system to hide
the damage that has been done. They won't be there forever, and when they are
gone we will suffer a collapse more enormous than the world has ever witnessed.
And rising from the ashes of that collapse will be the Jews, with all of our
works carefully preserved within their homes and private libraries, and with
their children carefully educated with OUR advanced knowledge they will rise to
the top. Our civilization, with it's great technical reference base destroyed
and children intentionally sabotaged, will slip into irrelevance.
AGAIN, the Israeli snipers killing American soldiers video has been disabled
the embedded videos don't show you Israeli snipers killing American soldiers,
they have been switched by the video serving web sites. I am working on yet
another fix to this now.
own little holonet
This was posted before being
finished because the sniper videos got messed with, and will be finished soon
because it is an important topic.
If you think your posting
to forums is getting seen all the time, you are wrong. If you think what you do
on the web is AS IT APPEARS, you are wrong. The ability to totally fake an
internet based specifically around you, your accounts, your processor, IP, etc
is fully in place. The end game is to get everyone surfing the web in their own
little Truman show, so that people really are not connecting when they think
they are, and their voice is forever silenced, though for all appearances
online, it looks like all is well.They are in the first phases of this right now. It started in earnest about a year ago as far as I can perceive, with the test runs starting about three years ago. It is time to speak up about this, and get an awareness of it out there because if they manage to pull this off there will be no way to fight it.
The deleted Youtube video scam is one aspect of this, where Youtube claims the video was removed by the user to anyone who hits a site that linked it, all the while whoever runs the site sees it acting perfectly normal on their own screen even though to others it is totally screwed. This is not the same as a locally cached file causing the problem, it is a genuine video switch on Youtube's server that has recorded everyone's IP and will identify the original individual who embedded the video, and serve him the video as he intended, while either showing a deleted video or one that has been switched for anyone with a different IP. This is a serious and sinister development which MUST BE ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY
Alternate internet? How about 1.7 billion alternates, all tracked by an NSA supercomputer that we have All been told gets all of our trafic put through it and recorded already. It's childs play to have a system like that play switcharoo and create for everyone their own little internet universe, and THIS is how they are going to destroy free speech.
The new NSA data center going into Utah, right at the point of the mountain where parasailers drift lazily in the breeze, is the beginning of the end of freedom on the web. It will be equipped with multiple yottabytes of data storage, enough to cache the entire internet well over 100 times, and far more than enough to create a fake little online shell world for every man woman and child on earth. Within your little world, you will be posting to forums, setting up web sites, living your life, and if you are a dissenter, it will not be seen by anyone. You will be posting to and receiving responses from shills and bots, and not even know it. All will be fine as far as you can see, and all will be irrelevant, totally unbeknownst to you.
Even my forum can take a plug in module that remembers a poster's IP and system configuration, and MY SERVER, not even an NSA server, can keep track of an individual, and let their posts be seen by them mixed right in with everyone elses post, yet NO ONE other than the poster can see it. This is happening far more frequently than people realize, and I believe the attacks on my forum are using a system of this type to keep posters in the dark about what they have posted not being visible to anyone, yet being visible to themselves. They would probably wonder why NOTHING they post generates any response from anyone, and heck, there are probably shills at the ready and battles getting fought right on my own forum that I cannot see myself. This is the future we face, it is already here.
article, when done, will contain block diagrams showing you how the system of
deception works, and will give you ways to at least know this is happening to
you even if you cannot stop it. Knowing it is happening is 90 percent of the
battle, NOT KNOWING causes people to flail in futility and make them waste
their lives on NOTHING AT ALL. I refuse to use such software myself, I will
confront people head on and ban them if needed. Letting them waste their lives
in a futile fight with a dishonest machine set against them by a scamming admin
is in my opinion one step short of killing them outright and I will NEVER do
that. I will simply tell them to move along
I really do not know how long it is going to take me to finish those
two reports, those are the type that absolutely EAT time,and I am fighting too
many wars right now. I hope I will be able to finish them soon, but at least
the introductions can serve as a heads up.
again I am not getting the messages people send (the form worked for about a
day and a half, and then went dead)
an explanation to why I get hacked, consider the September 30th post. They hate
that one.
