and Departures
Jonathan Evans
March 31st, 2013
By Michael Shrimpton
—This has been a week of personnel change. The DVD asset Boris Berezovsky very sensibly decided to commit suicide (no offense intended), MI5 Chief Sir Jonathan Evans has announced he’s stepping down and David Miliband is quitting Britain.
Berezovsky had been having a go at President Putin for years, on behalf of the Germans. He made most of his money from Medium Term Note trading, using assets he bought at an undervalue. He certainly didn’t make it from dividends on his Aeroflot shares.
As I shall be explaining in Spyhunter (now due out in the summer) the Germans control MTN trading, from Frankfurt. You don’t get to play in a big way unless a ‘Kraut’ OK’s it. Sorry – I should have referred to our “community partners the Krauts.” Boris was anxious not to be deported to Russia (that’s Boris Berezovsky, not Boris Johnson), so set up a fake assassination attempt on his friend Lt-Col. Litvinenko. As the inquest will not be told, he caused his own death, through peritonitis, by agreeing to swallow Polonium and its antidote, Prussian Blue. No doubt his death was on Berezovsky’s conscience.
Thames Valley Police – Britain’s answer to Police Squad – naturally thought that Berezovsky has been murdered. They have wasted a lot of public money searching for non-existent radiological or biological agents. Of course they haven’t found any – it was just a silly conspiracy theory. His death was suicide. He will not be missed.
MI5’s New Boss
Sir Jonathan Evans’s departure from MI5 wasn’t a surprise either. As Gordon knows he presided last year over the biggest security failure in Britain since World War II. The DVD were able to smuggle two nuclear devices into the UK right was picked up going across the channel by satellite not long before the improvised nuclear device that the Operation Vulcan team learnt about. In fairness my distinguished Veterans Today commentator Ben Fulford was onto it before I was. It was partly his reporting that led me to conclude that there was a serious possibility that a device had been positioned in London, close to the Olympics site.
Its presence in the UK was verified by a US satellite, which picked up its radiation signature when it was being exfiltrated. I now gather that a Russian bird may have picked it up as well. Since the device appears to have been one of the four stolen by the DVD from the submarine Kursk the GRU boys were paying it a lot of attention.
As the Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt MP confirmed in November nuclear monitoring of the Olympics site was stepped up, after a threat was confirmed. I understand it was stepped up after the presence of the Vulcan weapon was verified. The increased monitoring seems to have picked up a second signature. If that Belgian King Air was doing radiation recon flights over the Olympics site it’s no surprise that she was sabotaged. A signature consistent with a second device was picked up going across the channel by satellite not long before the games.
It’s not clear whether it went out by agreement – sometimes people prefer to pretend there was never a nuclear device there in the first place. Again I pay frank tribute to my colleague Ben Fulford. He was aware of the second device, but I needed some convincing. That was because I was aware that a NRO bird had verified that the first nuke had been pulled. I thought it incredible that there could be a back-up device, but it looks like there was. The first rule of intelligence work is not to dismiss intelligence just because it sounds incredible. Of course if you keep getting arrested every time you spot a nuke, you become less willing to call them in!!
These intelligence fiascos happened on Evans’s watch. He had to go. Memo to Thames Valley Police – next time that I tell them I want the MI5 duty officer alerted to my arrest, don’t patronize me. Make the call.
The new D-G of MI5 will be Andrew Parker. I gather he’s a nice chap and a keen ornithologist. There are those within INTELCOM who are saying that this is a rare case of a birdbrain being replaced by a birdwatcher, but I couldn’t possibly comment.
David Miliband’s departure, for New York, was almost as inevitable. He too will not be missed. This was a man with a brain who not only thought that Britain should remain in the EU but that we should join their euro. He had no excuse.
The next big departure on this side of the pond will be Cameron’s, possibly as early as June. Someone e-mailed me over the Easter weekend and thought that Ken Clarke might be his successor – no chance! The man’s a raving moderate.
Happy Easter everyone.
Michael Shrimpton
March 31st 2013
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