The most important document ever produced by this web site is here: Nuclear
Sabotage at FukushimaTo read the Fukushima report in German, Click here
30, 2012 - Date bolded to let you know I am STILL trying to get the Israeli
snipers killing American soldiers in Iraq video out.
the cheezy Muslim Music dub in, placed for propaganda effect.
This is the gun site video from ONE Israeli sniper code named
"juba" who was responsible for killing over 200 U.S. troops in Iraq.
And what about the other Israeli snipers? America totally decimated the Iraqi
army before a single soldier ever set foot on Iraqi soil. Our soldiers did not
have a whole lot there to fight. So to get American troops to FIGHT and kill
civilians and erase Iraqi society which was the real goal, and to label common
civilians as "insurgents" there HAD TO be a few American deaths
happening. At any rate, here is the video, and THIS TIME IT WILL WORK.Keep in mind that this was originally propaganda against Muslims so it was originally presented as Iraqi gun site video, complete with despicable Muslim music dub ins. Iraqis never had modern weapons, let alone ANYTHING that could actually record an attack. The guns that can (the one pictured) are made in Israel. These guns directly link out and the gun site video is transmitted live to mission control, just like the helicopter gun site videos were. "You want to get paid for the hit? SHOW ME the gun site video"< Here is the original
THAT, Youtube!
Juba is Jew IDF Sniper, shot 400
US Marines inside Greenzone ? from euro944t
on Vimeo.
was linked on the forum by Christo888
remember that the bible does say that the world will go to war against Israel,
but does not say WHY. I believe stuff like this is the WHY. And the bible also
says that Israel gets destroyed for committing great abominations, and that the
Lord replaces Jerusalem afterward with a city that descends from the heavens to
be populated by the very few righteous people remaining. It DOES NOT say they
will be Jewish.
buy the story that Iran is conducting cyber attacks on our banks
wrote the viruses being used to carry out these attacks, and since the banks
are about to crash on their own anyway, it is too convenient an excuse to use
to kick off a war with Iran. So if it is not the nukes, if people don't believe
that, then maybe they will believe Iran attacked our banks and caused a
collapse and therefore we have to go and blow them up.
I will believe in an Iranian bank virus attack when I catch said virus
from a bowl of FRUIT LOOPS!Yes, Yes, BELIEVE US, it was NOT all that phony leveraged paper, all those turbo charged printing presses, or all the digital money created out of thin air. The collapse had nothing to do with the fact that we shipped America's industry to china, destroying the job base. The Federal reserve ponsi scheme had nothing to do with it, and neither did the national debt it created, NO, NOTHING WE DID CAUSED THE PROBLEM.
It was those ARAB, ahem, PERSIAN cyber terrorists and now we just GOT TO go get'em. Trust me, I'm a banker!
The engine control computer in your car was mandated by federal law to
ALWAYS maintain an open channel to the cell phone network in all makes and
models of vehicles sold in America after 2004. Onstar equipped vehicles had it
a lot sooner. The purpose for having this cell connection mandated in all cars
sold during and after 2005 was to make it possible to listen to everything said
in a car. And you can't get rid of it, because the engine control computer is
needed to make the car run. Two way communication would be possible in all of
these cars if you were allowed to use that cell connection for your own
purposes. But it is not there for you. This is something I have known about for years, and I have advised my friends into the best possible (now older) cars that do not have this feature.
And there is a far more sinister side to this. It is possible to use that cell connection to reprogram the engine computer in any of these cars, and there is no safeguard in place to prevent cars from being reprogrammed to accept remote driving commands. It is being hypothesized now that it has become an assassination weapon, where air bags are set off to disorient or knock out the driver (and subsequently eliminate their protective ability), disable the brakes and steering, and floor the accelerator until the car crashes. A majority of cars nowadays are at least partially drive by wire, there is no mechanical linkage for many of the driving commands.
Read about it here: Was Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever Killed by Boston Brakes?
I hate to keep harping the same topics, that gets boring after a while, but the Israeli sniper video keeps getting messed with. People are writing me telling me that neither the video nor the links work. So that means it is important, and it IS. This sniper video is ALL you need to know about false flag conspiracy. If you get a look at this, the rest is a given. SO, without further chatter, I present once again,
If you have tried to view this in the past and were not able to, for
what it's worth, it should be below, and HAVE A STAR OF DAVID TATTO SHOWING AS
THE FIRST FRAME. Here is a direct link And if that is disabled as well, hit youtube with the search terms "Mossad snipers Iraq" and it will be the first video. A cute development. Now when you type those sniper search terms, the FIRST video is a silly donate to Israel and have sympathy vid! That was quick, they watch this site like a hawk.
FIND A WAY TO WATCH THIS, IT IS VITAL INFORMATION. This is the most important single video ever released because it clearly shows that NOTHING you hear about insurgent attacks in the news should be believed, most likely it's just Israel playing killing games to either start or intensify conflicts.
One sinister side to the censorship is it all looks normal and works from this IP, but Youtube knows who posted it and makes it all look as it should to the posting IP, while everyone else sees something that is either wrong or not functioning.
This got deleted off the front page yesterday
in Hacks are now a daily fact of life here, they are greatly escalated
over past levels. This is what got deleted
no funeral for the ambassador? Perhaps one never died.
Forum member DeeZe makes another great post As it turns out, there really never was a "consulate" in Bengasi. It was a CIA base of operations that got attacked. And why no funeral for the ambassador?
"As a side note, odd as it is, has anyone here seen anything about a state funeral for “hero” Chris Stevens? A recent Google search turned up nothing that I could find. Felicity also noticed that odd fact. The two former Navy Seals had funerals and announcements of such, but what about the ambassador and the guy who was supposedly killed along with him?"
that fourm post which goes into detail Here
If they come out with a funeral story now, it's too late. They have
already been nailed. Evidently the media outlets were so caught up in being
called on their lies that they fogot to encorporate important parts of the
story. _______________________________________________________
following has been bumped right back to the top of the page, because youtube
messed with it. I am going to set a site policy where when Youtube switches
videos they hate, I am just going to keep them prominently posted until Youtube
changes their behavior. A description of Youtube's information warfare tactics
is now part of this post.
of the most important videos ever made, and it is only 4 minutes long.
NOTE: Youtube is playing information warfare games. ALL EMBEDDED
VIDEOS ON THIS SITE ARE LINKED CORRECTLY. Youtube has now implemented a new
tactic. Rather than saying the user removed the video when the video is really
still there, they are faking "errors" into web sites, and switching
the videos to something other than what was intended to be embedded. When you
look at it from the IP it was embedded from, it looks normal. But when hit from
another IP, you get the switched video and it is switched to things that look
absolutely stupid. So if the videos are not as described, always click the
DIRECT LINK, and for now, those links are allowed to still hit the real video.
I might be forced to just start hosting them here, they are getting serious
with their bullshit. THIS IS A MAJOR ARTICLE ALL BY ITSELF. You can confirm
this by viewing the page source, to see that the embedded video that has been
switched to something else really has been linked with the correct web address,
which matches the direct link but takes you somewhere else. And when you see
the following video, you will understand why they don't want this info getting
out. This video was posted to the forum by DeeZe on Sep 25 2012.
This video proves beyond all doubt that a majority of American deaths in Iraq were caused by Israeli snipers shooting American troops to piss them off and make them kill Iraqis in a rampage. This is horrible damning footage that could force an end to Israeli aggression as we have known it. Fat chance justice will be served, but when you see this you will KNOW who the terrorists are.
Send this to your congressman if that congressman is not Jewish. Archive this video immediately, it WILL BE BANNED QUICKLY. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN MESSED WITH HERE. POST AND REPOST, ONE VIDEO LIKE THIS WILL STOP WORLD WAR 3 IN ITS TRACKS. IF THIS GETS BANNED I WILL HOST IT HERE. It is already age restricted, a defacto ban.
Here is what is written below the video
Israeli Snipers Killing
US Troops In Iraq
Source: Joanna Francis and CNN
Anderson Cooper of CNN showed this video of snipers killing U.S. troops in Iraq on his October 18, 2006 show. CNN says it obtained the video from a "representative" of an unnamed "insurgent leader." Bear in mind that Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA.
Richard Wilson's hypothesis: Israeli soldiers and/or Mossad agents are killing our soldiers in Iraq in order to enrage American troops so that the slaughter continues.
Proof: At the very beginning of this video clip, you see a rifle with a video camera attached to it. This weapon is made by the Rafael company, an Israeli arms manufacturer, that also makes IEDs. If you watch the video all the way through, it explains how this rifle works. CNN stated that the camera used to film these shootings was not a mounted rifle camera. But as you watch the video, you see that with each shot fired, the camera recoils. That would only happen if it were mounted on the rifle. Why is this significant? Because this kind of rifle-camera is extremely sophisticated and not available to your average Iraqi insurgent. I mean, it's not exactly an easily obtainable Saturday night special! Something this sophisticated points to Mossad.
Mossad is a master at false flag operations, e.g., Oklahoma City, the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, the July 7, 2005 London bombings, the 9-11 attacks in New York, the assassination of the Prime Minister in Beirut, the stoking of Muslim riots in France last year, the bombing of the Hassan al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, etc.
Israelis freely move among US and UK troops in Iraq, and have access to top-level US intelligence. Until July 2003, the head of all US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan was General Tommy Franks, a Zionist Jew. (He is now on the board of directors for Bank of America.) On November 7, 2006 another Zionist Jew became a principle liaison between Mossad and US forces in Iraq: Major General Richard F. Natonski of the Marine Corps. His title is Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations.
Because of this access, the "insurgents" (i.e., Mossad agents) know exactly where US vehicles will be and who will be inside them. This allows them to target for maximum false flag effect.
For example, on July 23, 2005, a detachment of 19 female US Marines was sent to Fallujah to check Iraqi women for bombs. An IED blew up their truck. Two of the young American women were killed, five were critically wounded, and four were captured. The bodies of the four captured women turned up later in a garbage dump with their throats cut. Americans were outraged. Islamic clerics insisted that only Israelis could be so cold-blooded. And who was in charge of US forces in Fallujah at the time? None other than Major General Natonski, the Mossad liaison.
Americans are supposed to believe that rag-tag "insurgents" use IEDs powerful enough to kill three US troops per day, on average. An American soldier even set up a blog on how "Intel" is betraying and targeting US troops. But sometimes Mossad bomb-makers accidentally blow themselves upin Iraq.
According to Richard Wilson, Israeli sniping and IEDs are false flag operations. He says that on March 28, 2005, Americans arrested 19 Mossad agents who fired twice on a US Marine checkpoint. The Marines beat up the Mossad agents and tore off their Star-of-David necklaces. (The US media incorrectly said the agents were Americans.) The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which helps the CIA conduct interrogations, and also manages US ammo dumps and US motor pools in Iraq.
IEDs in Iraq are powerful enough to flip over a 70-ton tank. Some of the models shoot depleted-uranium projectiles, and are triggered by electronic devices surreptitiously planted on US armored vehicles. Zapata Engineering (which employs Mossad agents) makes this exact kind of trigger, and oversees some of the US motor pools.
Rumsfeld says the IEDs come from Iran, but Richard says they come from Mossad, and are not "improvised" at all. The Israeli company, Rafael (see above), makes IEDS, which are buried in the middle of a road. Beside the road is a device which emits a laser or radio signal. This device is manufactured by firms like Zapata Engineering, which is controlled by Zionist Jews. The IED mine, manufactured by Israel, is inert until a US vehicle (secretly planted with a triggering device) rolls over it.
Whenever Mossad carries out these false-flag operations they produce a videotape or a recording from an "unnamed source" that is "close to al-Qaeda." Sometimes they say "the claim was posted on an Internet website, but its authenticity could not be verified."
But Israelis would never kill anyone in cold blood, would they? After all, the USS Liberty massacre was "an accident!"
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